Thursday, May 5, 2011

And The Couric HITS The FAN!! it and weep.  Katie Couric is reportedly making a deal with ABC (this has been rumored) and TMZ and others is reporting it may be for a talk show all ready to go into the 3pm time slot. We all know what that means. This isn't a done deal--it's not even inked yet and no one knows what the affiliates will be offered.

ABC would also give Katie a 1-hour, 5-day-a-week syndicated talk show, that would begin in September, 2012.  Our sources say ... one option ABC is considering is giving its affiliates back the hour where "General Hospital" airs to make room for Katie.  In other words, ABC would axe the third longest-running soap in history and the last one standing on ABC.

Nancy Lee Grahn joked on twitter, if true, she doesn't think Katie is "so cute now"...

I also want to point out that Oprah's 4pm time slot is a syndicated show--ergo, it doesn't always air at 4pm or on ABC in all markets. If this was given to ABC affiliates as an ABC show, they'd use an existing slot like GH's.


  1. LOL!! They'll spend 20 mil on her and not a soap. I guess they are expecting ratings bonanza?

  2. UH, just noticed there are TWO photos of Katie up there!! I didn't do it!! spookay!!

  3. Daytime is dead. Sadly I can't get upset about GH like I can about OLTL because GH is barely even a shell of what it was 3 years ago (and it wasn't even great 3 years ago) :( Stupid Guza

  4. Where I am, the nightly, evening news has grabbed that 4pm slot for news.

    I'm sure all the affiliates would want Katie to be seen on all stations.

    My guess is this would be for GH's spot.

    IMO, this was never so much about ratings, money or any of the other assinine reasons tptb gave for cancelling the shows, they really just wanted out of the soap medium and now. I bet if the new shows don't succeed, they'll just expand to an all news all day network until 7pm when Jeopardy airs.. Then it will be primetime shows.

    ABC/Disney sucks.

  5. Well.. I think this just sucks!!!! :(

  6. This sucks! Why are all of the networks bent on abolishing soaps? They have this opinion of people who watch soaps as lazy, unintelligent women who have nothing else to do with their time. Well, I am a woman with a career, who has enjoyed GH since the 70's. I agree that the writing has gone downhill, but that doesn't mean I want to stop watching. I'm just so irritated!!!

  7. I can't stand her. I think it would be in my best interest t o give up on GH now. ABC obviously doesn't care.

  8. Katie Couric certainly isn't going to get me to watch ABC...I cheered when she left the Today Show, never once watched her anchor the nightly news and I am not about to start watching her now. Another bad decision by ABC...

  9. GH is axed just like
    AMC and OLTL.

    They just have not
    announced it yet.

    OLTL had better ratings
    than GH and they cancel
    OLTL first? if it was all
    about the ratings why not
    cancel AMC & GH? because
    they wanted that 2pm time
    slot. and now they are working
    on replacing GH with katie couric
    or some other stupid show nobody is interested in watching.

  10. When GH goes I will block ABC on my cable programming. They have always been shortsighted and totally behind the curve with programming. Television is overly glutted with cheap programming that is more sensationalistic than entertaining, and ABC wants to give us more? I don't think so.

    I'd rather watch reruns of Paula Deen on Food Network than watch Couric do anything.

  11. whether Katie comes to ABC is irrelevant and does not need to make one to assume GH is automatic off the air...come on people....let's not jump to are putting the cart before the horse...and there may not be need to remove the horse

  12. Regardless of whether GH goes off the air or not, I could NEVER stand Couric. The fact that someone will actually pay her and that idiot Zucker $20-30 mil is about as disgusting as the Jersey Shore morons getting development deals...

  13. They might just move GH to another time slot, which would be fine with me, as long as it's not canceled. I'm not going to panic yet, but I'm very afraid right now...

  14. I agree. Never liked her, thrilled when she left Today, never once watched her nighttime news broadcast and will never watch anything else she's on.

  15. I agree with you, Heather. ABC needs to replace two soaps and Oprah, regardless of the time slot. If Frons has even half a brain he has to expect that one of the new shows will fail. Katie will at lest give ABC Daytime a fighting chance. As for me, I'll be over at CNN.

  16. Katie Couric can kill a show better than most. I hope ABC isn't looking to her to save them.

  17. anyone else think she looks fat in those pictures? :O(

  18. Abc should at least give the timeslot to one of it's own (Diane Sawyer anybody?)I do however, love that katie made everyone realize how stupid Sarah Palin is.

  19. Katie Couric is far cheaper than a soap that costs what, almost a million a week?

    I know it's terrible and I am not happy either, but I am seeing a lot of Katie Couric bashing and it's uncalled for. This isnt her fault. This is ABC.

  20. Anonymous, yes, it is ABC's fault. I am not bashing Katie Couric because she might replace GH, I am bashing her because I have NEVER liked her...

  21. It is out of our hands and canceling the Soaps has been in the works for a long time -- perhaps the decision was made when they(ABC/Disney) announced the end of "Super Soap Weekend" ?

    It has just taken them this long to define and execute their plan and EVERYONE has been on a "need to now" basis.

    As for the show, the quality has declined big time ... and perhaps that is indicative of the network commitment to the show. :(

    I already miss GH, since it is a shell of what it once was, but I guess nothing lasts forever.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...