Monday, May 2, 2011

Reflections on Ten Years of Terror

When I told my son last night Obama was coming on to announce that Osama was dead, he couldn't believe it. "Are you Rick Rollin' me"?? he asked. I forget he's grown up with the Boogey-Man Bin Laden hiding out from justice. He is his Ayatollah Khomeini, his "VDay". 
Of course, it was interesting to be on twitter, where you could see reactions from all over the world. Even the Guitar Hero guys (I follow that stream because they use #GH for their tag as well) from everywhere were excited. I couldn't read all the comments, but you could tell they were happy. There were jokes, angst and pride streaming out from cyberspace. Good stuff to watch.
9/11 was a horrific day for all of us, and I vividly remember sitting at the computer--with dial up waiting for someone to get on the AOL message boards so I could see if what I was hearing/seeing was true. (since I couldn't comprehend it--it was like a dream). There was my friend Judy and for the next few minutes we just cyberhugged. First time the Internet was so important to me.  Last night, it was Twitter.
Watching the crowds at the White House and at Ground Zero reminds me how connected we all are. Hopefully, that connection will bring about much needed peace around the world. Giant Kudos to the Special Ops.
Now, please...lets get that Memorial at Ground Zero done. It's so overdue.


  1. What a weekend, the wedding, the beatification, and now this...a true study in contrasts....

  2. it sure was!! goodness. I'm exhausted

  3. Karen forgive me but I laughed at your dial up comment. :) Stupid dial up! :)

  4. Sonya..remember listening for that dang connection. I can still hear it. OY!!

  5. Yes Karen I remember listening for that dang connection! ROFL! It was just too damn loud!! You can still hear it ROFL!

  6. Osama died years ago, it's a silly farse. Whatever...peace in the middle east...doubtful. That's if the radiation from Japan doesn't kill us first!

  7. If he died years ago, why didn't Bush/Cheney do a farce? I mean, come on.

  8. God bless our military (SEALS, baby!) for taking this mother****er OUT! USA! USA! USA!

  9. my dad texted me, saying, "The Devil in dead." Since I was watching Doctor Who on my computer, I had no idea what he was talking about (apparently, my aunt thought I was sleeping so she didn't tell me).

  10. Quite worthwhile info, thank you for the article.

  11. Thank you for your article, pretty worthwhile material.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...