Monday, April 17, 2023

Hooded Man


Venezuela: Felicia and Holly are in a hotel. Felicia is going to help Holly find Ethan which I guess is at this island off Venezuela? Holly got a tip he was there. Felicia offers her dresses to change into. They go to some exclusive club that Victor belongs to and try to bribe their way in. The guy says "that was a big mistake" and goonies come out . They say they are bidding in person so they don't leave a digital footprint and give him more money. He says they can stay. The auction starts. Holly and Felicia are the only ones in the room. The "item" is brought in and it's a man with a hood on his head. 

Millow: Willow ask Joss and Carly to help with the wedding TOMORROW. They say YES! Giggle. Willow talks to Carly alone. She wants her to help mend the Sonny/Michael rift. 

Joss tells Michael that Sonny knows about Dex. Sonny doesn't care. Michael said Sonny called and he sounded like his dad. 

Robert is angry that Sonny used Diane to talk to the goonie. Sonny says TOO BAD, I got you the information. Nina comes up when Robert leaves. She wants Liesl FOUND NOW!! They talk about what Sonny did to get the guy to tell everyone that they took the Haunted Star. 

Robert runs into Diane, makes a snotty comment about her helping Sonny. She doesn't like that. 

Brook; Chase..she straightens his tie. She stays while the board comes in and questions him. Then Blaze testifies that he saved her from Linc. Then Brook stands to say his "true calling" is police work, not singing. She sings his praises basically. 

Alexis and Greg. He wants to help her with the big hostage story since he knows it's close to her. She says yes but she wants to hear what's wrong with him first. They jibber jabber and.. I don't know what's going on. Not sure if she knows WHAT he's sick with or...or... and I really don't care. I wish she was on the yacht with Victor.  Greg falls over ... 


Diane and Robert go to dinner

Hood is off and it's a HUGELY recast Ethan.. he's even blonde. That's so disappointing. I was really hoping Parsons could have made a cameo. Damn it. 


  1. Nothing much today and yet I have MANY comments!
    ----worst editing - How, when, etc is Felicia there----what money does she have - who sent her - Does MAC know????
    -----Nina and Sonny don't belong together - she is whiny and weak and never once does she OR Sonny mention that Liesel might DIE - or that she is in danger - it's always 'my daughter'
    ----previews are confusing - Brook Lynn tells Sonny she called in a favor - did she bribe the committee? WHEN will she learn
    ----Laura Wright's hair is on point Robert and Diane...
    ------Greg doesn't have Parkinson's - the way he fell----
    -------If Tracy appears the 18th which is now a day behind - the 19th - is that the favor Brook Lynn called?
    ----rumor says Drew goes to find Liesel and Sonny walks Willow down the aisle - which is next week LOL
    -----in 2 weeks it's May sweeps...............

    1. "Mufasa says, rumor says Drew goes to find Liesel and Sonny walks Willow down the aisle - which is next week LOL"

      So does this mean that as soon as Dr. O shows herself at the wedding, that the wedding is off? ROFL!

    2. I think it's a tumor...slurring of the speech and all that. And YES--the Felicia thing was a MESS! We NEEDED a scene where she told Mac the entire plan (like they did Jordan). She was just THERE. I thought I skipped something again.

    3. "kdmask says, I think it's a tumor...slurring of the speech and all that."

      Oooooo! Yes I like that idea. And it could be operable!!!! :)

      "And YES--the Felicia thing was a MESS! We NEEDED a scene where she told Mac the entire plan"

      YES!! We DO need it!!!!!!!

  2. Judging from WeepingWillow/MadMichael scenes it is still the day after the NB. The authorities can't find a runaway ship but Felicia gets to Venezuela and has everything organized but was surprised by Holly. OY. Giant Ethan. In person and on some screen? WTH is going on here.

    1. They seem to be auctioning him off to the higheset bidder, zazu.

    2. I got that but the whole thing was thrown at us. Farkakte....Yiddish for crazy/mixed up.

  3. Diaae & Robert going to dinner or having any screen time together is good... recast Ethan= bad IMO.

    This was supposed to be a Friday show? Meh.

  4. The up side could be that's he's not just making a cameo and so if NP wasn't available they had to hire someone else.

    No GH here as the Boston station had the marathon on all day, and it's still on. I watched on Citytv.
    I'm glad they didn't keep us guessing about who was under the hood but I wish we didn't have to wait to hear Chase's news. I'm hoping he's reinstated immediately so they can have him working with Dante on the Victor case, and we won't be seeing the strobe light of emotions that is Brooklyn in every scene he's in.

    1. "Di says I'm hoping he's reinstated immediately so they can have him working with Dante on the Victor case"

      YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! That would be great!!!!! :D

      "and we won't be seeing the strobe light of emotions that is Brooklyn in every scene he's in."

      ROFL! Oh you know they will! :)

  5. Venezuela hotel:

    Felicia and Holly: My first thought, is that Holly? IT IS!! HOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! :D Holly still hasn't found Ethan? I thought she did find him. Well she has to find him soon!!! Then she can tell Robert that Ethan is his son!

    Venezuela private auction home:

    Felicia, Holly, bad guys, and hooded guy: Whoa! Holly looks hot in that red dress! Red really looks good on her! Hooded guy? Nathan?

    *Bad guy takes hood off*

    What the freakin hell?!?!! A recast?!?! WHY?!!?! And why is he blonde?!

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Robert and Sonny: I'm glad Robert isn't kissing up to Sonny! :)

    Sonny and Nina: Nina you don't want to know all! ROFL! Wow as soon as they kiss the scene changes! Hahahahaha. Strange.

    Robert and Diane: Great scene!!! Ooooooo they are going on a date!!!! :D I love Riane! :) I love how she teases him. :) Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: And now apparently there's this ghost ship floating around with hostages on board.


    Meeting room:

    Chase, Brooky, Blaze, and the board members: Come on board members!! Reinstate Chase NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRR!

    Board member: However.

    NO HOWEVER! GIVE HIM HIS DAMN JOB BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR! Now they have to think about this?! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Stop it!!! Just get on with this!

    Mildew home:

    Mildew, Carly, and Joss: UGH! Where are Mildew getting married? On her death bed?

    Michael and Joss: Oh oh. Michael do you wuv your dad again?

    Willow and Carly: Yeah who really likes talking about when someone dies! Come on Willow! You would feel the same way if someone you love is dying! UGH!

    Alexis's office:

    Gregory and Alexis: Oh I thought Alexis knew what Gregory was sick of.. Well, then just let us in on it Gregory!!!! Oh oh Gregory is down!!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?! :(

  6. I honestly don't know how anyone likes Millow. Just awful blah blah blah day in and day out. But whatever, to each their own. Nice seeing Holly back on screen, not a fan of a recast Ethan but you never know what's up with an actor's schedule these days. I'm okay with Diane and Robert. Not as sparkly and pretty as Robert and Holly or Robert and Olivia but it's okay with the quirky, honest banter. And WTH with boring Alexis?? I'm still not understanding why she is not involved in the Cassadine story...makes no sense at all. Brook and Chase are still adorable to me, but WHY take sooooooo long to get there? There have been so many storyline holes, bad editing, overly drawn out storylines the last two years. Pacing is absolutely horrible!

    1. I agree about Millow - have to ffwd. them and their adorers. Willow should be in hospice by now or at least in the hospital. Alexis looks really, really good right now - wonder if she had some work done. Not much exciting going on, but Felicia and Holly were cute together.

  7. Well, I would have loved to see Nathan Parsons return as Ethan -- he is one of my favorites. But if he is busy right now, why cast a surfer-looking dude in his place? That looks more like what a Jax offspring should look like.

    I loved the scene between Robert and Diane, mostly because of the conversation about how Diane can work for Sonny. I am gld Diane pointed out that Robert, Anna and Holly aren't so squeaky clean.

    1. All I can think of is they wanted him to look like the Permed Luke LOL

    2. kdmask says, All I can think of is they wanted him to look like the Permed Luke LOL

      ACK! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( If they did, then why have Robert and Ethan act alike on that plane the last time they were together? :(

    3. Good lord, permed Luke, HAHAHAHHA! No no no, he's Robert's son, just like Sonya says! I was disappointed too that it was original Ethan, I love him.

    4. "Julie H says, Good lord, permed Luke, HAHAHAHHA!"


      "No no no, he's Robert's son, just like Sonya says!"


      "I was disappointed too that it was original Ethan, I love him."

      Yes I don't know what Nathan Parsons is doing, or if this recast is temporary.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...