Monday, December 6, 2010

It's the 2010 Wub Awards!!

That's right! Find out who got the best, worst, least last year!! 2010 Award Link
Agree? Disagree? It can't be worse that Soap Opera Digest  giving GH the "soap of the year"...(they are on crack, I swear). Both NLG and Kristen Storms tweeted how honored they were to win them some WUB!!  woot!!

Today's OLTL showcases why I love the show. 50-somethings making out--The Entire cast being used--no matter what their age!! Plus the history that's dredged up! I know some people say they are changing history, but I disagree. They at least use it for GOOD. Joey was proposing today!!? Come on. Inspired. Dorian telling Vicky about Charlie .heh 

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Johnny...shot again. LOL. Why doesn't he just offer Lisa something like sex or money? She's crazy!! 

S&Bers must hate Carly and Spin for interrupting.

Abbey and Michael=NO comment. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Dear Lord. His face after he slammed that guy's head into the wall was like D'OH!!

Theo showed up!! He's my new Crudgemuddgen. LOVED when he asked Dante if he was 'left to die'!! Don Giovanni mention. (which totally fits in with the Guza motif)

OMG, this Balkan crap is SO STUPID I am so sick of it. IT's like the "Franco" mentions on speed. Dear GOD. If Theo isn't the Balkan then Guza decided at the last minute to change it...cause that's who it's supposed to be.

Olivia finds Johnny laying on the couch and Lisa is kneeling. heh There is NO WAY Olivia wouldn't realize he's been shot. And she didn't!! She KNEW he'd been hurt. That was a good scene. I love Jolivia and I don't want to see her with Steven but at least they are still on the show. AND come on, Jolivia can always have hot sex now and again. 

So, Steve says it's OK to do another autopsy. need an exhumation order for that, anyone knows that!! @@ They say he's in the morgue because NO ONE claimed the body? He's been dead for 3 years!! So, even if they just fished him out of the river or wherever, he has to be bones right? :throwinguphands: whatever.

I'm sorry but I like Suzanne-- wow-- she's so fun AND stands up to Sonny. She went Bea Arthur on Sonny's ass today! hee hee... if they wrote for her better she'd be perfect.

Other stuff: We have about a foot and 1/2 of dang SNOW! Stupid Lake Ontario is dumping on us. Boooooooooooo. Walking the dog on my hill is such torture. sniff.



  1. No comments in TWO DAYS?!! I AM CRYING

  2. Awww don't cry kdmask!!! :( I was just about to make a comment!! :) Theo is a hypochondriac!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL ROFL! With this show being so violent, it's so refreshing to have someone who is a hypochondriac.:) Suzanne is so very annoying! She needs a man! :) And her ta ta's showed up today! :)

  3. OH and Brenda who is going to a party is dressed up like a hooker ROFL!

  4. Maybe Brender stole Sam's wardrobe..

    I really will hate to lose Johnny and hope the rumors of his demise aren't true.

  5. Aside from the fact that GH is quickly becoming the most boring thing on TV, Is it me, or is it Brenda. I seem to remember the first time around enjoying the whole Brender saga. Perhaps that it is just a rehash of the past that makes her so annoying. Been there, done that kinda thing. Or is it her. Used to watch her on Vegas and enjoyed her there. When Lisa becomes the most interesting character, I know it's time to quit.

  6. Great awards! Agree with just about all the GH ones. But the initial scenes where Patrick confessed all to Robin also deserve some recognition, I think. Very well written and acted. I'd also choose Jonathan Jackson as runner up actor, but I agree Chad D. is doing a really good job with what he's being given.

    Man, you like all of those Ford boys a lot more than I do.

  7. Just like the ford boys shirtless! LOL
    I gave Chad the nod because he had to step into a recast role and play a VERY difficult set of scenes. He did a fab job, imo. JJ is always bringing his A Game. ALL the GH actors are pretty great.

  8. What history is being changed on One Life. all that Echo Clint stuff happened..same with Nora and Bo, tho she thought she had a good reason to sleep with Sam (to give Bo a child to replace the one who had gotten shot) what did I miss?

  9. Hope, I don't know but people on twitter are complaining about OLTL "history changes"... I don't see any

  10. Karen, honey, if it helps at all...we've got freeze warnings in Florida tonight! Strawberry growers and Orange growers are flooding their fields with water via huge sprayers to try to make a film of ice over them that will protect them from the freezing temps. Makes them look like an icy fairyland...unusual for here, but something to be seen.

  11. wow lake ontario? me too! just found your blog and I suffer through GH (looooveeee Johnny Zachara) - mom of 2, live in western suburb of rochester - is that where you are too? if yes, wow! how funny - just happened on your blog through a mention in soapzone.

  12. Apparenlty, Dante stopped at a hair salon after he left Sam's PI office and before he went to the hospital. Maybe it was the same place that Jane Jacks snuck off to in between her conversation with Jax.

  13. Inez can't act - Gosh, I can't stand her

  14. I HATE Jolivia because they have NO chemistry and she is more like his MOTHER then his girlfriend. I hope this means they are going back to JoLu,who had REAL chemistry and she was not old enough to be his mother.Or treat him like a child.

  15. Personally I gotta give it to Jonathan Jackson for his scenes in outing Liz,and Nik for the affair. Now that was drama!


    Franco underwear?!?!

  17. Nancy Lee Grahn and Lexi Ainsworth were fab this year, but I'd also give honorable mentions to Kimberly McCullough who was so raw and real in those scenes where Robin learned Patrick cheated on her (in fact I think she may have outshined Jason Thompson because of the range of emotions she had to play) and also great in the Robin/Stone scenes, and Carolyn Hennessy who is always fabulously entertaining as Diane.

    For actors, both JJ and Jason Thompson were good this year, but I would also give an honorable mention to Dominic Zamprogna for the scenes leading up to Sonny shooting Dante. I thought he totally out-acted Maurice Bernard there.

  18. I SOOOOOOOOO disagree that Jolivia has no chemistry. I also don't think their age difference is that terribly noticable. No more than Lulu and Johnny, since she was 10 years younger than him. If JOhnny is moving on I would rather see him with Maxie. As sweet as Spixie is, I have to admit it got old. And they don't show enough of Matt & Maxie for us to care.

  19. Rita Pita Matt and Maxie are cute together but are so very boring together!!! UGH!


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...