Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Full Page in Hollywood Reporter Taken Out By Soap Fans!!!

That's right!! Soapy Fans got together and took out a full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter to plea for the genre to be saved. 

It reads in part:

“This is our appeal to save not only the jobs of those employed by All My Children and One Life to Live, but to also keep the soap genre from becoming extinct,” the letter begins. “Both All My Children and One Life to Live have been a part of our lives for over 40 years; this is not something that can be said for many programs on television today. The type of fierce loyalty that comes from watching a show for so long is not something that is easily replicated."

I personally would have included a cartoon of Frons with Soap in his Mouth :) heh. 
Remember the rally in NYC LINCOLN Center on May 17th!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen and everyone! Check this out! What Billy Warlock said about soaps! Go to 2:32. I agree with him! WOOT WOOT GO BILLY GO!


House Hunting

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