Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday Rain Soaked Soapies

Well, it's rain soaked here. Like a LAKE in my backyard!! Oy. AND it's supposed to rain all week! 

 Soap Pops!!
I was looking for "Soap" pictures and came along this blog page: 
FreshPics look at the SOAP hands at the top!! Weird!!

OLTL--I can't wait to see how they handle RH's comeback with the Todd face-switch! If you know, don't tell me. I am spoiler free on that show. I love it and don't wanna know!! I just can't wait. eeeeee!!! Tess walloping Ford just shocked me, I gasped out loud! LOL...I love her.

Abner is so shady.. you know she's crooked. 

GET SHAWN off of CARLY'S RADAR--Jax needs to be in there. If you want Shawn, give him another story. Damn it. That whole thing was making me mad. What is Shawn her BFF now? Like I care about his past. Maybe if he was "Sheba" or a conjoined twin--maybe I'd care.

Brenda is so stupid, they wrote this kidnapping is so sloppy. Why would she send the guard in the car-- when he could have sat in the back at Kelly's?? UGHHHH.

Brad on Twitter pointed out how much Suzanne and Dante look alike..it's the hair! LOL 

That wigged lady AZ had looked like Claudia...or a guy in a wig. I'm tired of the rose talk already.

Everyone just yelled today. 
TODAY'S SHOW was horrible....just HORRIBLE. GH should be ashamed. Having Lucian at THE AIRPORT? Uh...hell no. Amber alerts? COME ON... and Jason/Michael. If they talk about the mob one more time I will kill myself. Today was just painful.

@JessieBrewer tweeted this photo! LOL


  1. I want the scoop on Todd so if you know I'm on Twitter smi4ari :D

  2. I'm stil on team Jax!!!! I love you Carly but sometimes you can be annoying!! And I just wish you could at least have SOME character growth!!! Come on now!

  3. Oh and Karen I don't want to know any spoilers on OLTL either. :)

  4. Todays shows is a prime example of why I can barley tolerate GH anymore. I am so tired of the the same old thing and the blanket stupidity of some of the plot points is too much to watch.

    It is so upsetting because I used to love this show and couldn't wait to watch it every day. Now, not so much.

  5. me too Karen and Sonya no spoilers. I did the same thing when she hit Ford.I think Jessica is going byebye and Tess will stay shes more fun......

  6. Oh and Karen, that picture With Jessie Brewer, so funny! Jessie's face! ROFL! Mamaspat Ole Tess is so much fun! Jessica going bye bye? Well the actress said something about enjoying Tess a lot or something. :)

  7. I am not spoiler free, but Carrie, there has not been much out there on the Todd thing. As far as Jess/Tess, hold onto your seats everyone- it's about to get fun!

  8. I hope they keep the Todd stuff under wraps!!

  9. Karen,
    They said on tv today that the last 30 days here is the rainiest period in Buffalo since 1928. I have started closing the drapes because I can't stand to look at it anymore. They have wildfires from droughts all over the country. I wish we could send them our rain. There have been lots of willow trees uprooted in the last week whenever it gets windy because the ground is so saturated the roots can't hold. Funny it never rains on GH.

  10. Yeah Karen I hope they keep the Todd stuff under wraps too! :)

  11. I admit I've checked a few OLTL sites because I cannot wait to find out how they are going to pull this off! Not much out there though, at least from what I've seen. Once again, great job OLTL!

    I agree, today's GH was not good! I do like seeing my Scrubs back together, but knowing whack job Lisa is listening to everything is ruining that.

    The rumor of Jax running off with Brenda is looking like it will happen :( VMG can go, her return has been a joke, but I will miss IR.

  12. Okay this is what is going to happen on OLTL-----just kidding!

  13. Karen, that picture with Jessie, and in her ever-famous sweater!! ROTFLMAO!!

    Anon: Where do you live in Buffalo? I grew up there, now live in Brooklyn, where we're getting soooo much rain also, it's supposed to rain all day today. . . .

    Karen, on another note, do you really think that Abby is not who she seems?

    And on yet another note, if Brenda runs off with Jax I will kill myself. . . .

  14. As someone pointed out yesterday, it couldn't have been Abby since she left her apt. with wet hair in a ponytail. Well, somehow between her house and Johnny's hotel she apparently dried and styled her hair. It's this lack of continuity slopiness that makes it bad for GH and all soaps. They really think the viewers are morons. And yes, Suzanne getting to the airport with Lucian despite the police search is just plain ridiculous.

  15. It's just rumors about Abby, but sometimes it seems like she's shady. Then, others just an idiot. LOL I guess I'm HOPING there's more to this stupid story. ugh

  16. Anonymous said...

    Okay this is what is going to happen on OLTL-----just kidding!
    ROFL! I'm going to smack you ROFL! Just kidding. :)

    LindaV! Yes! Where the hell did Abby dry her hair?! So stupid.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...