Wednesday, April 19, 2023



Nina is sad about the wedding happening tomorrow.. she says it's the beginning of the end. Michael calls Sonny and wants to see him. He's coming to the chapel. Nina leaves when Michael comes in... invites Sonny to the wedding. 

Avery is at Wyndemere with Ava. Carly comes over. UGH She tells Avery Willow wants her to be a flower girl. Ava is happy--so is Avery. Ava asks if Sonny and Nina are invited to the wedding. Carly gets all pissy. They have a deep conversation about regrets. Carly brings up Morgan's death..yada yada. 

Curtis is frustrated he can't help Trina. He and Laura talk until Esme is ready to go. 

Esme asks Liz if she can talk to Dr. Gatlin Holt. She wants to know if Ace is going to be ok even though he has colic. Liz and Austin tell her he'll be fine. 

Nurse Amy tells Austin he should steer clear of Ava. 

Victor is upset with his Goonies because they are bothering him with trivial things.

Spencer and Trina hug. She says she got into the Communications room  and stole a walkie talkie. Spencer says that Victor's plan will kill all of mankind so they'd better hurry and get rescued. Trina goes to the engine room. She damages an electrical cord. Victor finds out and has a plan. 

Victor says Ace is cranky and brings him to Spencer so he'll calm down. Spencer finds out that Valentin is alive. 


Victor finds Trina

Curtis thinks Drew can help

Nina shows up at Wyndemere just as Ava goes to GH to find Portia. So Carly and Nina are alone. 


  1. ----Why would Curtis think Drew NOW remembers something? It must be setting up the two of them going on a trip = Sonny walks Willow down the aisle.
    -----Kinda glad Trina got caught - that pink dress was on my last nerve!!!
    -----okay this Amy talking to a DOCTOR about his personal life is unprofessional and OUT OF NOWHERE!!
    -----Is someone still after Sonny? #manystorylinesdropped
    -----I will take mean Carly over whiny Nina anyday.....
    ------clearly Victor is losing it....

    1. "Mufasa says, okay this Amy talking to a DOCTOR about his personal life is unprofessional and OUT OF NOWHERE!!"

      Yeah did we miss an episode? I'm so lost!!!

      "-clearly Victor is losing it...."

      Well, he still can't get it up! ROFL!

    2. Sonya said "Well, he still can't get it up! ROFL!"

      Oh, I do hope Holly gets to let him know she did it, with Ms.Wus help, and I hope she and whoever is with her mocks him for it. I'm petty. 😊

  2. Amy is on for the second time in a year and she jumps down BobTodd's throat.
    Ava is preaching understanding.
    Drew will remember.
    Still the day after the NB
    This is hysterically ridiculous.

    1. "Amy is on for the second time in a year and she jumps down BobTodd's throat."

      BobTodd!!!! Hahahahahaha! *Snicker* Yeah that scene was very out of place, and made no sense.

  3. The hospital:

    Vampira, Pawtucket Holtster and Liz: I like how calming Pawtucket Holtster is with Vampira. :) Liz is calming too. Great scene!

    Pawtucket Holtster, Liz, and Amy: WHAT?!?!!??! What the hell Amy!!!! What was that scene about? How odd.

    Laura and Curtis: I like their scenes today! Whoa! Curtis got an ah ha epiphany moment! Love that!!! But how is Drew going to help though?

    The chapel:

    Nison: Of course they have to talk in the chapel. Couldn't they talk in a private room?

    Nison and Michael: This is horrible. Sonny is invited, but Nina isn't. I bet if was still alive, Willow would invite her to the wedding.


    Ava and Avery: Awwwwwwwwww. :)

    Ava, Avery, and Carly: Avery is so excited seeing mama Carly! Awwwwwww. :)

    Ava and Carly: Wow! I thought there was peace between them, but I was wrong! There isn't!!! Well, great scene though. Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Next time I come by I'll make sure to wear beads and bring a candle.


    The haunted star:

    The bad guys and Victor: Wow Victor is cranky! He slept on the wrong side of the bed! :) Well, he also can't get it up anymore soooooo.... ROFL!

    Victor, Spencer, and baby Ace: Awwwwwww baby Ace!! :) I'm glad Spencer told him that Ace has colic. Victor has no idea about baybays! Hahahahahaha!

    Sprina: YAY! More kisses. :) Man Spencer is talking really really fast again. Well, they still really don't have much time, so it's appropriate. :) I would love to see the bloopers. :)

    Spencer, Victor, and Trina: Oh rats! Trina is caught!! Trina should ask Victor if he has any clothes for her to change into. :) Trina should hold Ace and then they can bond. :)

    1. "I bet if were still alive, Willow would invite her to the wedding."

      And Harmony killed how many people? Didn't she hand Willow over to a sick SOB Shilioh? Didn't she try to kill Alexis and Carly? But Nina is the bad mother. 🙄

    2. "Gary says, And Harmony killed how many people? Didn't she hand Willow over to a sick SOB Shilioh? Didn't she try to kill Alexis and Carly? But Nina is the bad mother. 🙄"

      YES! And Willow said that she wishes was her real mother and not Nina!!! *Facepalm*

  4. Since when does Snarly respect boundaries? These writers make me laugh out loud.

    Whatever that was Laura was wearing it was awful. Such a beautiful lady to be dressing her in that.

    Loved seeing little Avery as well as sweet Ace.

    1. Exactly. I have no idea why they always dress Laura in drapes.

    2. Avery is so cute. Glad they didn't recast her.

  5. Or they dress her in weird vests like from gym class to know what team you are on.

  6. FYI to everyone, if WGA (Writers Guild of America) does goes on Strike on May 1st, General Hospital will be affected. During the last writers strike, GH controversially had Scab Writers to continue production of the show. This led to some questionable GH storyline decisions for the Text Message Killer Storyline, where a not dead Diego was revealed to be the killer.

    If production gets shuts down, the show should have enough episode to last into June. ABC could reduced the episode count per week (like back in 2020), so they can keep airing episodes into the summer.

    1. Thanks for that info. Oh man.

    2. I don't like the use of scabs, but maybe they will move some of these storylines along and start a few new ones. LOL

    3. Matthew says, GH controversially had Scab Writers to continue production of the show. This led to some questionable GH storyline decisions for the Text Message Killer Storyline, where a not dead Diego was revealed to be the killer.

      Yeah I wonder who the heck wrote that!!!

      "If production gets shuts down, the show should have enough episode to last into June. ABC could reduced the episode count per week (like back in 2020), so they can keep airing episodes into the summer."

      If they did that, I hope they don't reshow the Sonny episodes again. I hope they show ones that are far back like 70's or 80's!

  7. The only thing I liked abut Wednesday's show was the conversation between Ava and Carly. Given the histories of Ava, Carly and Nina, they really need to address these issues more often.

    1. agree and Ava admitting it's hard sometimes was very honest - plus I have always said HOW can they be BFF's?

    2. "mufasa says, agree and Ava admitting it's hard sometimes was very honest"

      Yes!!! It was great. I want a scene with Ava and Nina, and Ava telling Nina that. And they both cry. Oh that would be a great scene!!

  8. So my good mood from Tuesday's show totally evaporated with Wednesday's show, lol!
    If Carly is going to throw around other's past misdeeds, let us recall drugging AJ and sleeping with Tony Jones, just for starters.
    I would not invite Neener to tie my shoe let alone my wedding. If I was dying I would not want to see her sniveling face. Everyone brings up Harmony but she's gone now, who knows what Willow would do.
    Trina got caught because of that pink dress, billowing coat and swinging handbag she's been hauling around. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)
    Miss Amy needs to be reprimanded and receive a 2 day layoff. What was that all about??
    Maybe today will be better. The saving grace was baby Ace. What a cutie-patootie!

  9. why is snarly always have to be so cold and heartless. give her a heart maybe she would be more likeable. she forgets her crimes. and now I feel willow is the next carly.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...