Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!!

Thanks to all the people in the services, their families and a special shout out to those that work with Vets at VA Hospitals.  It's remembering those that died in the service of their country. I have 4 red poppies on my purse! 

Jason Thompson in the infamous Blue Boob Dress.

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Today's show is a repeat... you know the drill ...Nancy Lee Grahn did have on her "blue boob dress" that she laughingly refers to now and again.

I decided to catch up on RHONY because they have a marathon on and I'm not really watching during the week. I  miss Bethenny.... and I still can't stand Kelly BENnnnSiMOAN ...

Last night I saw the most bizarre show EVER: My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on TLC. Anyone see it? Good Lord-- it was like--er... a circus sideshow? I can't even explain it.  Poor Wubby Hubby who's British was saying THAT'S NOT ENGLAND ....LOL. Then they'd show Sussex and he was like NOoooooooooooooooooooo!! Those girls? What in the hell? Fascinating show. The men all talked like Brad Pitt in Snatch.  If you haven't seen it do it!! You'll be gobsmacked. 

16 year old!! woot! (Hen Party)

I think I told you I got a new TV. We had our old one 11 years. So, I shouldn't feel guilty for a new one right? Well, this is 41" and it's HUGE...and it's so different because it's digital.  LOL. When we get our HD box? Hell, GH is going to be nuts. LOL. I can also tweet on it--right on screen. the remote has a dang little keyboard! Oh nooooo... more ways to get me addicted. 

Tomorrow is more Cindy Anthony on the stand-- I'm such a loser for wanting to watch, but dang, it's like a soapy dramaz!!  

Ok. That's about it for today. Hope you have a great day, whatever you are doing! (and I hope it involves some hotdogs or beer!!)


  1. Laura aka GedsternMay 30, 2011 at 3:49 PM

    I can Tweet on mine too with FIOS widgets, but only for the darn show I'm watching. Can you Tweet in general or just for what you are watching? And our TV isn't new; it's just a FIOS thing.

  2. Where are you watching the Anthony trial? I can't find it.

  3. I am loving Genie Francis on Y& R! She is definately not playing the victim like she always was on GH! Definately GH's loss.

  4. I watched that too last nite I could not understand a dang word of what they were saying Karen.Those girls looked like Hootchie Mamas lol

  5. The trial is on TRU TV and HLN I am watching every moment too! Have to dvr it tomorrow have to work!

  6. I watch the trial on TRU TV first, then jump to the HLN BUT--if you google "Casey Anthony Trail" can find it on the web. NO commercials

  7. I am riveted to the trial as well. When I am at work I watch the Livefeed online. At home I watch it on a local channel.

  8. I saw the Gypsy show too. Holy Mackeral! I didn't even know that culture existed. Scary what they do to their girls. Even the young ones were dressed like hookers. CRAZY!

  9. So . . . the Helena/Liz spoiler is cool to me!

  10. JpInk that way of life is close to the show Toddler and Tiaras just kidding yall :)))

  11. It won't really have success, I consider so.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...