Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bubbles and Troubles..

 How much do you think Tony has to pee after his scenes on GH?? !LOL 

 This is from Ingo's wife. Boo:

@EhikuRademacher Packing and cleaning today! Man we have a lot of Sh*t! Big yard sale this weekend;-)

NOTE: ABC won't air the  AMC Tornado Episode as part of their re-runs on Memorial Day due to obvious reasons.

Daytime legend Paul Raush weighs in on Soaps being canned. Read it over on Suds Report. My fave quote:
The world can put a man on the moon, but measuring who watches TV seems impossible.

 I KNEW Dr. Oz was replacing Oprah in some markets....USA TODAY

To answer literally, one of her protégés, Dr. Oz, will inherit her time slots, mostly at 4 p.m., on the majority of the TV stations that carry her show. Other stations will expand their local newscasts or air other talk shows to fill the slots.

Luke and Lucky were as powerful as ever....Luke in Shadybrook...eesh. Loved the Luke/Tracy talk... wish I knew he wasn't leaving rehab. Jane Elliot is just perfection!! :twirl:

Loved the cute Maxie/Krissy stuff.... Krissy ended up looking like an 18 year older...with a ton of make-up on! LOL. And Sonny met Brenda at that age and he was WAY older than her.

Lucky confessing to the realization he had to go to rehab himself. 

Luke pulls out a wad of bills at the last scene and says to the doctor "Buy you a drink"?!! 

Ah, that's our Luke!!


  1. It is kind of nice to see Lucky/Luke thinking about shadybrook themselves. I know many of us have complained in the past about how only the women are sent to shadybrook.

  2. I know... LOL although they went for drinking, not "Breakdowns"!!

  3. Luke will get to see Heather she is still there .

  4. OK, I can finally comment.....yay!!! I actually didn't watch today show yet the rain has been messing with the dish. I don't have a problem with the Ethan/Krissy story even though I'm not a fan of the couple but the problem I have is spoilers saying that Ethan is gonna catch Maya in bed with someone else so he's gonna file for divorce....really!?!? Why couldn't they have just let Maya send him a dear John letter saying that she was gonna stay and take care of her little sisiter and their marriage was over. Why did they have to turn her into a slut just to push Ethan and Krissy together. I'm mad that they took the time to create a Ward (a great family) just to toss her aside. They could have recast Maya. I guess I'm just mad because I was looking forward to having Ward's back I town (and more diversity) and now it's not gonna happen! sorry about the rant but I don't know if I'll ever be able to post again foe some reason I always have a hard time. I love WUBS!!!


  5. I get the feeling Ethan and Kristina were meant to be from the beginning, with speedbumps and delays along the way, but now because of the threat of cancellation, they are rushing it a little. I can deal. Love them.

  6. I really liked all of the show today - what's wrong with me???

  7. Karen did you see yesterday's GH?! :) And hey you didn't even bring up Luke hitting Lucky!!!! That was just WOAH!!!! My jaw dropped! Such a powerful scene!

  8. I'm sorry, but I don't feel kristina should be with ethan. I remember the last debacle. There is a big difference with where your head is at btween 18 and 24yrs of age. Krissy is so immature. Krissy even said herself that she looks 12 yrs old. After the dress-up she still looked like a 12 yr old with too much make-up ( I'm sorry ). She's talented actress but the chemistry is off. I know this couple will have their fans but I am not at all interested in seeing them together.

  9. Well, I for one am glad E/K are happening. I'm a fan too and I look forward to their scenes. Something to enjoy on this show? Doesn't happen very often for me nowdays! They're lovely. Bring it.

  10. Actually Ethan/Kristina are closer in age than Mabby are-- and WAY closer than Luke/Laura and Sonny/ Brenda
    I think we forget the draw of the younger/older mix.

  11. Krissy is a cute girl but when she was talking to ethan , all I could focus on was how her makeup was way too heavy for her. Sometimes less is more. She is young and cute. She does not need all that heavy makeup it overpowers her face.

  12. Latonya: they are making Maya look bad for the same reason they ruined Liz's character over and over and why they continue to do so. Guza doesn't care about them, so he poops all over them.

    I 100% agree with you that GH needs more diversity. it's been years that we've even had a hispanic (minus sonny) unless they're cast as a nanny or the "help". I do love Shawn, or I should say I did. Wish he had the balls to tell Carly what she's doing to Jax's heart. Loved Lainie and now she's not even spoken of. A Kelly sighting is rare, never a story for her.

    I have always been a fan of Ethan & Kristina but I would love for it to go slow to make it believable and forgive me, but REAL. I agree with Karen, many other relationships have much more of an age gap. Michael & Abby have become such a bore overnight, hopefully they will learn from that.

  13. They will not go slow with ethan and krissy at all. This show will fast track a lot of storylines as it is winding down.

  14. Ellen is taking over Oprah in my area.

    Mrs. Goose

  15. karen, check out this real life windermere...

  16. Little doubt, the dude is totally just.

  17. Very helpful info, much thanks for your post.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...