Monday, April 10, 2023

Romance Police


So by all rights, today is a FRIDAY because GH was interrupted last week for a day. Here's hoping it's awesome!! 

Sonny chews out Drew for seeing Joss. He says he's known for months, doesn't like being lied to. Wants to know if Carly knows. Joss says yes. He sends Dex out to find Liesl. 

Sonny then tells Carly, Nina that Valentin is alive. Drew comes in and tells them Anna was shot and is GH. They talk about the Ice Princess. Nina is upset about Liesl being gone. Thinks it's part of Sonny's business that did it. They find Britt's charm that Liesl wore in the crawl space under the stage. Carly and Drew go to tell Millow about Liesl being missing. 

Esme is crying about the breakin and the baby being gone. PCPD comes. Dante asks her what happens. She says that Nikolas Cassadine took him. Laura questions her more. Esme says she just assumed it was him and Spencer. She leaves to get checked out at GH. Laura tells Dante she's sure it was Victor that did it. They watch security footage and see a hoodie goonie in the service elevator. Laura says it's AMBOSE! Victors' bodyguard. 

Spencer realizes he's not leaving the Haunted Star and they are motoring out to sea. Spencer is way upset and didn't sign up for this. Victor says that plans change and he's saving Spencer. He also brings out a lady holding ACE. He says Spencer is being weak and sentimental. 

Portia goes to see Trina at the dorms. Joss lets her in the room. Trina isn't there but Joss says she will be soon, they are going to a party.  Joss tries to text Trina. They talk about Spencer. Portia leaves. 

Hospital: NEW Charlotte comes to be with her Daddy. Um, shes's NEW NEW. Doesn't move her head much. Oh, Jordan finds out about Holly's fake death and Laura, Robert and Felicia duping her. Jordan isn't happy but doesn't yell too badly. 

Millow talking about The Nurses' Ball. Michael tells her he taped the Magic Wands for her to watch later. 


Trina sticks her head around the corner on the Haunted Star. She's a stowaway. 


  1. ------Roll call -- looking for Taggart - anyone??????Martin - anyone?
    ------Kevin and Mac - do they now know what the plan was?
    -----gosh Jordan has no emotion at all...
    ----Trina - use your phone NOW and call someone ----------so silly that Victor chose the Haunted Star cause it's always needing repairs and doesn't he own lots of yachts? I know, I know - it's the storyline---------------CS did announce Victor leaves in a big send-off this week...
    ------Mrs. Wu also has a diamond with a code??????? I just know Victor's plan is gonna be so stupid when we hear it Thursday or Friday....
    -------again worst Nurse's Ball ever - it didn't celebrate GH - it made B team characters at the forefront until Liesel was kidnapped........
    ------Esme seemed old Esme today--------------PATERNITY TEST please.

    1. "Mufasa says, Kevin and Mac - do they now know what the plan was?"

      I have no idea. Felicia and Laura should tell them soon though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. KevLar's home:

    Laura and Vampira: Did Vampira get her memory back? Oh crap no.

    Laura, Vampira, and Dante: Dante is on the case!!!! :)

    Somewhere private:

    Laura and Dante: I'm not sure where they are haha. Hmmm gee you don't need Spinny anymore! Dante can find out things himself. :) AMBROSE! :)

    The hospital:

    V.C. and Felicia: GAHHHHHHHHHH! V.C. made me cry!!! :( My heart can't take it! :(

    V.C. and NuNu Charlie: Geez. How many recasts are we going to have of Charlie? This reminds me Dawn Winthrop! They kept having to recast her, but then eventually killed her off.

    "Karen says Doesn't move her head much."


    Robert, Felicia, and Jordan: Spill the truth time!!!!!!

    "Karen says Jordan isn't happy but doesn't yell too badly."


    Vampira's room:

    Vampira and Jordan: Oh oh a nightmare. Too bad we couldn't see what her nightmare was about.

    Metrocourt nurses ball:

    Jex: Ooooo they want each other. ;)

    Jex and Sonny: Well I'm glad Sonny confronted them about knowing they are together. :) Joss is frightened! Hahahahaha. Time for Dex to go to work!

    Carly, Nina, and Sonny: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: I'm sorry to interrupt, but can we focus on Aunt Liesl right now?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Nina don't look at Carly! You should be yelling at Sonny! :)

    Cary, Nina, Sonny, and Dex: They need to find out that Dr. O was kidnapped!

    Nison: OH OH! Oh my! Nina!!!

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: Willow is dying, oh wait no she is just sleeeeeeping.

    Mildew, and Crew: Well, time to bite the bullet and tell them about Dr. O! Oy!

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Joss and Portia: Spencer is busy at the moment, he has been kidnapped by his uncle.

    The haunted star:

    Spencer and Victor: Hmmm where are they going?

    Spencer and Ambrose: HA! Good ol Ambrose. :) I hope Victor gives Ambrose a raise. :)

    Spencer, Victor, and baby Ace: Baby Ace is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't get enough of him! Did you see him smile at Victor!?!?! :D

    Spencer, Victor, and a hiding Trina: TRINA!!!!! :D Want to protect Spencer? :) Gonna save him? :) Love it!!!! I saw pictures of a hiding Trina on twitter before GH started. :)

    1. So agree about Valentin. He made me all sniffley! And Felicia has just been fantastic all the time. Scolding Robert when he was sniping at Val, bringing Charlotte to the safe house and GH, he interactions with everyone has been spot on. I love her!

      I was cracking up at Nina when she was watchin the Sonny/Carly chit chat about Joss and Dex. She did have a point, lol!

      I thought Joss was being very kind and gentle with Portia. I liked their scenes.

      Can't say enough about baby Ace. That child.....oh my! Did you hear Victor say as an afterthought (again) "we have got to change that child's name!" HAHAHAHAH! He kind of mumbled it, and I was hooting!

    2. "Julie H says, So agree about Valentin. He made me all sniffley! And Felicia has just been fantastic all the time. Scolding Robert when he was sniping at Val, bringing Charlotte to the safe house and GH, he interactions with everyone has been spot on. I love her!"

      They were all great!!!!!!!!!!! Great scenes!

      "I was cracking up at Nina when she was watchin the Sonny/Carly chit chat about Joss and Dex. She did have a point, lol!"

      ROFL Yes she did! :)

      "I thought Joss was being very kind and gentle with Portia. I liked their scenes"

      Yeah Joss was very nice to Portia. :) Great scene.

      "Can't say enough about baby Ace. That child.....oh my! Did you hear Victor say as an afterthought (again) "we have got to change that child's name!" HAHAHAHAH! He kind of mumbled it, and I was hooting!"

      No I didn't hear that! Hahahahaha!

  4. I cannot believe that they made Anna and Valentine so incompetent and had Lucy escape multiple times for the silly Ball. This could have been such a great story instead GH is unwatchable.

  5. The NB was disappointing in many ways. It ended rather abruptly. The best scene was Lucy fighting the thug with a boa and Sonny rescuing her. They rarely are in a scene together.
    Victor has been a lovely villain, until a few weeks ago. CS was a nice addition.

  6. The things I liked about the Nurses Ball...The tribute to Bobbie. Unfortunately, barely anyone in the cast heard it. I liked Felicia's flashback. Forgot that she actually had participated in the ball way, way back in its early days. That's about it. It was sorry shell of its former self. Terry never appeared. No mention of Monica. No performances by Ned, who can actually sing. The whole thing felt like they decided last month that they needed to do the ball and so they quickly threw it together and tried to shoehorn it around other plots, instead of making it the centerpiece and a celebration of the hospital. The hospital was a complete after thought.

    1. agree - to make the B players the focus instead of General Hospital 60 was disappointing...........

    2. Never mind B players. At least they were cast members. I'm still miffed that they brought in a fake character to sing when GH has so many talented singers who have retired and would have come back for that.

  7. I think Sophia (Sasha) is pregnant in real life - anyone else think that?
    and I guess Mac is still with Cody--------------------#sooutofsyncthesestorylines

  8. Gladys was a hell of a lot more entertaining, annoying and fun to watch when she was trashy Gladys when she was first introduced...sort of like AMC's Opal Gardner played by Dorothy Lyman. But Gladys has been glamourized and she's not as interesting and I'm not sure we she's even still on the show...although the actress is a good...the character doesn't seem to have a point other than to be an antagonist for Sasha and Cody.

  9. I will say Charles Shaughnessy has been downright scary as Victor. The matter of fact way he shot Anna point blank was chilling. He's kind of like the male version of Helena. But after shooting Anna I don't see him staying long-term. Someone is going to rise up to stop him and it looks like they're setting up Spencer to do it.

    1. I so agree about CS, he has been a great addition. I'll miss him when he's gone!

  10. Spencer wanted victor to help him get Ace. now he is acting like he never said anything.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...