Thursday, April 27, 2023

Oh, It's like a Picnic!

OVARY ALERT: That baby Amelia is adorable. Willow is scared " I want this to be the beginning of something, not the end".

Tracy is telling Olivia her food is tacky! LOL "Prepared BOO-FAY, every bride's dream"!! Olivia asks Ned how long Mommy Dearest is staying. 

Sam is officiating? Um, what. 

Krissy arrives. Sonny talks to Wiley.  They take photos. Molly and TJ come. Molly gets choked up thinking about kids. Krissy asks her what's wrong. Molly says it might be harder than she thought to get PG. 

Nina tells Ava she told Martin to tell the SEC that Carly and Drew did insider trading anonymously. Ergo, she won't get blamed? But...I think they'll figure it out. OMG Ava's like I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO CALL..I was being sarcastic!! If Carly goes to jail, you'll pay, not her! 

This was just a long dragged out march to the wedding for sure. 

CEREMONY: Carly takes Willow down the aisle. Willow hangs on to her a bit. Sam says stuff. Joss reads a sonnet. 

Ned sings a song. NO HE DOESN'T! THEY CUT IT AND WENT TO NINA AND AVA!! what!?

Michael says his vows. Then Willow. Married. Then Bubbles. 

Nina realizes she fked up.

The SEC shows up at the wedding, take in Carly 


NOT EVEN ONE MONICA MENTION? Where are all the other kids? Monica watching them?? I mean...??? 


  1. So many story lines last forever. Nina calls the SEC and 'sec'onds later, there they are. Hogwash.
    Willow does look lovely.
    Sam? I swear I saw a photo somewhere of Lucy at the helm. Too much is not true anymore.
    Maybe Monica and Taggert ran off together. lol

    1. "Zazu says Maybe Monica and Taggert ran off together. lol"

      ROFL! Where did they go?! :)

  2. at least MENTION Monica and ROCCO for sure----
    ---------Sonny never seemed nervous about the Pikeman shipment nor did he check the phone......
    ---------could be wrong but no way Willow will ever forgive Nina now, right????? I'm glad that this is the beginning of the end of Nina and Sonny, but the writing of Nina's character seems like they are writing her off...........down the road?
    -------TOMORROW starts May sweeps so will it be Carly/Drew in Jail and hopefully Victor dying? perhaps finally a paternity test for Ace?

  3. Sonny's abode:

    Ava and Nina: Nina is so delusional! Hahahahhahaha! Oh sure Sonny will understand uh huh.. ROFL! I'm glad Ava finally got through to her! The green beans on Sonny's table are glad Ava finally got through to her too.

    Mildew home:

    Carly and Willowkemia: Awwww don't be skeered Willowkemia! You will be just fine. I think your cancer shrunk. You look pretty good to me. She asks Carly if she wishes that she never met Michael. HA! Carly doesn't, but I do! I wish that so much! :)

    The Q mansion/Breakfast nook: Are the Tribbles there? Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Oh not to worry. All the food is precooked just like a picnic.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tracy you kill me! :) Awww Donna and Avery go outside. They are adorable. Oh hi Joss. Joss looking for the girls while her bread is bouncing.

    The main room: Sam is standing way too close to TJ. I bet she can she can smell his breath. Oh look Sam in her hooker outfit is going to marry Mildew. I thought Tracy was going to tell Chase how she pulled some strings to help him get his job back haha. Willowkemia came in the house in a wheelchair?!!?! WHAT?! She don't need a wheelchair!! ROFL! Boy Sam just talks and talks and talks.. Just marry them already!!! Wait Ned is going to sing first before the vows? Wait what? We missed his singing!!?!! GRRRRRRRRR! Wait I thought they did do their vows. Then what the hell was all that talk about? This wedding is so strange. The SEC shows up?! WHAT?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *dead*

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 9th 1990* Katherine thinks Robert is dead.

    1. Willowkemia!!! LOL And the wheelchair!
      Did you see the photo that Karen posted on FB? Tribbles for sale at Marshall's!

    2. "zazu says, Willowkemia!!! LOL And the wheelchair!"


      "Did you see the photo that Karen posted on FB? Tribbles for sale at Marshall's!"

      Yes I did!!!!!!!!! At first I thought she meant Marshall the character from GH. :) Oh I so want some Tribbles!!! :)

    3. Why did Willow only need the wheelchair wheeling into the mansion? That was weird

    4. I'm a sucker for weddings, so I loved this episode! :)
      Totally peeved that we didn't get to hear Ned sing, wtf??
      My story is it's a long way from the gatehouse to the main house, uphill all the way, thus the wheelchair for Willowkemia, lol!
      And BLQ seems to be the Tracy wrangler now. She sure loves her granny!
      She who shall not be named anymore blames Ava for her tattling to the SEC? Really? She's beyond delusional and needs help. Totally loved Ava calling her on her s&*t, the whole straying from the facts line!

    5. "Julie H says, Totally peeved that we didn't get to hear Ned sing, wtf??"

      Yeah I know!!!! ARGH!

      "My story is it's a long way from the gatehouse to the main house, uphill all the way,"

      Okay good story. :)

      "thus the wheelchair for Willowkemia, lol!"


      "She who shall not be named anymore blames Ava for her tattling to the SEC? Really? She's beyond delusional and needs help."

      People think it is Tracy who really called first. I can get behind that. :)

      "Totally loved Ava calling her on her s&*t, the whole straying from the facts line!"

      It was fantastic!!!! :)

    6. oooh Sonya! (you probably won't see this) I love the idea that Tracy alerted the SEC. ooooh....that would be a hoot!

    7. "Julie H says, oooh Sonya! (you probably won't see this)"

      I probably won't see what? Your post? Yes I did!!!! :)

      "I love the idea that Tracy alerted the SEC. ooooh....that would be a hoot!"

      Yes!!!! That would be awesome. :) It was way too quick to be from Nina.

  4. The SEC really WAS there in a minute. Didn't they investigate and drop the case for no evidence? Maybe an anonymous tip is now considered evidence?? Can't believe one minute Nina wants the wedding to be "the happiest day of her daughters life" and the next - she wrecked that. I'm not a fan of Nina - so I hope this blows apart her relationship with Sonny. Willow should have been happy for one day - since - you know - she's dying and all. **Side note- so sick of hearing Nina say "MY DAUGHTER".

    1. Not defending Carley, but Nina is 10x worse. At least Carly puts family first. Nina just blew up the lives of Willow, Wiley, Amelia, Avery, Donna, Michael, Joss etc. - just to get revenge. Hope Sonny throws that shrew out on her you know what!

    2. She didn't always put family first. She slept with Tony (her stepfather). Stole Aj's son, Let a mob boss claim him, we could go on and on. They are both crazy but it does irk me that Carly is always glowing in the win.

  5. Good God, this show needs to do better. (At least the wedding is finally over with.)

  6. okay I am thinking it WAS Tracy who turned in Drew and Carly cause it was quick.....but Nina will confess to Sonny when he figures it out --------and then Tracy leaves as we find out SHE did it????? Gosh this could drag on for years.

  7. I must point out that the middle age/senior ladies are working to defeat Victor. So wonderful to see Felicia, Anna, Holly, Laura, Tracy, etc. work to defeat Victor. We older ladies rock. Even, Selina, Lucy, and Diane are involved. GH doesn't have these amazing women in the next generation. Just women pining over Sonny. I was wishing that Cyrus had something to do with Victor's downfall.

    1. I just noticed that every woman to beat Victor is one of Luke's exes.

  8. GH's pace has been irritating me. Despite me missing several episodes, the plot has barely moved. Oof.

    They should of had Spinelli officiate the wedding. That would of been hilarious to have a giddy Spinelli annoying Tracy the Traditionalist.

    The saga of Carly vs Nina Round 80,000 is getting ridiculous. The pettiness between the two has become unrealistic. It's funny that it all started from Nelle, but now no one even mentions her.

    When they mentioned the SEC, my brain thought they said "FCC" (Federal Communications Commision). Does FCC now regulates fictional characters in TV show, LOL?

    Important Heads up: There is potential for another widespread Writers Strike in the USA. WGA (Writers Guild of America) and AMPTP (Association of Motion Pictures and Television Productions) have yet to reach a deal. If no deal is made by Tuesday, the WGA may call for a nationwide Writers Strike. This would halt production of GH, other soaps, Late Nght TV, USA Dramas & Comedies and American movie productions.

    1. Snorted my coffee about the FCC. HAAHAH!
      Spinelli would have been a much better choice than Sam. But at least I could hear and understand her. Sometimes it's a struggle.
      Thanks for the update about the Writers Strike. Not looking forward to that mess.

    2. "Matthew says, When they mentioned the SEC, my brain thought they said "FCC"

      That was what I thought at first too!!!!!!

      "Does FCC now regulates fictional characters in TV show, LOL?"


  9. Ugh, the Carly/Willow fest was nauseating, especially hearing Carly's phony laugh too much. I think Nina is screwed if she was actually responsible but who cares. Carly finally gets a little slap in the face. Love watching Tracy in action and the kiddies were adorable. Can't believe sourpuss Michael(Chad) is up for an Emmy, but they have been given to not great actors in the past. Willow looked like she made a remarkable recovery. So far fetched it is ridiculous. Glad Kristina is back!!


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