Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Farwell Sweet Julexis .....

William DeVry and Nancy Lee Grahn

I knew you well. 

Who's in? Who's out? How many times does Julian need to be in and then out and then back in the mob? 

A LOT it appears. 

I would like to first address the JULIAN issue. Yes, he's a mobbie. Yes, he's bad...but you know what? When he first came to Port Charles he stepped in front of a bullet meant for Duke. Before he died he made Duke promise to get his Dad out of the mob.

Well, actually?  He didn't die, not really and then some song and dance was made up-- and that little fact was never brought up by anyone. 
Not only that, we were all told that it was Julian's fault Anna lost her baby. Nope. That was his sister. Olivia. Probably couldn't use that fact because someone else is on the show named Olivia, and you know--we're stupid. 

So, here we are. Julexis was/is a wildly popular couple. We sat through redux upon redux of his in/outs of the mobs. FINALLY looked like he was done. He was going to do his regular businesses, including Crimson. He has a son getting married, Molly and Krissy to deal with. Oh, and his own new son, Leo! Little jelly between Olivia and Alexis. With Ned "back" (ha! And I use that term loosely). He kinda spared a bit with Nina too.  The "mob" can always rear it's ugly head when Ava needs a little help. Krissy gets too close to Sonny's "coffee" biz. The Lake House could be central.
 Ok, stop laughing.

I know! 
Given the fact that Ava is a known baddie, has already killed someone and is a fantabulous mob moll why the HELL didn't they give this story to her? Have HER take care of Carlos for Jules' sake? Why completely make him a stabby stabber ?? Why have him just lie to Alexis' face? Julian was never written as having a huge appetite for the mob. I have no idea why Ava is made to run around town, crying about finding a dead bird in her bed. She should have taken names and kicked ass. She and Sonny are the rivals. It sets up perfectly. They both suck as parents, so Avery gets a coin toss. 
Come to think of it, I don't even remember the last time Ava was on. Figures. 

I really would have liked to have Julexis as an 'anchor' couple and just be the Bo and Nora (and don't get on my case that Julian is 'no Bo' I get that). She does her lawyer stuff, he does his business stuff and they meet up for wine in the evenings. We just can't have nice things. Nope. 

Speaking of nice things...Carlos is ANOTHER popular character. He's already come back to life once so hopefully they aren't going to pull that crap again and he's dead dead. HOWEVER, why not let him go on the run? We'd always be wondering if he'll pop up again. Sabrina will come back and Carlos could always sneak in for some sex and leave. Heh. Drive Michael nutty. God knows that couple needs some edge. But no... he's stabbed with Helena's dagger and supposedly as dead as you get on this show. 

And BY THE WAY..a dead body in the WATER FLOATS. I'm so sick of GH using the pier as a dumping ground. If you're going to kill people off, do it right? Ok? 

So Good Night Julexis. No, I'm not starting a giant campaign to get them 'back' together. Alexis is too smart for that now.  They made Julian a liar right to her face. If he had maybe told the truth? Ah, we'll never know. *sigh* Why?


  1. Julian has been in and out of the mob more than Alexis' vagina

  2. Yeah it SUCKS!!!! I love Julexis!!!!! :'( Dammit!!!!! :(

    "Speaking of nice things...Carlos is ANOTHER popular character. He's already come back to life once so hopefully they aren't going to pull that crap again and he's dead dead. HOWEVER, why not let him go on the run? We'd always be wondering if he'll pop up again."

    Oh that sounds great to me!!!! Damn writers! :( Thanks for the picture of Caaaaaaaaaarlos Karen! :)

    "Sabrina will come back and Carlos could always sneak in for some sex and leave. Heh. Drive Michael nutty. God knows that couple needs some edge. But no..."

    ROFL! That sounds good to me too! :)

    "he's stabbed with Helena's dagger and supposedly as dead as you get on this show."

    But but to quote Panda, the water has magical rejuvenating properties! :)

  3. ahhahaha. naughty but hilaaaaaarious

  4. "j.l.o.theoriginal said...Julian has been in and out of the mob more than Alexis' vagina"


  5. Sonny has always said you can't get out of the mob life, but Julian seemed to do it with ease, several times. Whatever.

    The show is back to focusing on the Sonny/Carly/Jason/Sam quad that got it into ratings trouble before. Those four are the least interesting characters for me, especially Jason and Sam. Sam just disappears whenever she's with Jason. She was much more interesting when she was first on the show and was a con artist/grifter like her dad.

    And what was up with Carly's monologue on, I think it was, Tuesday's show about how Alexis couldn't have Sonny, so she settled for lesser mob boss Julian? She went on and on about it. Yes, every woman's dream is to be with a mob boss. **eye roll** Carly then pleaded with Sonny not to go after Carlos. You can't eat your cake and have it, too, Carly.

    The show is a mess.

  6. Why did they have to ruin Julian and Alexis... :(

    I juste Looooooove Julian! Yes he was in the mob, got out, got in again... but I always felt that he was genuinely in love with Alexis and that he was sincere and a loving and caring father for his children...

    Well, now they want us to hate him... and they are gonna break up his marriage... :( So sad...

    Sonny never wanted to get out of the mob...and yet we are supposed to care more about him and his family?!?

    Oh well... I guess i'm gonna have to deal with it...

    (By the way, I don't watch GH anymore...i just read the daily recaps and this blog... and when i'm at home I sometimes Watch live...but with these storylines i'm not that enthousiast to Watch...)

  7. Julian was trying to be a stand up guy for his kid's, what happened to that? Poor little Leo! Couldn't they have waited a little more before he sent back to the mob? Let a little happiness
    into the show and less mob? It's just like you said Karen, "rinse and repeat."

  8. Julexis fans meet Liason fans...oops never mind, that'll be setting up for scorched earth scenario. (I know cuz I'm a Liason shipper that hates this show right. I.e. Lol)


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...