Saturday, May 7, 2011

Soap Opera Ratings: OLTL Beats GH in Two Key Areas (again!)

Well, I have to say OLTL so deserves this... it has held steady in the ratings for another week, beating GH in both Total Viewes and Women 18-34!! This is what good writing does!! OLTL gets hardly any PR -- and is at the worst time slot of the 3 and look at it go. Sorry, I love GH but they have to see that the writing is killing it.  Even with Luke's intervention, it couldn't bring the numbers up! For that Thursday, despite heavy advertising, it only pulled a 1.8. OUCH.

READ all the Ratings over at Soap Opera Network.

I would also like to take a second to tell those that accuse me of  helping to "kill GH" with my criticism, I have to remind you that I am always honest about the things that move me or not when it comes to soaps. I'm a LONG time viewer and know how good stories should be told. My entire website is dedicated to GH and I love every actor on there. I hope it sticks around forever. That said, a show like OLTL that is kicking ass in both ratings and storytelling, doesn't deserve it's fate. I'm not going to lie about that.


  1. You go Karen they have awesome storytelling and history with their vets.GH did a long time ago.

  2. Tell it like it is Karen! I couldn't agree more!

  3. Is that picture from a t-shirt?

  4. Karen, why should you sugar coat it? The truth is the truth. GH has been like this for about a decade now.

    If some cannot handle the truth, that's too bad for them.
    It is what it is. Personally, I don't watch OLTL, but I take your word for it that it has better writing than GH.
    After watching how bad GH has become, who wouldn't by that?

    Stick to your guns, write what you want! Upto to us to read or not...I for one will continue to read and enjoy your view

  5. Karen,I say screw them! You are telling the truth! I am still dvring GH and I can't even get through it,I hate it all! It is so damn boring. The writing is complete crap! The only thing that I even watched were the scenes with Liz and Jason. So I honestly will not be surprised if GH is not around a yr from now!

  6. Not surprised! That week was michael's stupid storyline, brenda sonny, luke's 1 day intervention, mob and jasam. All very boring. I have no interest in poorly done storylines.
    I have to believe that they purposefully want to write this poor to give low viewership as the excuse to cancel GH.
    It's very frustrating to see a show you have loved and watched for years be written into the ground and consist mostly of couples, characters and a mob story that you have no interest in.

  7. Karen , don't change a thing. The writing is poor.It's simply the truth.

    Susan Lucci is going to Desperate Housewives...

  9. Karen, dont ever change! over all the years, you have never bashed GH. you loved it warts and all and just told the truth...or cracked us up with a WUB!
    You have done a great job...

  10. Guza has thrown out his best...the big intervention scene...and it FLOPPED like mad! TPTB have got to know the man has no clue when it comes to writing a soap. Tony Geary, one of the finest daytime actors around, and WE DON'T CARE? Whose fault is this??? The truth has got to be that ABC wants this soap to fail, and they are doing it by keeping Guza on board. I will watch until the day it goes off the air. I might even shed a tear when the last day comes. It has been part of my life since the day it began and that is sad to me. I can only hope some interprising network will pick the three lost soaps up, and bring us back our afternoons of love and romance and adventure.

    And "watchin'" give OLTL a try before it is gone forever. You will see how it all SHOULD be done! Storytelling at it's best day to day!

    Karen! Keep on keeping on, girl! This is your venue..speak the truth and never apologize for it! Love you!

  11. I am so on your side Karen along with everyone's comments. You have been right on for so long now and stayed faithful to GH even though the show doesn't deserve your loyalty. I don't watch the show anymore,(it's a waste of time) but I am faithful to your website. I feel bad for the actors who have to read those idiotic story lines.
    I agree with what Watchintele said, "Stick to your guns, write what you want! Upto to us to read or not...I for one will continue to read and enjoy your view."

  12. Karen you think OLTL is in the worst time slot? :) Why? It's right on after AMC. :) So it's perfect I think.

  13. Anyone who thinks criticism of GH from fans is "killing" it have it backwards. We've been screaming from the mountain tops for years about the loss of legacy characters (including the near decimation of the Quartermaines), poor character integration and holes in stories big enough to drive Brian Frons's ego through. Plus, the show has lost its heart.

    Had they listened, I don't think we'd be here today staring down a possible 2012 cancellation.

  14. Worst time slot in that AMC is "Lunch" and GH is "after school"...2pm is usually not the best. I have often wondered what would happen if OLTL was moved to the 3pm slot.

  15. Karen, you tell the truth, that's why we love you! Plus, it's your blog, so if someone doesn't like it... screw them!

  16. Karen, keep telling the truth. Guza is killing GH - no one else.

  17. OLTL is great, GH sucks! They try to force their viewers into loving those mob losers Scummy and Hateson, Mykill, Ethins, Mabby and Snarly the worse mother on the planet and Lizho vs Samho both are hoes! GH deserves to be canned not OLTL and GH I willnot watch!

  18. Quite worthwhile information, thanks so much for the post.

  19. For my part everyone ought to glance at it.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...