Friday, June 13, 2014

Double Scotch

Yep. Duke gets one from Sonny! Must be a Friday!!  Sonny told Duke that Ava killed Connie. 

Dr. O is back and mentions David Hasselfhoff. Liz is THISCLOSE to being fired.  Who's gonna feed Cam and Aiden Liz?? THINK! 
And Dr. O had a point there, you just can't leave her post. And, LIZ is fired.  
hee hee 

Alexis and Molly were good and sad. Alexis is going to so regret all of this!!  "Mommy I wanna see Dad"...awwwww
They go to the morgue-- and Anna says Ric got shot in the face and then  MOLLY RUNS into the room!!  Ric's hiding. Anna says he's in another room. Alexis tells her that his face was basically blown off and she can't see him! She sobs!! Daddy! I'm so sorry. He's watching/listening from another room!!  
That, right there is soapy torture 101.  Just TELL HER! she can keep a secret!!  Probably Alexis can't tho. 
He's leaving for the witness protection program, he can come back when they catch the real boss. 

Nik gets TAKE OUT at Jake's. HAAHAA. Okay, that makes me giggle. He says he's sorry about the baby dying. He thinks she's a great doctor. Yada yada. 
Maxie and Nate come in for a drink. Right after he killed a  suspect in the police station. You'd think they'd debrief him or somethin'. 

Lucas  was on looking all scruffy.   Brad sees he and Felix hugging. Brad doesn't know about the baby. 

OH.. Billy Miller from Y&R is strongly rumored to be joining GH this summer. I don't know him but people say he's good. Would make a good Jason recast,  Dillon or Lucky. Or he could be someone new. 

Kathy Griffin is going to host the online Daytime Emmys! I might have to watch now!! 


  1. Jason is a hunk and although Billy Miller is handsome, I could not see him as a Jason recast. I think fans would not embrace his personality as Jason especially if you watch him in Y&R. Billy Miller is definitely talented and I could see him play other characters on GH. Liz is greiving and emotional , rightly so , so I forgive her not caring about her job. I certainly have had moments at work where you wish to tell your supervisor to go "bleep" themselves. Considering Dr.O shot Liz before, i certainly think she showed considerable restraint.
    Molly, and Felix made me tear up today. Their tears seemed real as opposed to the actress that plays Sabrina. Whenever Sabrina cries, I don't believe it. So sad for Rick.

  2. I can see Billy as a Lucky recast. That's preferable to yet another new character.

    Poor Rick and Molly. :(

    Loved the Nathan/Maxie scenes. I notice Mr. "in the zone" loses his cool with Nathan next week. I hope Maxie sees that.

    I hate that Dr. O is still there welding all the power. I know they like the actress but that's ridiculous.

  3. I saw Billy Miller when he was on AMC.. He was a psycho-type character...

    I didn't care for him on All My Children at all.

  4. Billy Miller is awesome. Can't see him as a morose hitman, but maybe after Robin revives him she will revive his personality, too. He really had chemistry with everyone on Y&R. I hope this rumor is true!
    Also, am I crazy or is Det. West getting better? I enjoyed his scenes with Nina and liked him today with Maxie.

  5. Billy Miller is awesome. Can't see him as a morose hitman, but maybe after Robin revives him she will revive his personality, too. He really had chemistry with everyone on Y&R. I hope this rumor is true!
    Also, am I crazy or is Det. West getting better? I enjoyed his scenes with Nina and liked him today with Maxie.

  6. Thanks for the info, erikabl3. Was he crazy Annie's brother? Don't remember him, but sure remember an Annie who was bat poop nuts.
    Today on GH, Molly brought me to tears X2. What a stellar little actress. And I still think the character is the smartest person on the show.
    Dr O. would not be able to hire and fire nurses. Epiphany would do that, as Vice President of Nursing. Piffy would NOT be called a head nurse: the term is not used any more, and it was used to describe a nurse who was in charge of one unit. Piffy is in charge of all the nurse, therefore, VP of Nursing. : )
    (And don't get me started on what killed baby Gabe!!!)
    Ric was good in his distress, and Anna was just as cold as ice!
    Loved Maxi and Nate. (Not gonna nit pick, not gonna nit pick.)

  7. The hospital: Liz says fire me! And then when Dr O does, Liz looks shocked! ROFL! Come on Liz! Snap out of it and go find the truth about Ric! :) You even said yourself you don't believe he is dead! Dr O wins the line of the day!

    Dr O: I don't care if you had an audience with David Hasselhoff.


    The morgue: Molly is breaking my heart!!!! And it looks like she is breaking Ric's heart as well! Yes Molly sneak in!!!! Rats Ric is hiding.. :( Come on tell Molly and Liz the truth!!!! I'm not happy with Ric faking his death at all! Not until he tells Liz and Molly the truth!

    Outside the hospital: Awwww Felix. :( Oh Brad shut up! You are so immature! Grow up! This is how you decide to win Lucas back? Think of another plan!!!! Oh! Liz almost saw Ric!!! :( Ric does look HOT in scrubs. :)

    The park: Maxie and Nathan look so cute together! :)

    The floating rib: I am glad the Britch is gone, but I am curious how she could get Nik back by being the Britch again. Maxie eating ribs hahaha.

    Sonny's home: Oh goodie. Sonny could tell Duke the truth about everything. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

  8. "Di said... I notice Mr. "in the zone" loses his cool with Nathan next week. I hope Maxie sees that."

    Oh shoot I was going to make a comment about that in my comments, but it slipped my mind. Yeah Levi hits Nathan! For whatever reason Levi hits him, I love it, and I have started to like him after I saw the hit! :)

  9. Yes, Det. West is shaping up as a good actor. I seem to be in the minority here, but I think Sabby cries just fine, and also is a good actor.

  10. I remember Billy Miller from AMC, he didn't impress me much but then he went to Y&R and everyone raved about him, I think it all depends on the character and chemistry. As for Jason I for one could live without him.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...