Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ball RE-DO


So, here we are, looking at yesterday's show. I guess we will have to remember Friday will be Monday--Oh man!! 

Nurses Ball starting: Nurses Number and TJ sings as well. "Lovely Day" .

People chattering at the tables. Ava and Austin want Mac to see them together. Gladys is wearing expensive jewelry loaned to her by Sasha. Cody tells Gladys he knows she's gambling Sasha's money away. 

Spencer tells Trina she's beautiful. They decide they are 'together' ...

Dex tells Joss she's beautiful. 

Linc, Blaze harassment stuff. (boring)  

Liz makes a Epiphany speech. The Ball is dedicated to her. 

Joss and Trina sing. Then Linc tries to get Joss to be an act and work with him. 

Lucy, Anna, Val in the safe house. Lucy's sad...she's going to watch it in the bedroom. VAnna does a fantasy song/dance. Um.. not my thing. Lucy slips up and tells VANNA she was at the Metro Court that afternoon. They know Victor is probably looking for them. Anna says they have to get out of there RIGHT NOW. 

Victor is after Lucy. They are trying to find the safe house. Victor says he wants Val and Anna alive but they can kill Lucy. 

The three go to leave the house, Lucy doesn't want to go and is a pain in the ass. They finally walk out and Val is shot in the chest. He's probably wearing a vest tho. 

SO far, this "60th Ball" isn't that special, imo. Sorry...I'm trying but way to many start-stops..weird convos and just not entertaining. 


  1. Victor please take

    Victor please take lucy back............where is Martin???
    ----I know Karen didn't like Valentin and Vanna scene but I loved it!
    -----still missing Olivia, Ned, Robert, Diane, Mrs. Wu to name a few
    ----I honestly couldn't tell if Joss and Trina are actually singing with their voices?
    -----Stupid Liz wouldn't ask Finn to sit with her and Blaze, Brook, Chase and Linc are wasting my time....
    ------SO confused ---- no way Vanna has the Ice Princess out there - doesn't Robert have it???? so I don't think Valentin was really shot--------looks like Victor is asking for the necklace in the previews--------so whatever he left at the nurses ball may be a bomb to bribe them to give up the necklace but today for the first time I thought maybe CS IS leaving for a time -----------

    1. "Mufasa says, I honestly couldn't tell if Joss and Trina are actually singing with their voices?"

      I couldn't tell either. It didn't seem like it was TJ's voice either!!!

    2. Trina did an awesome job! Joss was great but I really liked Trina! Born performer!

    3. From an article:GH fans already know what a great talent McCoy is! She and William Lipton (Cam Webber) and Sydney Mikayla (Trina Robinson) recently performed as their alter egos on the show. The trio sang a special song that was a part of the Nurses Ball.

  2. Sorry, the whole thing has fallen flat. The problem with the opening number is that they don't have enough of the contract or even day players in the act. It's mostly extras and day players who are seldom seen. I know these mass gatherings are a director's nightmare to produce. You're focused on the characters/couple in front of the screen and yet you can see every one else in the background and it always doesn't look natural, like they're sitting their making idol chitchat lo and bored out of their minds. Where's the tribute to the hospital itself? The Anna/Valentine/Lucy story has fallen flat because they've been holed up in that house with the Christmas plaid seems since Christmas.

    1. 100 percent agree - it HAS been since Christmas and there is no way the best actors around in FH and JPS are happy with this long storyline and repetitive many times can they say "LUCY no" "Lucy stop" and "where is Victor now?" they deserve better after so long..

    2. Lucy really pissed me off! Acting like a damn child! She's ruined everything!

  3. There were some weird scenes today.

    Victor's limo: Victor why don't you do your plan yourself? ROFL!

    The cabin:

    Vanna and Lucy:

    V.C.: How devastating for you.

    ROFL! Anna hits him on the chest hahahaha.

    V.C.: If only our lives didn't depend on our staying away from the nurses ball.

    ROFL! He would have won the lines of the day, but someone else wins it. V.C. forgot that Anna is affected too because she can't go to the nurses ball either!

    Vanna: Awwwwwwwwwww the singing and dancing number, I love it!!! :) Anna's dress though.. Sparkly dress!!! ACK!

    Vanna and Lucy: Lucy! Loose lips sink ships! ROFL! Oh they gotta go!!! OH NO! RED DOT RED DOT RED DOT! V.C.! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :'(

    The nurses ball/the acts: Hmmm Bobbie and Maxie weren't very in sinc very well when they welcomed everyone to the nurses ball.

    Nurses: That one lady who was dancing and looking at her phone in shock, looked like Gladys. Why the hell are they freezing in place and then moving? TJ singing didn't sound like his voice! :)

    Joss and Trina: Freezing in place then moving! STOP!!!

    Nurses ball the socializing:


    Dex: You look amazing.

    No what he really meant to say was, your breasts look amazing. ;)

    Sprina: Awwwwwwww they are a couple! YAY! :D

    Bobbie and Joss: Gee Joss changed clothes really really fast! ROFL!

    Maxie and the chain saws: What the?! A missing chain saw? What is the chain saw for? In fact, what is the Llama for?!?!! ROFL!

    Linc and Blaze: Leave her alone you pervert!!! UGH! She needs to put her clothes on! GO AWAY!

    Blaze and Brooky: I'm glad Brooky is there for Blaze and kicked that perv out!! :)

    Brooky, Blaze, and Chase: Why are they acting like Blaze was raped by Linc? Very weird scene.

    Brooky and Chase: Are they getting back together or not?!

    Joss and Linc: Ewwwwwwwww! He is touching her! STOP TOUCHING HER YOU PERV!

    Gladys and Cowboy Cody: Gladys wins the line of the day.

    Gladys: First of all Jackass.


    Jordan and Tolly: What a weird scene. The camera pans to the hands and Jordan was touching Molly's hand.

    Liz and Finchy: Eye sex alert! Eye sex alert. Hope they are using protection.

    Chase and Finchy: What a strange scene. Is it really little V's message that Finchy is listening to? Or maybe he is talking to the Tribbles.. That's it! Finchy is having a love affair with the Tribbles! :D

    Sante and Cowboy Cody table: Hmmm Sam's purse matches the table cloth! Hahahahaha!

    Sonny and Spencer: Sonny why you looking for Victor? You got a little bitty crush on him? :)

    Piffy's dedication speech: Awwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    1. It got interesting to me right at the end. I liked Carly's walking in when Linc was talking to Joss. I hope he puts his slimy hands on her in front of Carly. That would be good television; especially if Sonny walked in at the end. Slimy Lizard Linc would know his life is over.

      I liked that they worked in JPS's beautiful voice. I didn't care if it was a fantasy.
      I was thinking that maybe Victor was going to saw through some struts and cause a building collapse, or at least a stage collapse and that's why he needed the saw. I want some action, and some casualties. I don't even care if it's BLQ and Chase at this point. they're causiing my brain to bleed!

      I notice Sam still can't walk on her own. She forgot to hang onto Dante. lol

    2. "Di says, It got interesting to me right at the end."

      Oh yes!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "I liked Carly's walking in when Linc was talking to Joss."

      That wasn't Carly. That was Brooky. :)

      "I hope he puts his slimy hands on her in front of Carly. That would be good television; especially if Sonny walked in at the end. Slimy Lizard Linc would know his life is over."

      Oh yeah!!!!!!! Oh Linc you are going to be in huge trouble when Sonny finds out!!!

      "I liked that they worked in JPS's beautiful voice. I didn't care if it was a fantasy."

      I didn't care if it was fantasy either. I love his voice. :)

      "I was thinking that maybe Victor was going to saw through some struts and cause a building collapse, or at least a stage collapse and that's why he needed the saw."

      Ooooo. I was thinking an explosion, but yeah he could have taken a saw and make the building or stage collapse!!! Soapy! :)

      "I want some action, and some casualties. I don't even care if it's BLQ and Chase at this point. they're causiing my brain to bleed!"


      "I notice Sam still can't walk on her own. She forgot to hang onto Dante. lol"


    3. Yeah. it was Brook. I must have been trying to conjure up Carly. lol

    4. "Di says, I must have been trying to conjure up Carly. lol"

      Hahahahahahahahaha! *Dead*

  4. I agree, and JPS even looks bored in some of the scenes. It's stupid the direction they took

  5. I have loved the Nurse's Ball over the years but I am not into this one. Victor, please take Lucy. JPS and Finola did great but the dress for dancing was a miss for me and it seemed so out of place. Like Diana, I remember when it was all contract or recurring players in the numbers and not people we rarely see. We need that.

  6. Anvils...all of a sudden Linc is everywhere! I imagine they are setting him up to be murdered. But I ask...who cares?

    1. I think that is a great thought - cause he IS around too much......

  7. Wonder if JPS wrote the song he sang.

  8. Valentine said he wrote it, and it was an original song so I think maybe JPS wrote it.

    1. I bet JPS did write it. He does song writing too. He's not the best dancer but has other talents. Lol

  9. I agree with most of you about a rather bland NB.
    I love glitter but couldn't the costume dept. see that so many dresses were so similar. Several looked like they were cut from the same fabric. They were all pretty, but so many of them.
    TJ and Molly told Jordan they were trying to get pregnant and she responded something about being a grandmother. I did not remember that she is TJ's mother. They are rarely if ever in a scene together. I just can't see this actress as this character being his mother.

  10. Anyone else imagining that Victor is going to through drive thrus in his limo?

    VICTOR (on the phone): We must find Lucy immediately or we will lose her-
    McDONALDS EMPLOYEE: Sir, did you want anything else with your Big Mac Meal?
    VICTOR: Sorry....Can I get a McFlurry? (To Phone) NO, I DIDN'T SAY LUCY IS IN SNOW FLURRIES!

    Nobody is questioning where Lucy got her Nurse's Ball Dress? Did she either sewed it together like Cinderella or stole it from the Metro Court?

    I get the sense that GH's budget wasn't given a large budget for GH's 60th. This would explain why Emma Samms, Jane Elliot, and Constance Towers appearances are staggered throughout the Spring.

    I also think that GH was deliberately putting the stage ropes behind Linc in his scenes. I sense another "Whodunit?"

    I feel bad for saying it, but much of the NB singing has been flat ....

    1. Hahahaha Matthew! :) Victor and the McDonalds employee! Hahaha!

    2. That is so funny. Love it.\

  11. I agree that the NB is flat and choppy. (I still love all the sparkly dresses though, lol!) I enjoyed the acts so far and thought Joss and Trina were great. JPS could sing to me anytime, anywhere. He is swoon worthy and I loved the Vanna dance!
    However as Wubs stated, Lucy is an ass and I'm done with her. She is ruining my viewing pleasure. The llama is stupid and I remember seeing it in the past, I just don't know why! I'm intrigued with the theory above about the chainsaw and maybe Linc biting the dust. Please make it so. I'm still hoping for great things today unless the ex-president sneezes or there is bad weather in Michigan and we have breaking news interuptus.

  12. I agree that the NB was far from exciting so far and I hate the sparkly dresses everywhere. They must have been on sale. I loved Vanna - real talent there and he did write the song. Like father like son, IRL. I think the llama was one of Lucy's hairbrained ideas from the past and became a tradition. Really tired of Brook Lynn always having that same darn look on her face. No Alexis or Diane at the ball?

  13. I think that one of the problems is that the two numbers we have seen were very similar. Trying so hard to be upbeat when having two dark scenarios going on at the same time is not working. So far.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...