Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Get Those Daffodils!


Ok, so when Jane aka Tracey Angelica Quartermaine walked into the living room, it felt so right. Such and anchor. I'm so happy she's back, even if it IS only to get her health insurance through SAG!! So fun. 

Anyway, I don't think I will be here today. This week is really nutty for me and I KNOW I'll be out Friday. Hopefully, I'll catch the wedding at some point (the 26-27th??) I hope. 

How are you feeling about the show? I did like yesterday's show; mostly because the vets were featured. The New Ethan didn't bug me at all. I was surprised he just left. 

KEEP me posted on the Greenland adventure! 


  1. I love Tracy too although it's sad that actors have to stay at work just to keep their health insurance. I laughed at her one liners and cheered when I first saw her. They definitely have written her in character. Give her the reigns at ELQ if you can't handle it,Ned. lol

    I also loved seeing the vets and didn't mind nuEthan at all. He was aussie and blond like Luke and filled the role well. I wouldn't mind seeing him again too but i'll be more than satisfied with all the vets for now. Can't wait to see them arrive at that island off the coast of Greenland. ( hmmm Wonder if it's one of the little isles I've visited. Never thought to look for secret labs. lol Just sea birds.

    I hope they keep up the improvements this week and don't lag in groups of 2 again. Can't wait to see what happens at that wedding too.

    1. "Di says, I love Tracy too although it's sad that actors have to stay at work just to keep their health insurance."

      Yeah that's awful! Didn't she retire? That should NEVER happen!!!

      "hmmm Wonder if it's one of the little isles I've visited. Never thought to look for secret labs. lol Just sea birds."


  2. SO happy to see Tracy!! And I thought the new Ethan was really cute, could act and was personable, so of course we won't probably see him again.

  3. I KNEW Tracy was the one who pulled the strings to get Chase reinstated cause Chase and Brook Lynn will NEVER be happy.....he will find out JUST as they get close again
    ------SO confused - is Sonny not in danger anymore? WHERE is the space he and Nina were gonna have to keep her safe?
    ----We missed Laura telling Esme (who is now alone in the penthouse with Charlotte and Kevin) and we still haven't seen Mac OR Kevin as they found out about Vanna being alive...
    ------Odd that Carly didn't mention who else went with Drew...
    ------I just cannot stand Nina - ugh - that smug pursing of her lips while talking to Marty (WHERE IS HE?) and lying to Sonny --------------but this will break up Sonny and Nina so I look at the big picture LOL
    ------No Lucy since the Ball but it's just 2 days after the ball ------
    ------Jane Elliott just reminds me again how above she is from the others......

  4. I do love Tracy. Her wit and sarcasm is old school GH.
    Now I'll get in trouble. I never cared for Holly or the actor who plays her. And please do not lecture me about her health etc. I never liked her. Back in the day it was story lines with her that made me stop watching GH.
    Did anyone hear Robert say that Mac told him about Felicia's adventures? Mac found out off screen.
    What I think about the show right now. Plenty of ups and downs. Too many downs. Soap operas were not created to make people sad. Too much doom and gloom.

    1. same - Holly was always selfish --- I hope she leaves Robert again and he realizes he is SO over her!

    2. I personally always rooted for Anna & Robert over Hollie with Robert. Didn't care for her with Luke either.

  5. Hollie is so beautiful and while I have enjoyed her scenes, I want Robert's attention on Diane. Hollie could pass for his daughter as she looks younger than her age. I think they are 14 years apart or so.

    Wylie was sweet.

    1. "Hollie could pass for his daughter as she looks younger than her age."

      ROFL! That's because Robert has gray hair. :) He is a silver fox. ;)

  6. We know Holly is not end game for Robert, since she's leaving. I want him to CHOOSE Diane; not just a consolation prize.

  7. Jane Elliot could take a wadded up paper towel off the floor and turn it into an award winning performance. She is so effortlessly Tracy. Every expression. Even the way she walks and enters a room. And she is just as beautiful as she was 40-50 years ago.
    Emma Samms, same. She lights up the room. The chemistry is undeniable between Robert and Holly, with out them barely saying a word. Total pros.
    Personally, I thought the new Ethan had a spark. I'd be interested to see him back.

    The pacing of the show is maddening.

  8. Well, I got some exciting news! My Goddaughter's best friend, who I told you all was an extra at the NB, was cast as a nurse! She texted me a picture of herself in scrubs!

    1. That's just awesome! I couldn't do it. I'd just stand there stuttering, lol!

  9. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Robert's office:

    Riane: Ooooo another kiss going to happen! Oh shoot Holly interrupted!

    Riane and Holly: Diane is jelly and Holly still is interested in Robert. Diane reasessed everything that happened from Holly faking being burned, to them using her as a stooge, and she is not happy about it.. She is leaving.

    Robert: Diane let me walk you to your car.

    Diane: Oh that's special. No I can find my car by myself.

    Oh ouch! Burn!!!! Diane left!

    Robert and Holly: I thought Robert was going to kiss her.. Glad he didn't. I mean I will always love RnH, but how long is she going to stay? I don't want them to start something and then have her leave again. Diane is stable and not leaving. Holly wants to talk to Anna.

    The hospital:

    Anna's room:

    Alexis and Anna: V.C. texted Alexis and she showed Anna. They had a nice scene together. Diane then texted Alexis and is confused ROFL! So Alexis had to leave.

    Robert and Anna: Anna wants a plane that is undetected? YEAHHHHHHHH! She wants to go join in on the group! :)

    Robert, Anna, and Holly: Holly is having all the guilt feels about pretending to be Anna to shoot Lucy. Anna isn't upset with her and understands because she has been stuck in a corner before. Holly tells them what Victor is up to.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Alexis and Diane: Diane tells her about the date she had with Robert and the kiss! :) Diane isn't happy Holly showed up. She wants to just work side by side with Robert and that's it!

    Alexis: Life is too short to stand on ceremony. If you feel something, say something.

    YEAH!!!!! You tell her Alexis! :)

    Sonny's abode:


    Sonny: You know what I want to do?

    Touch her boobies? Cus I see where your hands are. It looks like you want to touch them. Yeah Sonny wants to take Nina out of Port Chuckles and to take her to the islands. You gonna buy her a dress Sonny? She ain't having it. She wants him to go to the wedding. He tells her to let go of everything Carly. They making out. :)

    Nina on the phone alone: Oooo she is on the phone seeing if the person on the other end said something about Carly and Drew's insider trading, and to keep her name out of it! DOH! :) Hmmmm. Is that why she don't want to go to the island?

    Mildew home:

    Willow and Wiley: Awwwwwwww! :) Great scene. Wiley is going to help with the rings at the wedding.

    Carly and Willow: Carly was just about to tell Willow that Drew can't walk her down the isle, when Michael shows up.

    Carly and Mildew: Willow don't want Drew to go into something dangerous because of her. You can't stop Drew, Willow.. Besides it's too late. Anyway, Carly is going to walk sick dying Willow down the isle.

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and the whole family: Tracy wants to know why Carly is there! BAHAHAHAHA!

    Tracy: I don't need an invitation this is my house.

    The whole family wins the line of the day!

    Whole family: It's Monica's house and Alan gave it to her.


    Tracy: Because he was an idiot!

    ROFL! They have to tell her that Mildew are getting married and that Willow is sick. Tracy wants to help. Tracy can't go to her room because Drew sleeps there now! Hahahahahha!

    Brooky and Tracy: Oh my!!! Tracy pulled strings for Chase! That's not going to bode well with him.

    Previews for tomorrow: Oooooo it looks like Victor is in the same place where his brother was when he had the weather machine!!!!! :)

    1. For real about Tracy, Everything out of her mouth yesterday was a hoot. And the whole family with line of the day? HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Yeah, I can go with that! :)

      Willow has really rallied, no? I think this stage 4 is all a hoax! Kidding, but she looked way too good and energetic yesterday. Must have been a doozy of nap.

      Loved Diane and Alexis together. Never thought I would see the day that Diane was jealous, but she had a point. I'm with you. Love Holly but do not let her mess with Riane!!

      I FF'd most of Sonny and Neener, especially when the island came up. And yes, I thought, he's going to buy her a dress, lol! Boy, the poo is really gonna hit the fan about Carly/Drew. You-know-who never learns. Wanna bet Ava or Ned get blamed at first? And I'm tired of Martin being off screen. Boo!

    2. "Julie H says, For real about Tracy, Everything out of her mouth yesterday was a hoot."

      It was! Hahahaha!

      "And the whole family with line of the day? HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Yeah, I can go with that! :)"

      It was the best! Hahahaha!

      "Willow has really rallied, no? I think this stage 4 is all a hoax! Kidding, but she looked way too good and energetic yesterday. Must have been a doozy of nap."

      Yeah It looks like she is healthy enough to have sex with Michael! ROFL!

      "Loved Diane and Alexis together. Never thought I would see the day that Diane was jealous, but she had a point. I'm with you. Love Holly but do not let her mess with Riane!!"

      Alexis had a good point too. I love Holly too, but I don't even know how long she is staying!

      "Boy, the poo is really gonna hit the fan about Carly/Drew."

      Yeah it will!!!

      "Wanna bet Ava or Ned get blamed at first?"

      Yeah it could happen!

      "And I'm tired of Martin being off screen. Boo!"

      It's time for him to come back!!!

  10. I used to watch GH at night through a portal called wubspot.com. Or something like that. NOW, they only have one screen to watch and the buffering is insane. It stops and starts every minute. I cant do ABC.com because I dont have cable. And I cant afford HULU. Does anyone have a website they go to do watch the show for free online?

    1. PS I have a streaming service called CINEMA where I watch shows, normally a day late, which is fine. However, GH is over a week later on that site.

    2. YouTube. It's not so good.

    3. David! Try dailymotion! Person named Soap. That is where I go.


  11. HOW can Maura West NOT have been nominated for a Daytime Emmy???? I am happy Finola was but NO MAURA?????????????? odd nominations this year
    - no DOOL and 3 Y & R

    1. Don't they have to let their name stand? Sometimes actors decide not to put their nomination in.

    2. Maura is my first choice for top actress as well Mufasa.

    3. I just read that Maura did not submit herself this year. Per Michael Fairman.

    4. Well that explains it. Her choice, but dang! She's superb, always!

  12. I can’t even watch Willow anymore! On her dying “bed” but talking like she’s the eveready bunny. I’m not a big Holly fan but I don’t mind seeing her once in a while.

  13. HAHAHA about Willow, I was just thinking yesterday that she looked pretty perky!

  14. I was watching (bingeing) Bones 2 days ago and there was Dr. O playing a grieving mom. She was blond and had a midwestern accent. I about died! It was from 2006 and she hasn't changed a bit!

  15. cujo walking willow down the isle is vomit


Uncut Filler

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