Tuesday, May 10, 2011

She's BACK! Constance Towers Returns To GH

In a TV Guide Exclusive:

A GH rep tells TV Guide Magazine that Helena will show up in Port Charles the week of June 27, "arriving at the Spencer family home — much to Lucky's surprise — with an agenda and Aiden in tow." Helena had intended to keep her wicked secret for years — only using it to her advantage when the timing was right — but the recent firing of Christopher made it necessary to speed up the plot. Not to worry, says the show rep: "The truth about Aiden's paternity will not deter Helena Cassadine!"

We also know this will probably usher out Tyler Christopher's character, Nikolas. I'm thrilled Hells will be back in Port Charles! Let the Games, BEGIN!!


  1. I can't help it....EEEEEEEEE! If it's to facilitate Nik's departure *that* makes me sad, but I'm so glad to see Helena, even for a little bit...we take the crumbs TPTB throw us I guess...

  2. WOOT WOOT YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Good to see Constance Towers!!! Welcome back Helena! :)

  3. I want a Helena and Anthony scene. Or Helena and Edward. Or Helena and Spin. Or Helena and Alexis. Or Helena and Tracy. Or Helena and the hospital janitor. Or Helena and the juke box repair man at Kellys. Or Helena and anyone as long as it keeps Brenda, Sonny, Sam and Jason off our screens.

  4. I really hope they won't do the Aiden reveal with the temporary liz... What a dis service that would be.

  5. I would LOVE Helena and AZ to get together!!!


    I want Anthony to see Helena and be all "bow chicka bow wow" hehehe

  7. Helena back - WHEEEEEEEE! LOVE her!

  8. Johnny is more Helena's type.

  9. I so agree Rita pita.. Becky owns that story and needs to end it. I know this wasn't planned with her being ill, but for the love of god give us the right girl for closure.

  10. Yay!! Love to see her back but hate to see Nik leave. Seems like the beginning of the real endgame.

  11. Meh.

    I trust you Karen. I trust Logan just as much. However, I will NOT believe this news until Hells is on my screen IN Port Chuck.

    We've been burned before..

  12. Quite effective material, thank you for the article.

  13. This won't truly have success, I think this way.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...