Monday, June 23, 2014

So--Is Robin Back?


Kim McCollough took to twitter to post this pick of her yellow nail thumbing thru a soap script.

ERGO...I do believe she'll be ushering in NuJason (which I'm assuming is Billy Miller). She's not going to stay--we know that. I hope she cuts Patrick REALLY LOOSE this time!

By the way, will you deal with a NuJason? Yes or Naw? 


  1. Some characters can't be recast or if they are it has to be brilliant (ala Walker Todd - I need that storyline on dvd if anyone has leads).

    Jason is one of those characters and GH isn't brilliant.

  2. The character of Jason isn't needed at all. It was Steve that mattered to fans, so if it isn't Steve, they might as well not bother.

    I never cared for Jason one way or the other, but hated the way this hit man/killer was portrayed as some sort of super hero. So noble, so protective of ladies, so strong-jawed-- as he went in guns blazing in both hands! Hated it.

    Steve was more interesting as Jason Morgan, but when he turned criminal, I again lost all interest.
    Have not missed him in the least.

    I really don't think this is a character who can be recast and why bother anyway--we have way too many characters on the show now. He is one we could easily do without...As long as Burton stays with Y&R. And even then.

  3. There are rumors that Steve Burton might be back as Jason as his character may be killed off on Y&R. Would not surprise me if he came back even for a short stint on GH.

  4. There are rumors that Steve Burton might be back as Jason as his character may be killed off on Y&R. Would not surprise me if he came back even for a short stint on GH.

  5. Haven't taken a bus in years, but in the town I grew up in, when the bus was too full, it would just pass folks waiting to get on 'cause there was not more room. This is how GH should be operating now. The bus is too full, even for characters of old. (And won't they be glad they didn't get on when it FINALLY goes over that cliff.)
    Don't care if Robin comes back. Don't care if Jason comes back. The story is already so bloated with the whacky noo noo Nina set to wreck revenge on everyone who ever even said hello to Silas. Nina is chewing up the scenery, with her little wise cracking nurse at her side. Who cares about Now-you-see-her-now-you-don't Robin or Stonecold any more????

  6. i should
    My feelings exactly

  7. Steve Burton just recently signed a new contract with Y&R and he's working with with his bff Jill FP, he's not going anywhere.


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