Friday, May 20, 2011

Couric Coming Fall of 2012?

Rumors have been out there, we know that. However, several people on Twitter reported that today they heard on their local affiliates that her talk show was coming FALL 2012. Then, this appeared in the Wall Street Journal. They say the 3-5 timeslot--however Dr. Oz tweeted he had the 4pm slot.

Have any of YOU heard anything from your local stations?? Give them a ring or email and see what they say. Hopefully this won't affect GH-- hopefully.


  1. Only thing I have seen is the first commercial for THE CHEW last nite during Grays Anatomy said coming in September

  2. I am going to get the news at 4 sigh thats 4,5,6 all news.If you watch one I sure don`t need it repeated 2 more times

  3. Here in Philly we are also getting the news from 4-7. Three hours of the same news? So not needed.

  4. I live in Baltimore, and we have a station that is also on at 4, 5,6 (CBS Station- I refuse to watch). it's riduculous, really. I almost wish we had a 24 hour local news network and then we could have decent shows on instead. (I know that will never happen, but a gal can dream!)

    Besides, I have small children and I do not want them hearing about all of the murders/drug dealing/stabbings/etc. (That's what GH is for...)

  5. Mamaspat Ole! I saw the commercial of THE CHEW during Private practice last night! And when I saw it, I out loud said, Screw you!!!! :)

  6. Sonya....that's what we'll call it from now on...The Screw!

  7. Anon- we do have a 24 hour local new station, and we STILL get the news from 4-6:30 on our NBC station...

  8. Love4dogs Hahahaha yeah!!!! The screw! :) Love it! :)

  9. eeeewwww I love that The Screw lol

  10. Dr. Oz is on Fox here in NYC area but I do see comercials of him moving to 4pm.

  11. Ick. I hate talk shows. Throw your energy into restoring General Hospital, please. Don't the writers producers and Disney realize that the show lost its viewers due to bad writing. Give of better stories. Mr. Frons if Susan Lucci was being honest, then shamme on gave the gaul to tell your employees that you do not care about the characters and then follow that with years of deconstructing the canvas and then say that women do not want soaps anymore.stupid those viewers are watching lifetime now instead.

  12. Here, I do not really consider it will work.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...