Friday, December 17, 2010


Here's the NEW PROMO for the BUS CRASH! Looks pretty good-- better than the real thing?! I just WISH they'd use the correct interstate numbers. That's all.  LOL,  I'm picky. When I saw Steve Singin on his guitar, I thought of  the movie "Airplane"!! ahahahaa.

ALBERTA'S HOME for the Holidays!!

Today was promised to be THE BALKAN REVEAL DAY!!
The whole show was stupidly confusing. First of all,  Siobhan thinks Jerry is The Balkan...everyone assumes he is. I'm still holding out. The baby thing hasn't even come up yet. It's a distraction, I'm telling you. See below. I KNEW Jerry would make a phone call at the end.

Carly's head almost exploded when Brenda told her she killed "Balkan's Son"--- ahhahah and DANTE KNEW! Oh,  Carly another reason to LOATHE Dante.

Brooke and Nik..."Nookie".... whatever.. " Paid companion" WTH is that sheeze?  Liz and Steve go out and see them at the Metro Court's horribly decorated restaurant. Brooke Lyn did bring up the fact that Liz has three kids with three different fathers. Liz didn't even bat an eye.

So...Alexis and Diane hire Theo who was sent from the "NYC Office" .........WHAT. Okay... makes no sense but what the hell. We'll roll with it. Did Diane have on red carpet make up or what?? It was WAY overdone!!
ALKAZAR mention-- and Alexis' involvement in that whole thing.

Jax wants to shoot Jerry and Carly won't let him?? She's always trying to get people to kill other people. LOL Then Jax goes to talk to Brenda about killing Jerry. I am falling asleep.

Lulu and Lucky ....good scene but randomly inserted. Siobhan's sister, Fiona calls breaking her 'cover' and not knowing she did so. Another Oyrish accent to deal  with. LOL

Another thing, isn't anyone wondering about Sam? Wasn't she the last of Jerry's obsessive women?'d think they'd be all over protecting her.

Major reveal today!!! Brenda likes PALE Pink!



  1. Didn't all reports say the Balkan would be a "familiar face". Was that just a red herring for Jeryy?

  2. Sheesh! I really was hoping Guza would pull something new and even novel out of his hat...turns out the Balkan is the very person he brought on to be the Balkan.(like we couldn't see that casting a mile away?) And all that "changing plans and plots" was just so much hog wash...and so much wasted possibilities. BAH HUMBUG ON HIM!

  3. Is it time for the wedding yet?? Where is my Lunacy, my Mayan, my SMART Lulu??

    This Nookie crap is a joke.

    Gotta say, I love Theo. Especially that new accent.

  4. I knew DB was hired for the Balkan...but I think the cast may have thought it was Jerry--especially VM who said she was "blown away" by the reveal. Ergo, she thought it was Jerry...they filmed that phone call later. No one saw the script. LOL.
    I still hope Suzanne is Theo's exwife.

  5. Here's what I think is an interesting little tidbit - Daniel Benzali's character was Ted Hoffman in the series "murder One" back in 1995, not very far off from 'Theo Hoffman'.

  6. Yawn (though I do like DB).

    I'm still hoping that Suzanne is the Balkan and Theo's a red herring.

  7. you mean the Blakan isnt Burt Ramsey? damn...

  8. I love Nookie. I love Lunacy and Lulu. Mayan on the other hand...zzzzzzzz. No chem. Ethan had been growing on me before, but no thank you now. LOVE Theo. Have since he showed up. I don't even care that I knew he was the Balkan when he showed up! He just LOOKS evil. DB was great on Murder One. Love. I think Suzanne is The Balkan's wife/ex wife, too! There's just something up with her.

    Looking forward to the bus crash - finally something that possibly looks juicy and dramatic and interesting on GH!

  9. I too am looking ofrward to the bus crash. ANYTHINg to connect my all time favorite couple: Liason.

  10. I love your column! I have been reading for a long time. However, I have quit watching GH until the writing gets better. I wish GH had some kind of happiness on it. Until the writers realize we don't need all this depressing writing...I will stick with OLTL and AMC. I just can't deal with GH and it's stunt casting, mob centered writing. GH stories seem very sad to me. I mean how many happy characters are there at this moment? Now we have this bus crash so we can be unhappy at New Year's??? I used to love GH during Christmas with Alan reading to the kids at the hospital. The families were all together....I know you need some angst but there needs to be a balance between good and depressing. To me, GH is all sadness and has been for a while.

  11. I love your column! I have been reading for a long time. However, I have quit watching GH until the writing gets better. I wish GH had some kind of happiness on it. Until the writers realize we don't need all this depressing writing...I will stick with OLTL and AMC. I just can't deal with GH and it's stunt casting, mob centered writing. GH stories seem very sad to me. I mean how many happy characters are there at this moment? Now we have this bus crash so we can be unhappy at New Year's??? I used to love GH during Christmas with Alan reading to the kids at the hospital. The families were all together....I know you need some angst but there needs to be a balance between good and depressing. To me, GH is all sadness and has been for a while.

  12. I love Mayan they are not a snoozefest! They are the best coupling on the show I adore Lucky and Sioban also (misspelled?}. Mayan also have great sexual chemistry I'll take Ethan with a beautiful adult woman instead of babybrat Krustina! Maya the actress looks amazing on the Payless ads! Go Annie!

  13. The Balkan should have been almost anyone other than Theo. Guza is about as creative at this point as the dead leaves laying in my gutter.

    Maybe he'll gift us Suzanne as his wife/ex-wife.

    Maybe I won't hold my breath, though.

    I will hold off any opinions about the bus crash because we know the promos are misleading the majority of the time.


  14. Anon, I respect your opinion on your love for Ethan/Maya please respect ours without going all personal attackish. Geesh. The ruide comments about Kristina are a bit over the top.

    On the brenda/Sonny front I am ff thru their scenes already. Anything Dante has me FF thru also. I am really looking forward to the bus crash though. I will also watch the old metro court eppys since I thought it waas pretty intense. Jerry Jax was a great villian!

  15. it looks like no one will die in the bus accident. so what is the point of it? and my guess from the rumors is when jake is ill they find out lucky is his father.

  16. I agree with Jen that the bus accident looks interesting. Characters interacting is what we want, right? This should do it. Surprised however that they didn't save it for sweeps. We don't really want someone to die. this is the soaps, we want drama. At least there will be no mob or guns.

  17. According to Guza in an interview, TWO people will die in the bus accident (if we can believe him).Now i'm reading that Molly will be acting "peculiar" after the accident and they wonder if she hit her head or something...ohhhh I hope the cause of this behavior is something else and she's not the second fatality! She's the only child left who is charming, normal, and has a little bit of good sense. Darling little actress.

  18. I don't think Molly is normal at all. I don't know any kids that talk like she does. Not that I don't like her, but i don't think she is normal at all.

    Anytime they say Jake is not Jason's kid, is the day I completely leave GH. I don't think that will ever happen though. They have Jake look like Jason...

  19. Kristina fans have alot of nerve talking about attacks what about the constant attacks on Maya and the actress who portrays her. And on many boards the Kristina fans have made racial slurs on Maya and her pairing with Ethan talk about nerve! When I first started posting it was because I got tired of the daily Maya attacks. Not everyone loves Maya and not everyone loves Kristina!

  20. I'll been on several boards where attacking an actress or actor is not allowed except strangely when it comes to Annie. Kristina fans have made meanspirited, racial slurs, made comments about Maya's appearance why Annie is beautiful and constantly put up attacks where they slam Maya and the actress and most boards moderator allow it! Well Maya, Mayan and Annie fans have had enough I know this one has!

  21. Carly should maybe spend time with her family rather than claiming to want to protect them. Morgan, josslyn ring a bell Carly?

  22. Anon you are so off. NO ONE has ever made racial comments on this site about Annie/Maya. Everyone agrees she't beautiful. In fact she's one of the most beautiful in daytime. It's her acting that hasn't been at all impressive.

  23. Oh come on now, I so hope no one is talking about "racial" comments on here--there's not been ANY that I seen. There had better not be either!! Most people I know love the idea of Maya, love Annie but just think that the writing is off. Has nothing to do with her ethnic background, it has to do with the writing. Period.

  24. I actually think Annie's (Maya's) acting would be better if she had a decent story written for her. She is gorgeous, although I think they should cut her hair a bit or let it grow more. It seems to be at that in between stage.

    As far as casting, I think Carly's baby is a great cast. She actually looks, I think, like Jax's mother, Jane!

  25. Just because people don't like Maya doesn't make them racist. It also doesn't mean they're Kristina fans, either. Some people don't like either one of them. Some people don't like Maya and Ethan or Kristina and Ethan, and he's certainly no prize to fight over. And people are allowed to have opinions without being attacked personally. Give me a break.

  26. Didn't write this board other boards! And since when is daytime clustered with great actors! I adore Ethan and Maya. But I don't like Kristina but Mayan fans have been very civil unlike so-called Ethina fans!

  27. I think plenty of Mayan and Ethina fans have been civil, and a few on both sides have been derogatory towards the others and the great actresses who play Kristinia and Maya. There's no reason to badmouth the actresses or fans for the words of a select few.

    Btw, I wish Lorenzo Alcazar wasn't dead.

  28. What exactly you're writing is a horrible mistake.

  29. Little doubt, the dude is totally just.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...