Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Robin Strasser's Message about OLTL

I thought I'd share this tweet from Ms. Strasser because it's just so "her" and really eases the pain of losing OLTL a tiny bit. Robin will be leaving due to health reasons before the show goes off the air.  She has chronic back pain and is hopeful she'll get relief soon! 

I'm NOT dead YET. Still IN-Off to do what I LOVE to do, and savor these precious last moments at OLTL. Carpe Diem! A new and HOPE-full DAY! (@robinstrasser)

Also, on Soap Opera Network, there's a cute article about how OLTL is starting to refer to it's own demise in the scripts. It's SOOOOOO like them to do this!! Who saw the  old photo of Clint? I did! I'll never forget the episode where they showed the old Blair --and Kassie DP had the weirdest look on her face. I think it was Asa's funeral.


  1. yes! I saw the picture and thought I was imagining it! I love their attitude, no whining, going out in style...
    Clint Ritchie was one of my favorite people. One of the only soap people I ever met, and he was a charmer....

  2. OLTL rocks!

    Back pain sucks! I hope RS isn't in too much pain.

  3. OLTL is starting to refer to it's own demise in the scripts? Where Karen? And I didn't see the old photo of Clint. Where did they show it?

  4. Karen I totally remember that, it was great! Loved the beginning of OLTL today with Kassie singing the old theme song... "this is just so sad"... how I will miss this show!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...