Tuesday, April 11, 2023

All Aboard!


Victor tells Spencer none of them are going back to Port Charles. Trina watches from the sideline. Spencer is upset. Eventually, he gets thrown into the stateroom. Trina comes later and he almost hits her with the vase. Trina tells him she followed him there and Liesl is there too. She wants to leave but he says they can't. 

Dr O is brought out. Victor tells her he's going to finish what his brother's started so long ago. She lunges at him. 

Laura tells Esme that Victor took Ace. Laura talks about how brave Esme is. Laura thinks Spencer was taken just like Ace was. 

Robert and Diane talk about what's happened overnight. She wants to be there with him until she gets a phone call and has to leave. Then Jordan and Dante tell Robert that Victor has the baby and Liesl. 

Sonny called Diane to get the goonie that attacked Lucy to talk while he's at the PCPD. 

Carly tells Millow Dr. O has disappeared. Everyone is concerned. Later, Willow silent cries. 

Nina brings Scotty up to speed and tells him Liesl is missing and they have to find her. Scotty figures out Victor has to have her. 

AT the PCPD, Robert is trying to get bald goonie guy to talk and then Diane walks in. She gets information out of the Bald guy. they figure out he's on a a boat. 


Trina leaves the stateroom to search for a way out. 


  1. Karen ain't gonna like this but I think SONNY finds Liesel, etc. and Michael forgives him - cause Sonny must be the hero - LOL (I also don't think this is gonna last long)
    -----Ding ding ding - Esme worried about Spencer -----------means something -
    ------Diane was brilliant -- loved it
    -------are there not cameras on the Haunted Star? Even if not, the hot pink dress is SURELY gonna be seen!!!!
    -------I don't like Jordan but her theory that maybe Victor took Nik first was very intriguing....they should go with that, Ava and Austin
    ------Willow was good today I thought - still wish that her hair had realistically fallen out, but I thought her emotions were raw and well done............
    ------Is Mac still with Cody?????? and Linc??????????

    1. I did tweet about Cody-- and MAC too. I REALLY hope we have a scene where he finds out about Holly and the whole plan.

    2. "Mufssa says, are there not cameras on the Haunted Star? Even if not, the hot pink dress is SURELY gonna be seen!!!!"

      Well, what do you want her to do? Take off the dress and walk around in her panties and bra? ROFL! Spencer would just love that! ROFL!

    3. "Karen says, I REALLY hope we have a scene where he finds out about Holly and the whole plan."

      Yes!!! Me too!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. No running around in panties and bra for Trina, lol!
      I was hollering at the TV saying Trina change your dang clothes! There has to be something in Spencer's room. Uncle Victor wouldn't take off on a long sea voyage with no clothes and provisions for his captives. Sheesh!!

    5. "Julie H says No running around in panties and bra for Trina, lol!"


      "I was hollering at the TV saying Trina change your dang clothes! There has to be something in Spencer's room. Uncle Victor wouldn't take off on a long sea voyage with no clothes and provisions for his captives. Sheesh!!"

      Hmmm very good point!!!! Where are the clothes?!?!!

  2. After what happened the last time a bunch of Cassidines were on that ship with the ice princess gems it should be a huge sign to Victor that this isn't going to end well for him. It didn't last time. We even have a Trina as a stow away.

  3. Mufasa, I have a feeling you are correct. Sonny will with Carly in tow.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today.

    Mildew home:

    Mildew and Crew: If it's not one thing it's another! UGH!

    Mildew: Oh yes go get hot chocolate for her. Leave her alone so she can cry alone right?

    Willow crying softly alone: YUP! STOP WRITERS STOP! ENOUGH! Stop tormenting her! Enough is enough! And stop tormenting us!! First they tormented Sasha, and now it's Willows turn! UGH!

    Metrocourt ballroom:

    Scotty and Nison: Kin Shriner sounds like he has a cold.

    Scotty: That's horse hockey here.

    ROFL! Yeah listen to Scotty!!!!

    Nina and Scotty: Poor Scotty is so worried about his little shinizel!

    The hospital:

    Laura and Vampira: Great scene! She might have a concussion Laura? Didn't the doctors check that out yet? Damn. Slow doctors.

    Robert and Diane: Awwww Diane wanted to check how Robert is doing! :) I love Riane!!! :)

    Jordan, Robert, and Dante: Geez Dominic Zamprogna sounds like he has a cold too. Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: Victor is into stealing babies now? Man this guy is a one man crime spree.


    Sonny and Diane: Did Diane just call him boss?!?!!?!?!! How odd.

    Police station:

    Bad guy and Robert: Robert don't bother. You won't be able to get anything out of him.

    Robert and Diane: But Diane could! :) Yes Robert!!! Trust her! :)

    The haunted star:

    Victor and Spencer: Oh oh Spencer has been kidnapped. Whatcha going to do now Spencer? Don't worry! Trina can save you! :)

    Victor, Bad guy, and Dr. O:

    Dr. O: You svine!

    ROFL! OH! I'm so glad Dr. O was the only one to see Trina! YEAH DR. O STRANGLE HIM! ROFL!

    Spencer and bad guy: Oh oh Spencer is stuck in that room!!!!! His very own kidnapped room!

    Sprina: Awwwwwwwwwww. :) I love that hug! They both are talking so fast! Well, they don't have time to talk slow! They could get caught!!! No Trina! Spencer can't leave his wittle brother!!! I love how they are figuring things out! :)

    1. You killed me today! Little shinizel, hahahaha!
      I love Riane too! They are perfect.
      Scotty was great as was Willow. She had me all teary eyed.
      I am a little tired of Esme saying "my baby". They have to give her some new lines, lol!
      And how awesome Dr. O saw Trina, I LOVED it!

    2. "You killed me today! Little shinizel, hahahaha!"


      "I love Riane too! They are perfect."

      Yes they are!!!! :D

      "Scotty was great as was Willow. She had me all teary eyed."

      Yeah the actress who plays Willow is great, but GAH it's killing me. :( Scotty is always great! :)

      "I am a little tired of Esme saying "my baby". They have to give her some new lines, lol!"

      Hahahaha. She should say my son, or call him Ace!!!! :) Or my Ace? :D

      "And how awesome Dr. O saw Trina, I LOVED it!"

      I loved it too! She distracted them long enough so that Trina can get to Spencer! :)

  5. I had to laugh hearing Carly talk about Victor, it sounded just like Sonny in many ways.

  6. I thought the last Jordan was terrible but this one just has no expression whatsoever. Diane and Robert are so refreshing together, unlike Carly and Drew. Scotty was wonderful!

  7. Also, Genie was wonderful as always showing Laura's kindness and caring towards Esme.


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