Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday snow Covered and LAKE-EFFECT

I so WISH I could be the weather-consultant for GH. Dang...people would be walking around in UGGS and we'd get to see what it really feels like around here.  You can be ol' Nikolas wouldn't be going off to the Island and the "Haunted Star" would be closed for the winter!!
Did you see the
spoilers? The cast goes on a BUS TRIP because Steve plans a ski get-away for family/staff of GH as a "morale booster"!! WHOOPS! Not a great plan. heh. Lisa's really hurt and may end up in a coma after surgery. More details coming of course. HIT SPOILERS for more. CGI effects are planned. (good gravy!!)

Today's Twubber Challenge? Bring two characters from other ABC soaps to GH. My pics are David Vickers from OLTL  and Opal from AMC to marry Edward. As you can see,  a certain SOMEONE was already on GH in 1997 as Monica's love interest!! But I'd have him come as Vickers.

@jennifer6973 says  #TwubberChallenge Tad from AMC and Blair from OLTL

Karen S Said: Rex from OLTL and Annie from AMC but now-Annie, not crazy 2 yrs ago Annie. #TwubberChallenge #GH

YOU? I am  loving these challenges because they give me something to do besides hate on GH!!

Love in the Daytime!

I was thinking about the show today and thought: What the HELL happened to Lady Jane? They leave SUCH holes in this show!! Even if she does show back up, it's a gap!! Also, all the spoilers had Steven and Olivia sleeping together already. Did they cut that? Move it? What!? Not that I want them  too--but  ??????? They also hauled out Brooke Lyn out of the storage bin. Choppy Choppy. Oh sooooooooooo choppy!

Jerry Jacks--whatever. He wants that body..and he knew that Jason was there at the morgue. heh. He says "Come out Jasie-Poo !! Terrible dialog between Jason/Jerry-- wow..stinky. Sebastian's delivery was spot-on but the words? EEsssssssssh. Well, at least Sebastian Roche was on, I love him. 

Johnny says he was working for a "Major European Player" --okay, got it. In case you didn't HE was the sniper.  D'oh. Like we didn't know that at the time. Ethan calls Lisa "barking mad"?!! or "boinking mad" depending on your ear.

Lisa is so crazy, even I believed her "drugs for the illegal maid" story! LOL..that's good right there. She's still on double secret probation. I'm glad Patrick said he loved Robin!!

OMG, SO NOW Sam says Michael shouldn't go out with Abby. Good Lord. And Carly has to fight with her too because she can't have a storyline if it's not yelling at someone. That's all she does, I swear!!!

Today was all over the place in so many ways. heh...that's  GH for you lately.

I won't tell you how all kinds of good OLTL is today. *Sigh* but IT IS! IT IS!! I still don't know where Matthew or Nora are!!


  1. carly runs around like a chicken with her head cut off.

  2. Jerry Jacks--whatever. He wants that body..and he knew that Jason was there at the morgue. heh. He says "Come out Jasie-Poo !!
    ROFL! That was funny! Jasie-poo. :) I don't want that guy that he shot to die! :( Or paralized.:( Poor guy! So Jerry shoots that guy but not Jason? :) Huh?!

    Ethan calls Lisa "barking mad"?!! or "boinking mad" depending on your ear.
    He said barking mad! :)

    And Carly has to fight with her too because she can't have a storyline if it's not yelling at someone. That's all she does, I swear!!!
    ROFL! Carly made a very good point today when she was talking to Abby. OH and Luke kept scratching the inside of his hand. Nervous much Luke? :)

  3. re:OLTL One word-CLINT

  4. I actually watched today's show and my husband was in the room during the Carly/Abby scene. He wanted to know how many times two people could say the name "michael" in a 3 minute scene!

  5. i would say Dorian Lord (could you imagine her and Tracy or Helena?) and JR Chandler (2 Luckys for the price of 1 lol).

  6. http://www.tvguide.com/News/Exclusive-Scoop-General-1026751.aspx

    If you read it carefully, it seems to give away who gets hurt. One Scott tells and the other you can guess, if he is "the only doctor" around.

    Also I think the Hunter mentioned as one of the children is Matt, but wouldn't Spencer be on this trip? I would think Emma is too small to go without a parent. Same for Jake. But this is GH after all. Maybe it's Matt or Maxie accompanying Emma?

    Just reading about this storyline, I think it is going to be tough to watch, esp. just after the holidays. It's bad enough to have one child in peril, let alone a bus containing all the children. Haven't we lost enough legacy characters on this show? I just hope all the kids make it. If not, it might be the start of killing this show, both of the characters and of fans leaving, unable to bear the loss.

    The comment about looking at the controversy about kids not wearing seat belts on buses made me roll my eyes. SURE that's what this is about, not getting to the fans by using the kids. Just like Kristina's abuse ended up being about her.

  7. I'm hearing OLIVIA ends up in the coma, not Lisa...

  8. LOVED seeing Sebastian on today. Dang, what a great baddie that guy makes...and he shoots the little morgue guy without even blinking too! I'm ready for this bus crash, want to see someone else on my screen besides Carley plus one(insert your favorite foil for Carley to yell at this time). How long will it take Michael to realize his mama dearest is the cause of his only friend leaving him? Maybe it will be his turn to yell for a change!

    OLTL is soooo good! the plots are quick paced and everyone is involved in everything. however I do have some comments:

    If Inez was trying to make Bo think they'd slept together, wouldn't she have messed him up a bit? All this goes down and his shirt doesn't have a wrinkle in it, and his tie hasn't lost it's knot even. And her hair isn't mussed, nor is her belt even undone...come on now.

    I fear for this new Joey.The actor is darling, but he comes across like a silly college guy. He's childish, immature, and dumb as a rock! and he used to be a priest??? hmmm Why would worldly and grown up Kelly be so head over heels in love with this guy? I know he only says what they give him to say...but maybe we have a casting mistake yet again?

    And lastly...Llanview is in Pennsylvania, right? It is SNOWING at the scene of the auto crash...so why in the world is Langston wearing SHORTS AND SLIDE ON SANDALS???? The costume department has lost their minds!

    With all that, OLTL is still the best thing going right now.

  9. Leesy said...

    I fear for this new Joey.The actor is darling, but he comes across like a silly college guy. He's childish, immature, and dumb as a rock! and he used to be a priest??? hmmm Why would worldly and grown up Kelly be so head over heels in love with this guy?
    Yes Leesy!!! He does act like a college guy! What the hell?! Joey used to act grown up! Yes he used to be a priest! What the hell happened to him?

  10. I would like to see Jax Montgomery from AMC and Dorian Lord togethor

  11. Regarding the TV Guide article about the bus crash: Isn't it sad that Phelps can't even remember the names of her characters? Hunter isn't a child, Matt is the only Hunter we have on the show. Does she mean Jake? or Spencer? and who is the adult with them? Perhaps a nanny? I read where a paternity issue will come out, and not the one we think...could it be Spencer is really Jax's? or could it be that both Jake and Aiden are really Lucky's? If Steve is the only doctor around, it must mean Matt is the injured one (who could die later of his wounds?)How sad for Maxie if that is the case...lots of exciting things could happen...but then, this is Guza's tale.

  12. from what i read on another site, hunter is one of morgan's friends.
    he'll probably be one of the kids who dies, because no one knows him.

  13. Good morning!

    I heard that GH has us all spinning about the "paternity reveal" on purpose. Someone has said that they are referring to Jason being outed as Jake's dad (which would not be a reveal to us but many in PC). What do you think, Karen? Could they actually be going that direction rather than the ones people are thinking??

  14. Sounds like the final slap in the face to Liason fans may come when Jake turns out to NOT be Jason's baby afterall. Oh and it will be made all ok with Sam bring pregnant? I hate what they're doing. Just hate it. If they were smart they would have something happen where Jake's paternity comes out, Jason becomes a real father (although I would never be comfortable with Sam around him after what she did) Monica can be Jake's grandmother, etc. As a die hard Liason fan, I was so happy when JJ returned since their story was 2nd best to Liasons. but Guza won't even give us that. What a shame.

  15. the difference between jasam and liason is jasam had a beginning, middle and end. liason only had a beginning. this love story needs to continue. there has been so much damage to jasam that they come off as friends with benefits.

  16. Good morning!

    I heard that GH has us all spinning about the "paternity reveal" on purpose. Someone has said that they are referring to Jason being outed as Jake's dad (which would not be a reveal to us but many in PC). What do you think, Karen? Could they actually be going that direction rather than the ones people are thinking??

  17. I have to be honest, I really don't think daytime soaps will be pulled from the air completely...ever! I could see it going to soapnet and airing weekly episodes or something to that effect, but I don't buy them taking GH off for good. There has never been a genre that has lasted so many generations. It would honestly make me very sad if it were to happen. Despite many stupid plots, writing errors and annoying recasts I love GH and will be a loyal fan til the end.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...