Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Surgery: New Chief Of Staff....

Ok, not sure if "Head Writer" is "Chief of Staff" or "Medical Transcripts" but hey, sue me. LOL. We have another month at least of the Guza-sheeze to get through people. We can only hope viewers won't continue to leave in droves..and some come back. It's been a LONG strange spring, that's for dang sure. May Sweeps put some nails in the coffin. Ok, put LOTS o' nails in the coffin. That's because we aren't stupid---it's the WRITING!! 

Now that Tyler is gone, and Ingo out the door, who's next?? Don't think people will be back because the budget still needs to be cut. It's always about  the money. ALWAYS. At least NLG said Leslie (Monica) was contacted. Here's hoping. Maybe they'll cull some of the 'also rans' and get back some of the core players.

I do want to say that I wonder if Guza knew all along he'd not be signing a new contract. It's the only way to explain this past year. From VM's botched return to the numbing May Sweeps we've been subjected to, it's the only explaination. With ratings in the basement, management has to be shaking in their boots. As Frons said GH was only as safe as it's ratings. Wish I could say the same for OLTL. I guess quality doesn't mean much in Hollywoodland. Even when they pull the ratings.

There are NO photos of Garin Wolf that I can find. None on wiki, none on facebook, google...nada-- interesting. I hope he's REAL and not some pen name!! LOL..wouldn't that be hysterical?? I know, I know, the actors have met him so he's real. I picture him looking like "Castle"-- what the heck. Might as well make him attractive. 

 The changes will come in about a month. Hopefully it's soon enough. Will people be back? So many were looking forward to Vanessa's return. So many wanted Genie back (who's on Y&R now). So many see the other soaps canceled, they figure why bother?? I know a lot of the Wub readers have gone. I'm sure many will be looking at the comments to see if the show is watchable again.

I guess the Rapture didn't happen-- we are all still here. OUR Rapture came when Guza left last week, eh??  Wonder where that Rev.  Camper is hanging out with his millions right now. He's so going to Hell, btw.

Scene of the week: SO hard to find on on GH that I liked but I'm going to say Cam opening that door!! We all KNEW it!! I LOVE Cam--and I hope they feature him a lot in the future!!

Watch OLTL, it's getting so good, I literally can't miss it. I haven't said that about a soap in YEARS. Yes, I'm spoiler free, which may help but even when I find out what's happening, I can't wait to see how it's written!!! Maybe Ron C (their head writer) can find his way to my GH. I'd be so happy!!

I'll try to find some scoops to put up on the site later. They are so boring, it's hard. LOL. Go take a gander and see who won the May Couple's Poll (Week 4) only 17 votes. The runner's up are on the poll this week. I think you'll find the choices fun.


  1. I won't say I have high hopes for the new writing but I do have my fingers crossed that things will improve... dramatically and quickly lol All fingers and toes are crossed which is making life difficult to walk and type :)

    Karen - thanks for including Edward 1 and Edward 2 in the new banner on the spoiler page! Love it :) and I'm loving these polls for the banner!

  2. who is claudia & brian? The young black couple form the early 80's?

  3. Thanks for including Lucy and Sigmund! By far the most comedic couple ever on the show!

    As for viewers returning, I have no plans to start watching again, even with a new head writer. I think GH's fate is already set (although for the cast and crew's sake, I hope I am wrong) and I just don't think it is worth it to get invested again...

  4. I am in the "why bother" category. The fate i set. Its already over. Its AMC all over again. Why get invested for about only a year? Especially when all the vets are leaving and they are bringing in a bunch of nobody's. Its not the writing. Disney wants out of the soap opera business.

  5. I think David is right I think Disnet wants out of the soap operas.I hope yall get the better writing but I think Guza did his dirty work and has destroyed GH

  6. Karen I know you are spoiler free with OLTL so I read them and all I can say is DON"T MISS A SINGLE EPISODE!!!!! trust me.

  7. Yes, Claudia and Brian were on in the 80's... I loved them.

  8. I was wondering which Edward you would put up... should have known you would do it perfectly with both of the Edwards most remember! Still miss Anna Lee, she was one in a million. Love this week's options!

  9. I think GH is cancelled as ABC has decided to get out of soap biz. Poor Laura Wright got told off on twitter by a fan. She was telling fans that GH was alright/safe. Fan became angry and told her that GH is done. Raven commented on the sadness of actors believing that GH is safe. IT is the same as Susan Lucci thinking her soap was safe when the announcement was already made that it was cancelled.
    All that I hope for is some positive change for remaining stories and time. I watch old storylines that I like on you tube ( liason, anna and robert scorpio, luke and laura ) etc.

  10. looks like a good possibility

  11. As botched as her return was I am glad VMG came back & Sonny and Brenda got married.

    Once again Guza was allowed to put nails in the shows coffin. Would be nice to see some improvement with the new head writer but realistically this is it because Disney, Frons and tptb don't care. In the end they will be the ones that lose the most as ratings for all their crappy talk shows tank.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...