Friday, May 27, 2016

Build Your Own Blog!

I have to work late's a your blog day! 

Will Lucas need the plug pulled? I hope not, it would be so foolish-he's hardly ever on anyway, why not let he and Brad live happily ever after? Plus, poor Bobbie had to pull it on BJ..don't do it again. 

Nikolas? Did he do that to himself to set up Hayden? If he did, how stupid can you be? Hurling yourself out the window? He had no idea Jason was coming-- and we know Jason didn't do it. It was too weird/obvious. One would think if one fell that far, well--splat. I guess that newbie "recast" will be laying in a hospital bed. 

Claudette? Bigger actress coming--meaning this snoozer of a story won't be over anytime soon. :eyeroll: Great. Another story shoved into the already crowded canvas. 

SO! Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Wub Hub has today off. Can you believe it? I'd have him tweet and blog but--well. You know. LOL 


  1. Nurses ball:

    Anna and Paul:

    Anna: So the charges against me are officially dropped.

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Now you two can have celebratory sex!!! :) Yes? No?

    Anna: There is nothing between us.

    Oh crap! :(

    Anna and Robin: Anna has become the daughter and Robin has become the mother. Geez Anna! Listen to Robin she is so right!!!!!

    Anna and Ghost Duke: I know they are dancing the tango/talking for goodbye, but it's hurtful! :(

    Ghost Duke: I can't come back you know that.

    Well maybe in 3 or 4 years!

    Jordan and Sabrina: Come on Jordan!!!! Don't arrest her for having sex with Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! Well, at least now now! She needs to see her son!!! And also so I can learn what his name is! :)Ohhh so Sabrina DID try to go see her son but Tracy wasn't there!! Where was she?!

    Paul and Ava: Same threats different day. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Curtis and RayRay: Oh Curtis is smart!!! He knows if he leaves her she will sneak off to Wyndemere!!! :)

    Carson home: Oh Sonny is all turned on from Carly telling him what she did to Ava! :) Oh sex time! Oh wait she can't! She needs to take a bath to take the stench from Ava off of her! :)

    Q home: Tracy has fallen in love with little Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo! :) Oh so THAT is why Sabrina couldn't find her and her son! Tracy went shopping for little Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaardo! Awwww. :) Oh look! A picture of Lila and Edward! Double awwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Dillon: Why are you doing this? I thought you and Sabrina were friends?

    Tracy: I thought so too.

    Wait WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! :( Oh there is Sabrina!!! :) TRACY NO! Sabrina is that boy's mother you can't do that!


    Paint and Wall: Wow no urgency there Wall? Oh NOW when he is out there there is urgency. Wait what? Nik is missing?!!?! :(

    RayRay and Curtis: Curtis wins the line of the day!

    Curtis: Are those tears real?

    ROFL! You go ahead and keep speaking the truth Curtis!!! :) So basically,

    RayRay: Oh my husband is hurt and missing! BOO HOO BOO HOO BOO HOO! Hmmm where are my diamonds?

    Flashback Friday: The nurses ball in June of 1997.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    Part 4:

  2. sonya said...Now you two can have celebratory sex!!! :)

    You really do want a dunking, don't you.? Grrrrrrr Anna does not want to get involved with that sleazy man. *sends Curtis to rescue her.*

    Anna and Duke: I sniffled as soon as the music started playing. I knew what was coming.

  3. "Di said...You really do want a dunking, don't you.? Grrrrrrr"

    ROFL! Well like she said there is nothing between them! :)

    "Anna does not want to get involved with that sleazy man. *sends Curtis to rescue her.*"

    Curtis? :) As long as he has his shirt off while rescuing her. :)

    "Anna and Duke: I sniffled as soon as the music started playing. I knew what was coming."

    :'( Hurtful! :(

  4. sorry....Didn't mean Curtis, meant Dr. Maddox. (I think I have shirtless Curtis on the brain today too. lol )

    Dr. M. makes her smile.

  5. "Di said... sorry....Didn't mean Curtis, meant Dr. Maddox. Dr. M. makes her smile."

    DR. MADDOX?!!?! Now it's MY turn to ask you! To quote you, You really do want a dunking, don't you.? Grrrrrrr

    "(I think I have shirtless Curtis on the brain today too. lol )"

    Oh I don't blame you!!! :)

  6. Seriously? How can you compare smarmy Paul to handsome charming Dr. Maddox and have Paul come out on top. Your taste is all in your mouth sonya. lol

    And you could never dunk me!! bahahahahahaha!

  7. WAIT...Lucas wasn't ON?????? LUCAS WASN"T ON??????

    1. I know right! I kept expecting it but after 20 minutes figured he wasn't airing today, so stupid. How are we supposed to be invested in a story when they leave us hanging like this??

  8. "Di said...Seriously? How can you compare smarmy Paul to handsome charming Dr. Maddox and have Paul come out on top."

    Oh the writers can do it if they really want to. :) I mean they were doing it, but then lost it.

    "Your taste is all in your mouth sonya. lol"

    ROFL! No comment! :)

    "And you could never dunk me!! bahahahahahaha!"


    "kdmask said...WAIT...Lucas wasn't ON?????? LUCAS WASN"T ON??????"

    NO! :(


Uncut Filler

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