Thursday, June 12, 2014

You're Seeing Someone?

After 20 years?
You are?

Geeeeeeeeeeesh.  And then they gabbed for like 20 minutes. And why the hell wouldn't STUPID Silas just pay for a MetroCourt ROOM for her?  Guess he's got either guilt or some lingering feelings goign? 

PUT a damn shirt on Levi. Thanks, cause NO ONE needs to see that.  Maxie admits she hasn't seen Patrick yet.  And LEVI is a dolt.. Maxie acts like she can't even stand him!!  There is ZERO chemistry. UGH. 

Ric-- well, you know he's not really-- and HOW CRUEL to Molly!!?? GOD! I get the whole "Sting' operation but..dead? Um. Ok Then. 
I can't believe he went along with it.  Officer SexyPants is on leave. 

You think Rafe didn't seem guilty enough? LMAO geesh

Sabrina, er...the cray is coming. Or is here.  


  1. Something to be thankful for, Sabrina's psychotic break only lasted one episode and Ric went from dead to alive in 45 minutes. Unlike Rafe ran the car off the road and even worse, the Puke story which has dragged on forever.

    It makes me wonder again if the reason we don't know the identity of Puke is that the writers haven't decided who it is yet.

  2. The Ric thing was done so weirdly. Why not just put him in some 'Maximum Security' prison (witness protection)? why kill him? Even pretend kill him?
    Oh's going to mess Molly up

  3. The Ric thing was done so weirdly. Why not just put him in some 'Maximum Security' prison (witness protection)? why kill him? Even pretend kill him?
    Oh's going to mess Molly up

  4. Police station: Geez Anna! You used to be a very smart person and a very good actress! Now you are dumb and a bad actress. What has happened to you?!

    Molly: Dad please. Daddy why?!!?!

    She made me cry!!! :'( Molly and Liz BETTER be in on this, or going to be told soon!!!

    Morgue: Hi Ric!!! :) Now tell Molly and Liz!!!

    McSilas's home: Poor Nina.:( Hmmm is she going to go crazy and get her revenge on Sam?! Nina seems like she likes McSilas being stern and powerful. Nina is wheeling back and forth. :) Nina wins the line of the day!

    Nina: She must be like as if? What? Nobody says as if anymore? Oh I'm stuck in the 90's!


    Sam and Rafe: Oh come on! Rafe did this! He ran the car off the road! Or he knows who did it! But I bet he did it! I mean geez. The look on his face! And he is very upset. Sam even notices. Can he BE looking anymore guilty?!

    Felix and Sabrina's home: Poor Sabrina!!!! :( Where the hell is Felix?!!?! Why didn't Felix go with Patrick? Yesterday when Patrick was about to open the door, I had a quick thought that maybe she is wearing a wedding dress. Wow I was right! Oh oh Sabrina with the hyperventilating cry! Someone give the poor woman a paper bag to breath in!

    Levi and Maxie: Oh Levi!!! Get a tan, cut your hair, and show us who you REALLY are!!!! The fake you is annoying! If you start stealing Felicia's astec jewelry, then I will start liking you. But until then, Maxie dump him!!!! I am so glad you got your mind of your own back Maxie! :)

  5. lol I guess I'm not the only one who gagged at the site of shirtless Levi.

    I think even in a maximum security prison Rick wouldn't be safe. that place would be full of killers for hire. lol Faking his death and putting him somewhere in witness protection would be the best bet. It was terrible for poor Molly though.

  6. Yesterday, Det. Hottie McShirtless told Ric to go for his gun, right? Am I the only one who saw this?

  7. No AntJoan, I saw that too...both furtively looking down at the gun. Bet it had some tranquilizer bullets in it or something so everyone around would believe Ric was dead. Molly was AMAZING today. That girl is shaping up into a fine actress. Hope they don't get rid of her like the did Lexi's Kristina.

    And when Sam was talking to Rafe about the accident, am I the only one who noticed he heard tires squealing in his head? He's not just "acting guilty" but he clearly had a memory of doing it.

    I LOL'd when Silas was talking about Nate's apartment and how it's crowded because there are two other roommates....while his place also has two other people (Rafe and Kiki) living in it. Just get her her own house. Or let her move in with Nate and have Levi work his new age healing skills on her.

    Can we get an Olivia/Duke pairing now?

    I thought today was a super good episode.

  8. I guess they shot Ric, because Molly needs a reason to take drugs with Rafe.

    Someone should have shot Levi instead of Ric. Maxie doesn't even like him. It is time to abandon this storyline.

  9. If they don't put him in a safe house I am curious to see where they will "hide" Rick since almost everyone lives at the Metrocourt. I guess they could stash him at Liz's as people came and went from there without realizing Dr. O was there. Or they could put him at the Q Mansion since the place is empty. Or perhaps fly him to Sonny's Island but it would be awkward when Sonny buys his own brother a dress. As a nod to the history of the show they should put him in the secret room in the apartment across from what is now Sam's. It use to be Sonny's but before that it was Sean Donnelly's and it had a secret room.

    Carey - the tire sound does not mean he remembers doing it, it means he remembers being present for it. Someone else could have done it and he just witnessed it.

    Also, I am all for an Olivia and Duke pairing. I love Anna but find Duke very dull. As Lulu drives me bonkers I'd have Anna hook up with Dante...would create all kinds of drama. Or have a hot fling with Coleman or Milo. There is also no denying the chemistry between Anna and Patrick but I don't think I can support going there. Hell, maybe Anna could just be single...there are many single, happy and successful people in the real world but on soaps we always think everyone has to be paired up. In my ideal world Robert would return.

  10. I think Molly finds out, but not Liz.

  11. "CareyN says am I the only one who noticed he heard tires squealing in his head? He's not just "acting guilty" but he clearly had a memory of doing it."

    Oh was that what it was? I wasn't sure what it was. I was just hoping there would be a flashback, but there wasn't. :(

    "Friscogh said...Or perhaps fly him to Sonny's Island but it would be awkward when Sonny buys his own brother a dress."



  12. "Friscogh said...Or perhaps fly him to Sonny's Island but it would be awkward when Sonny buys his own brother a dress."

    ROFL! thanks a lot. I'm still picturing him in drag.

    CareyN said.... Molly was AMAZING today. That girl is shaping up into a fine actress. Hope they don't get rid of her like the did Lexi's Kristina.

    I agree. Daytime Emmy footage for her lately, for sure.

    And my biggest fear is that they'll decide she's not "booby" enough and trade her in for some sexpot who can't act.

    I hope they tell her about Rick, and I don't want her doing drugs, thank you.

    I also hope Levi is gone soon. It would be definite karma if Nathan arrested him for trying to steal those Aztec jewels. :D

  13. Here's some more news about the Daytime Emmy Awards.

  14. I felt so bad for Sabrina. When my son died in 2010 (he was 41 y.o.) but still, the urge to go to a happy place was soooo strong. I'm glad she bounced back to reality with Patrick's help.

  15. "Sharon Hemmerly said...I felt so bad for Sabrina. When my son died in 2010 (he was 41 y.o.) but still, the urge to go to a happy place was soooo strong. I'm glad she bounced back to reality with Patrick's help."

    Oh Sharon I am so very sorry. :(

  16. Thanks Sonya. It does get better with time.

  17. "Sharon Hemmerly said...Thanks Sonya. It does get better with time."

    You're welcome hon. *BEARHUGS*


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