Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Puffs Plus


It was a DOUBLE TISSUE WEEK! Wow.. so many feels in such a short amount of time. Kudos to the writers for getting things pitch perfect and a great lead-in to the Nurses Ball. Actors were showcased at their best. 

Let's grab some banana chocolate chip muffins that tall Aiden made for Cam's going away breakfast!! 

I'm going to say right away that I can't fit everything in that happened in this little blog.  We'd be here decades. If you're wondering, watch the show from Wed-Friday for a nice nostalgic tour and some great scenes. Next week should be fun as well because the Nurses Ball kicks off.  Please read our 60 Years of GH Memories Blog post as well, a memory or two for every year the show has been on! 

MESSAGE OF THE WEEK:  Maxie's PHONE! ahahaha!! Lucy was trying to call the girl all week and.. welp. We will get to that later!! 
NOTE: Maxie's wardrobe was so good this week!!! 

FAMILY DYNAMIC OF THE WEEK: Who didn't like Marshall and Trina, especially when Marshall read Spencer his 'rights'? It was really great dialog because while he understands Spencer and that he may have changed, he did put the boy on notice. His scenes with Trina have really made me like the character. 

CHARACTER OF THE WEEK: It's been a long long time since Elizabeth has been so featured in the show. She was the one that found out about Epiphany, led her memorial and also wished her first born goodbye for college. The call from Monica at the end of Wednesday's show was poignant because it was Leslie C on the other end telling Liz she's going to be head nurse. How fitting. Becky slayed all her scenes for sure and was just a joy to watch. 

SURPRISE OF THE WEEK:  Oh my goodness!! Brooklyn Silzer made it to Epiphany's memorial and made a pit-stop to see Grandma! She came out to pay tribute to Piph because her mom and dad were too busy. It was a really unexpected touch and I loved it. Anna said Emma is in college now, so will she maybe transfer to PCU?? 

EMOTIONAL DAMAGE OF THE WEEK: Getting through Wednesday's show was difficult. Knowing the cast and crew were grieving as well made it all the more poignant. If you'd like to read a full write up of her service, please go to this blog post: Sonya Eddy / Epiphany.  There are many photos and it summarizes the day. 

PARTY OF THE WEEK:  Everyone came to Charlie's to say so long to Cam who's going to Stanford on a soccer scholarship. What did Cam bring to his own party? ESME and ACE!! Because Cam is so 'good' he decided to get Esme out and also prevent her from skipping town. Everyone is horrified but put on a brave face for Cam. Scotty was my favorite part of the party because, how can he NOT be? ! 

LUCY OF THE WEEK: Just when the Nurses Ball is having a pre-show, Lucy comes along having hired a car to get to The Metro Court. WHY? To tell Maxie in person she thinks Mac should fill in for the Magic Wands. Maxie is horrified. In the meantime, some old guy who says he's looking for his daughter bamboozles them all and calls in the Lucy sighting to Victor. Since she hired a car, all he has to do is find the company to trace it to the safe house. OH LUCY! 

BRIDGE TOSS OF THE WEEK: Bye Bye Eileen. You were used as a double agent and scared by you're food for the fishes.  Oh, before she went over she also squealed everything there was to squeal on VAnna and Lucy and EVERYTHING.  DUN DUN DUN....

SCENE OF THE WEEK/EMMY REEL ALERT:  Genie Francis was amazing. Simply perfection. She went from shock to really being terrified and realizing they put Eileen in a position to be murdered. I was in AWE. (photo thx to @Here4Sprina)  

BONE MARROW MESSAGE OF THE WEEK: And yes, she's still waiting for that marrow. In a really bizarre insert, Nina is all of a sudden visiting a passed out Willow when Carly comes in demanding to know what's happening. I'm mentioning this for two reasons: Editing was sure smoking something during this and also they said her transplant was happening "tomorrow". Since this is Nurses Ball Eve, it might start moving by the end of the week. 

WU OF THE WEEK:  Selina delivered information for Sonny about the shooter. He left some personal belongings behind. I also wanted to say: LOVE her outfit and I'm getting used to her bodyguard Li.  HOUSE OF WU! 

MUSCLES OF THE WEEK: Give it up for Avery Pohl because she carried giant Ace around ALL FREAKING WEEK!!  When Cam visited, when she was at the party and all over the hospital! That baby is a scene stealer and one of the twins loves to sleep on her shoulder. 

MOST UNEXPECTED OF THE WEEK: Wow, I really liked the Felicia and Ava together! It was a discussion bringing everyone up to speed on the whole Nikolas situation. Good pair and I hope it continues.  By the way, someone on Twitter pointed out that badass jacket Felicia has on is the one she was wearing when she killed Peter !! :Clapping: 


Lucy is found out by decoy old guy in the Metro Lobby. Victor is alerted 

Eileen is thrown from the bridge by Victor and fished out of the water by Dex 

VAnna realizes their plan is compromised 

Emma visits Anna before Epiphany's memorial

Port Charles gathers for Epiphany and shares flashbacks and memories

Willow's Marrow transplant is a day away

Sprina kiss after Spencer gets a talking to from Marshall 

Joss and Trina get ready for the Nurses Ball; Trina suspects Joss is seeing Dex

Maxie panics as a Magic Wand drops out of the show

Cam prepares to leave for Stanford; invites Esme to his going away party

Spencer and Esme go see Austin for an Ace check up (colic) 

Cameron's brothers and Violet give him a going away poster for his new dorm room 

Elizabeth finds out she'll be head nurse for GH 

Spencer throws his hat in with Uncle Victor with a plan for Esme 

NEWS: Constance Towers announced on FB that she will be on GH on May 5th and 8th for a few scenes. Can't be 100% sure of the dates because things get moved around but she'll be making a cameo. I'm thinking a spirit like she did in her last appearance. 

TIMES SQUARE: Welp! Fanbase Sprina Nation rented a billboard in Times Square this week to promote their supercouple! They had a video of photos that played over the crowd.  See full video on TWITTER. 

Such a nostalgic and just plain emotional five days. Producer N'neka Garland also passed away this week and cast was reeling from that as well. I guess we know where N'neka's name is from. She will always be remembered.  

I hope you plan on watching GH with me. It's actually spring break here and I'll try to make it a priority to be in my chair live tweeting and blogging!! 


  1. Thanks Karen,

    Yes, that was a real memorial to Sonya Eddy and I am sure real tears as well. I saw an interview with Finola and she mentioned that Sonya was a big hugger. Everyone must have loved her.

    That scene with Genie/ Laura was AMAZING when she saw Eileen's body. That's why Genie is my fave.

    I cried with the Cam breakfast scenes. My son moved out in July; he's in college. I don't see him much and it really hit home.

    Wow, Sprina is HUGE. Better not split those 2 up, there will be some pissed off fans for sure.

    LOVE Felicia's jacket and her entire wardrobe actually. She is like the best dressed on the show I think. Just love Kristina Wagner too.

    Liz was AWESOME this week. Glad she is front and center and she should be on more and better stories.

    Liked the Marshall and Trina and Spencer scenes alot too.

    Baby Ace is the cutest. And, of course Violet is adorable with a missing tooth on the side.

    Constance Towers; YAY. Wonder where that will fit into all this. Maybe finally they will watch the video??

    Nice to see Brooklyn Siltzer. How old is the actress now? Wow; grown up.

  2. Thank you Karen, great SS. I felt so nostalgic watching this week. I looked forward to the show every day and more than ever I looked forward to read what our pals here had to say. From Robert & Diane, to Liz and her boys to every scene with Laura it just felt so good to watch our vets shine (Mac was missing though). And yes Avery killed it again all week. She must have some guns under that jean jacket to hold the babies.

    For a few weeks Willow almost looked well, and then bam we come in Friday to a weird entrance and her circles were back. Michael leaving her alone with the Amelia seemed wrong too, she was so shaky. Let's hope by May sweeps Willow's Leukemia story will wrap. Clearly they are setting up a Nina/Sonny break up. Makes me sad since Sonny has been so much more likable and playful.

    I am looking forward to this week again! Happy Sunday everyone.

  3. Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) and Genie Francis (Laura) are fantastic actors. They need to be featured more often.

    Also, Kristina Wagner (Felicia) always puts me in a better mood whenever I watch her.

  4. Thanks, Karen. A wonderful description of a fantastic week. i can't wait for the Ball next.

    BTW, I thought I saw a wide white strap around Avery's waist at one point when she shifted the baby. I think she must be wearing a hidden mini sling to help with the weight.

    1. Or maybe one of those waist belt things so she doesn't hurt her back??

  5. Thanks for another great SS!
    When you think about GH and how they have done this for 60 years it is amazing. Silliness and seriousness have made this show what it is. Good and bad.
    The Cam family send off was nice even though no one starts school in April.
    That/those babies are scene stealers. Especially the one with the silly faces.
    Hope Diane and Robert's relationship grows. Both of them are witty and sarcastic. Love it.
    We may have interruption on Tuesday depending upon the 'surrender'.

    1. LOVE Robert and Diane. All for them to get together

  6. Linda is right - Willow looked better and then she was so much worse----still bothers me the writers didn't address her hair falling if transplant is day after Nurse's ball I wonder what day that will be? LOL
    -----William Lipton wrote on social media that he returns this summer------which means I guess he would air in the fall??? I think Esme is going to fall in love with him.......
    ----weekly rant - NO ONE IS ASKING FOR A PATERNITY TEST? sigh
    -----Genie F WAS perfection when finding out about Eileen.......
    Looking foward to Nurse's Ball but I never like when it ends in tragedy.......whatever Victor does ------------------let's get it over with writers------get Vanna home---bring back Luke and Helena ---- arrest Victor or give him something else to do...
    -----Can't wait to see Ava's dress!!!!
    -------Sprina fans, we don't need to get too excited......with Spence's behavior and getting in with Victor = Trina walks
    -----so many storylines hanging but really not interested...........I AM intrigued with who is after Sonny----------I wonder if it IS Mrs. Wu
    ------GREAT SHOWS this week!

  7. I'm hoping we get to see Maxie in a parade of beeyoutiful gowns. I'm so tired of the "I'm going to clean out the attic today" outfits they've been putting her in.

  8. I agree with everyone that last week was wonderful. Liz, Laura, Felicia, Robert/Diane, they were all great. I bawled like a baby thru Piph's funeral, so well done.
    Thanks so much for the Constance update! Can't wait for that, I just love her and Helena. I'm really looking forward to the Nurses Ball, should be a really good week. Thanks for the SS, well done!


Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas

  Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and e...