Thursday, May 5, 2011

Becky Herbst Out Sick from General Hospital

Soaps IN Depth ABC just tweeted this: 

:Looks like Becky Herbst (Liz) will be out sick for a couple weeks. Martha Madison (ex-Belle, #DAYS) will fill in for her. Details coming....

Wasn't Kirsten Storms Belle on Days?? Hmmm. I'll let you know more when I do. I hope she's Ok.

According to Soaps In Depth, Herbst was diagnosed with a case of viral meningitis.


  1. Oh no! I hope she is okay. :(

  2. She played Belle after Kirsten Storms left for GH.

  3. Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! SO sad!

  4. Yes, she played Belle, but she did not do a great job of it...she is no Becky. I hope Becky is well soon!

  5. Please get well Becky! I'll miss you... Especially if there are Jason/Liz scenes being taped :(

  6. She has viral meningitis?!!? Oh no. :( I wonder how she got that!? I just want to give her a huge hug!!

  7. This is just too sad and must be terribly frightening for her and her family. I hope she doesn't have a particularly complicated strain and can recover sooner rather than later.

    I don't know the actress filling in for her, but I can't help but resent the fact that her temp is likely to get more screen time that Liz/Becky has had in years. I guess there is no way they can hide her in the closet, where they usually keep her, since they have no choice but to get through the Aiden reveal before Tyler leaves. I'm not even a huge fan, I can only imagine how her die hard fans will feel, but the idea of watching anyone other than her in the stories that appear to be on the horizon is depressing.

    Compared to her health that whole thought process is a joke, please don't misunderstand what I am saying, I just wish we weren't at a point where she seems likely to finally have some long overdue time out of the closet. =/

    Thanks for sharing the horrible news, I will be wishing her a strong a speedy recovery.

  8. yes she was the second Belle on Days and she was awful

  9. Viral meningitis is treatable but it is no picnic. She also will not be able to be in contact with her baby ( very dangerous to children ). Poor Becky! Get well soon. More and More bad news. She's my favorite on GH.

  10. They finally give her airtime and she's sick? Oh that sucks!

  11. I'm really sorry to hear that. Poor thing. I hope she gets well soon <3

  12. Sorry to hear that. And Becky has been looking just beautiful lately - actually she always does. She is doing a great job, too.

  13. if they do the aiden reveal without Becky I will be so pissed. If it's planned, they had better do some rewrites, pronto to hold off for becky's return! Why not save some money and just send her off somewhere for 2 weeks? Would much rather have that.

    I agree, Becky has been just glowing as of late.

  14. I wonder if Becky is still going to get paid while she is gone for 2 weeks. :) Probably not ROFL!

  15. Sonya, i would imagine she would have to be paid, but probably not the full amount. My mom missed a month of work because she was sick and she was given 80% of her normal pay. I doubt it is any different for actors/actresses.

  16. Elizabeth your mom was out sick for a month? That's awful. :(


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