Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday on Soaps....May 10th

OLTL was brilliant as usual. Heh.. I can't even start with the goodness. And with RH coming Friday? eeeee!! WOWZA... thank you soapy Gods for some good old fashioned soapy goodness. There was another big cliff hanger today!!!! eee I was yelling at Natalie at the end. LOL 

GH: I only saw a bit of it, I fell asleep! I Didn't MEAN TO! lol..whoops. I did like AZ and Carly--


  1. Carly! Stop threatening Anthony!!! He is getting turned on!!! ROFL! The more you do it, the more turned on he is!!!! ROFL!

  2. thank goodness for the carly/anthony scenes...the rest was a waste

  3. I enjoyed Maxie and Matt, rest was boring (as usual)

    OLTL was fantastic!

  4. I normally would enjoy the Carly scenes but I am a little disgusted with her being involved with every storyline and on every single day. I would feel better watching her sleep next to Josslyn every night in the hospital, praying in the chapel, going to see Liz (since she seems to think only Jason is mourning Jake)

  5. Wait until Carly is on the PLANE looking for Lucian! ahahaha, Poor S&B fans..and CarJax fans!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...