Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spinelli Has a Smart Phone and He knows How to Use IT!

 Maxie made the front page!! Don't they take your personal items when you go to jail?? Even holding. God, that necklace Maxie has could kill someone!! OH People on Twitter said it's part of the dress! LOL whoops

Lulu and Luke...she needs to shut it. He tells her about Ethan not being His Son. Well, the LIE about him not being his son.

I still like the name change-- Sorry to those of you that like "Jake's" but give us old people a bone. Jake was Stella Stevens BTW. Love Coleman trying to make up signs.

Anna and Noah!! Interesting. Remember that horrible story where she was all ga-ga over "Eli" Good Gravy. She apologies to Patrick.

Sam talking on the phone with Alexis!! Yeah!!! Jason needs to just THINK. Oh wait. Nevermind. Why would it matter when he found out? Robin's gone, it's not like he could have saved her.

Why would Liz work on Jake's death day?? I wouldn't no way!! Oh she took a break, thank goodness.

Olivia! All up in Johnny's butt--please just get back together. "Come on in baby" she says to Dante answering the door! LOL 

ANOTHER STELLAR DAY FOR FINOLA!! WOW she was wasted on Style Net all those years!

I was out sick today-- bad cold. I'll try to do the scoops when I feel up to it later today, keep checking the WUBS NET.

Sad news...Soap Opera Weekly is folding. Sad and Sorry to the people working on that mag.


  1. All those at SOW losing their jobs...while Frons, Guza and Phelps move on to other cushy jobs...where the hell is karma?

  2. It stood to reason some soap mags would fold with only 4 soaps left to report on.
    What about SID ABC--down to 1 soap. Surely that won't continue. Wasn't SOW and SID both subsidies of SO Digest? I guess Digest can keep going for awhile.



  I don't think I missed much yesterday!!  NOTE: I spell Aidan both Aidan and Aiden. Sorry.  Ok, so some commercial test is going on at ...