Monday, May 9, 2011

Message from GH Set

I heard from someone I haven't heard from in at least a year and their email had 2 words: Life Jacket. That was it. LOL....oy, I think the mood over there is just terrible. It has to be hard with the rumors swirling around and ax hanging over your head. I'm sure another round of pay cuts are coming as well as cast cuts. :( booooooooo.

Frons'  latest lame quote: 
"Women no longer feel that they need to have an escape in their daytime television, "They are looking for information so they can take an active role in changing their lives. It's a huge difference from what we've seen before. "

Whatever.!! Just what I need-- information to take an "Active Role"!! Idiot.
BECKY HERBST has a special message to her fans over on SID! 

OLTL TODAY: That baby Liam is the cutest!!  Geesh...although he is huge for his age.  (that's being kind).  Both the babies are dolls. Starr and Ford Brother #2 are boring.  OMG, IT just kicked loads of ass for a MONDAY! WOW!! double cliff hanger!! eeeeeeeee! Well, if you count Cutter it's THREE cliffhangers!!!


 Two people..or three in the same after day--- saying the same stuff. wow. BTW, why do they keep "Monica" in the introduction? Why taunt us? 
Brenda: Where's my BABY?
Sam: Can I have a BABY?
Liz: I lost my BABY!
Michael: I am a baby
Abner: I'll be your baby. 

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I really needed a naked Anthony to show up and run around the set like a banshee. heh. I would love him to be on the docks planting roses. He's the only highlight of the show for me. Glad he was on today. I can't believe GH calls this sweeps. wow.

I stole this from We Love Soaps

 I am so excited to see this play out!


  1. Bestill my heart! My Todd and Old Todd. I'm dying from all the suspense!!!!

  2. When Marty gave that little skip, I thought that was just plain scary.....

  3. I would love to be the filling in that TODD Sandwich

  4. Now THERE'S two handsome men! Is that a gun in Howarth's pocket??? OOOOO! I'm so curious as to how this is gonna work out!

  5. EEEwwww it is a gun I thought you were joking like is that a gun in his pocket or is he just glad to see me lol me and my dirty little mind....Man those 2 are handsome.

  6. I think it's hysterical that all the comments are about Todd 1 and Todd 2, and there is not one comment about GH...I think that speaks for itself...

  7. One Life was so great again today. Susan Haskell plays such a good psycho. Shirtless Cutter and his rascal charm. I even liked Joey and Aubrey today! Wow!

    Every day is a cliffhanger day on One Life. Loved it when Kelly closed the door and Marty was standing there, smirking away. Natalie hearing the Marty-rant tape! Cutter announcing that he's after the Buchanan fortune!!! This is what a soap opera is all about!

    I really wish that there was a way to save One Life. Even if it meant putting a bullet into GH.

  8. You people will kill GH cause you keep bashing it. You obviously don't care if the cast and crew of GH lose there jobs .

  9. Again, to ANON at 5:28: GH's head is on the chopping block. It's done. Steve Burton only signed for 1 year as he tweeted ( usually signs for 3 or 4 ). Nothing we say is going to change ABC's mind unless it becomes cost effective to keep GH. WE as longtime viewers have every right to criticize this show's writing. It is aweful repetitive nonsense. If they would have changed this long before, viewership would probably be better if not high. ANON, how dare you make a statement that people don't care if the actors/actresses lose their jobs just because we talk about the lack of good storylines on the show. In this economy the working class know what it is to struggle. We don't want to see people out of work and they probably wouldn't be out of work if it wasn't for a certain higher up interfering with storylines and playing favorites. I think, ANON, that you need to address ABC.
    Karen, your summary of GH was priceless, LOL.

  10. @Anon You're such a repetitive idiot. No one wants GH canceled, we just wish it would do better and right by their FANS... US. Nobody listens to our complaints anyway, so really, who are we hurting? I love that Karen has allowed a forum for us to release our frustrations. It's not the actors fault they deal w/ BS, and certainly not ours that we're subjected to such idiotic, lazy, insulting, half-ass'd, agenda-driven 'storytelling'.

  11. Anon, get a clue, if GH gets canceled (if it hasn't already been canceled) it is not our fault-Guza and Frons can take all the credit for dismembering a once beloved Soap. And don't you date say we don't care about the cast and crew- we care more than their own employer. Again, if you don't like the comments, don't come to the site- you are clearly the minority here.

  12. Frons is such a idiot!!

    How the HE... double hockey sticks
    does he know what women want to watch did he take a poll?

  13. I didn't name call anybody on here,but back at ya.

  14. Ok kids play nice.

  15. I cannot believe OLTL is being cancelled, this is one of the best shows on tv right now! Love the pic of RH and TSJ... so rare that a character like that can be replaced and embraced and TSJ did that. Can't wait to see how this plays out!

    GH was pretty boring, but I think today had the first scene with Lucky and Shibion (sp) I actually enjoyed. Loved that she was cool with he and Liz, was very realistic. As bad as the Jake storyline has been, JJ is rocking it.

  16. Explain something please-how can someone be so rude as to open and read a letter addressed to someone else? How many of you would walk into someone's house and read their mail? Stupid writing as usual.

  17. Karen my favorite part of your blog today is,

    Brenda: Where's my BABY?
    Sam: Can I have a BABY?
    Liz: I lost my BABY!
    Michael: I am a baby
    Abner: I'll be your baby.

    ROFLMAOPMP! Brilliant! :) Umm but wait! Michael doesn't say I am a baby! ROFL ROFL!

    Line of the day goes to Papa Z

    Papa Z: Who wants to look at an ugly stripper.

    ROFL! And then after Carly threatens him he says va va va voon! Where have you been all my life?! ROFL!

  18. I read Frons' statement as:

    Women are stupid and not smart enough to handle their own lives and they need "a man like Frons" to swoop in and give instructional programming to them so that they will be able to function with their daily lives.

    Wow. As a man, I apologize to women everywhere.

  19. GH is as good as gone and it's their own fault as well as ABC.

    #1 Lame writing - A little bit of Soprano's Lite is ok; a LOT of it (which GH has been for like 12 years now) is awful

    #2 Casting craziness - Too big a cast; introducing characters nobody cares about and axing old ones that were not dead weight yet

  20. Frons's quote should have read "Women no longer feel that they need to have Frons in their daytime television" what a complete dipstick

    Oh the hotness that is Todd and Todd!!! I can't wait for OLTL to roast GH in the May sweeps polls!

  21. Dear Frons,
    I'm not looking for information on my tv during the daytime.I'm looking for these 2 hotties and many more to take me away far away from chuvinist pigs like you and Guza.
    Hot and Bothered for Todd Manning 1 and 2

  22. I know I'm in the minority but I love Natalie and Brody .I am so upset that Liam is going to be John's baby .So sad the Brody is not to be a baby daddy .Jessica/tess is awesome with ford. And I love John with kelly he seems to smile and have so much fun

  23. Do you know of any good one life to live spoiler sites. as good as your GH one

  24. Cathy, I don't know any because I choose to be spoiler free on OLTL. I do know that Soap Opera Source runs detailed scoops for the coming week for all soaps--!!


  25. I hate to say it, but I don;t even care about Brenda's son. Now if you bring her real son on, and have him be Jax's, I will care 100% becasue it will have history with people we care about.

  26. Carly just walks right in Jax's suite. No one is as rude as that beast. And the irish lad just picks up Liz's mail. WTF?

  27. Cathy I have no idea where you would find a great webpage such as Karen's but if you want a sneak peek at OLTL this is who I go to DON"T LOOK KAREN!!!!!!

  28. I go to Soap Zone for OLTL spoilers.

    GH was bad as usual. Why would Jason/Sam even THINK to do a procedure on Jakes birthday? At least they addressed Lucky getting married on his dead kids birthday, but it is just stupid to think that Sam may be able to have kids thanks to a procedure she had on her boyfriends dead kids birthday...

    I think Becky, Steve and JJ are all rocking the Jake scenes. I appreciate that Liz has been on a lot more lately and of course she is going to keep talking about losing her kid. I would be too...for the rest of my life. It is sad that the little boy that played Jake is on a lot more now that he is dead...and I would love to see some Cameron scenes where he is asking about Jake, or something!

    Who just picks up someone elses mail? Really. Maybe if the paperworkwas already out of the envelope, but it wasn't...

  29. Thanks everyone for the spoiler sites .And yes Karen sometimes I wish you did running oh one life to live spoiler site to

  30. Oh my God! I almost peed my pants when I saw this picture. Roger Howarth, I didn't know how much I missed you until I saw that scar!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...