Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Interesting Tuesday Tid-Bits

 @IngoRademacher: Sorry @ehikurademacher. I stole ur bitchen F150. Mercedes f150 :-). 2work with @lldubs 
Ingo also has his exit interview up on Soaps in Depth.  
For the immediate future, Rademacher is looking forward to living a laid-back life in Hawaii. "I'm definitely burnt out on the soap thing," he confesses. "We're probably going to be full-time in Hawaii in the middle of June. We're taking it easy."

Today was Tyler Christopher's  (Nikolas)  last day: 
Tyler2929: Thank you all for an incredible 12 years. Been a lot of fun. God bless you all. #GH

Read Genie Francis in the New York Post.  Excerpt:
About recent whispers that “General Hospital” may also get canceled, Francis says, “It does make you worry because there were rumors about ‘All My Children’ and then, like, six weeks later it was real,” she says. “So it makes you wonder.”  “It’s the end of an era, but I am very proud to have been a part of it,” she says, with a mixture of sadness and pride. “Everything comes to an end — that’s just the way it is, you know?”

CASEY ANTHONY?????? WHAT in the HELL? I about DIED! Swimming pool--and her father MADE her cover it up!!? WTF. God, I guess creating "reasonable doubt" means saying anything and hoping it sticks. Hell he could have said "Aliens took her, we don't know that ISN'T TRUE"! LOL duh. WOW...what a trial. Nancy Grace is going to be dying about now.

Not watching GH today, sorry... please let me know what happens. I've been too negative lately.


  1. Gah, I have been wondering when Nik's true last day would be. I was hoping they would delay it, since Becky was off screen, but since we haven't heard anything about her returning to the set does this mean that the temp actress got the whole Aiden reveal story afterall? That's heartbreaking....

  2. You didn't watch GH today Karen?! Today's show was FANTASTIC!!!!! I was not annoyed once!!! :) I loved today!!! You gotta watch today!!!!

    Lulu and Lucky: Great scene!!!! Oh Lulu you just don't get it! He is an addict too! He can't be hanging out with another addict!

    Ethan and Krissy: Cute scene. :) Glad he is there for her. :)

    Brenda and Krissy: Another cute scene! Oh Krissy sweetie! You don't need to change who you are for Ethan!!!! :) That is something that you will have to learn. :)

    Luke and Dante: Great scene! I bet Tony Geary had a lot of fun playing baseball with the glasses! ROFL!

    Luke and Lulu: :'( Luke scared me!!!!!! He made me cry! :'( He screamed at Lulu!!!!!!!!!!

    Sonny and Luke: :'( Luke made me cry again!!!!!! He admits he has turned into his father!!!!!!!

    BRAVO TONY GEARY BRAVO!!!!!! What a fantastic performance!!!!! *gives him a standing O* *hands him the Soap opera emmy award*

  3. Sonya...great wrap up..can't wait to see it. I'm way behind, though...planning on doing a lot of catch up tomorrow.

    Looking forward to Genie on Y and R.

  4. You're welcome Love4dogs! :)

  5. Sonya, thanks I will watch!! I was so into the Casey Anthony trial, I couldn't pull away! LOL

  6. Karen you couldn't pull yourself away ROFL! That trial sounds very strange.

  7. Today was pretty good, TG can still bring it when he's got something to work with!

    Good Lucky/Nik scene today, too, was very real. Although TC & JJ always are!

    Best of luck to Tyler... while he has appeared a little bored lately (who wouldn't with his story lines) at one time he truly was the prince.

  8. Soap mag said Ingo and also Vanessa are leaving

  9. Today was ok. Wanna know why? No Jason and Carly! Sonny and Brenda were snore. Luke going nuts on Lulu was ok. Nik and Lucky were ok, though it is stupid that Lucky doesn't know he is the father of Aidan by NOW.

  10. Lulu/JMB broke my heart today. So good.

  11. I'm sorry but the show doesn't seem interesting to me. Krissy still is too young for ethan. I know that people make an analogy with Luke and Laura but laura did not look 13-15 yrs old.Krissy should be given a guy who looks more her age.Then I could see chemistry. Krissy and ethan have a nice friendship but I feel no chemistry between them as I see him dating older women.I know that Guza's storyline was to get Krissy to change her style and makeup so that she appears older ( the actress talked about this online hoping to generate interest ) but I think it sends the wrong message. I hope this will be a scrapped storyline. The rest of the show still feels boring. I hope that this new writer would make it interesting but I am not invested anymore.

  12. I'm sorry some people have a problem with Ethan and Kristina, but there are a lot of people who like them together, aren't bothered by anything about them, and are looking forward to their storyline. It appears they are going full throttle with them, and their fans are going to enjoy the ride.

  13. Anonymous you are right! I agree with you. It DOES send the wrong message. Ethan and Krissy can be a couple fine but she doesn't need to change the way she looks or who she is for Ethan!

  14. I have to join the Kristina & Ethan bandwagon. Always saw a spark with them and wondered hmmmmmmmmm.. Never saw the chemistry with Ethan & Maya even though I find her gorgeous. I think as long as they keep Ethan & Kristina's relationship slow and sweet, I could be their #1 fan.
    The actress is amazing in her range, and Ethan could make her lose that spoiled side. Again, Think Laura. Anyone that watched way back when can tell you laura was also a spoiled brat. It took a rapist for everyone to adore her (as sick as that sounds).

  15. I thought yesterday's show was pretty good, too. Jule M. B. was outstanding-too bad she is looking to leave for better pastures, but who can blame her? I still love Nik/Lucky together and anticipate tears when their final scene comes around. Tony G. was excellent. I have no problem with K & E-Lexie is so petite and looks so young, but the characters don't have all that much of an age diff. It sounds pretty realistic to me that an infatuated teen would seek beauty advice from a "super-model".

  16. Hey Karen - since you're following the Anthony trial, I thought I'd pass along this site:


    This woman is an actual "truth wizard" - people like on the show 'Lie To Me'. She's just a regular lady who is able to tell peoples true emotions just by looking and listening to them. She comments on many crime cases and has for years. She is has a very good track record; I myself have been reading for a couple of years and she is awesome. Very interesting read if you are into that stuff.

  17. There is a world of difference between how Brenda and Laura looked at that age and how krissy looks now. I think Krissy is a good actress but I would love to see her with a guy that looks closer to her age. I could see the attraction for this story as i remember being a teen and being attracted to older guys. I think they should bring in some friends her age. I used to love seeing dillon and georgie storylines. Trying to re-create Luke and Laura with these to doesn't mesh but I get fans liking the the gentleness in ethan that is kind to krissy and the romance of him finally seeing her as a young woman. They did this story with Nik and Emily way back when.

  18. It's funny, krissy even says to maxie that she looks 12 yrs old and wears her sister's clothes.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...