Thursday, May 26, 2022


 I guess I didn't miss anything yesterday. The show re-aired another episode because a presser went long. 
SO we can watch together. 

Cam cries to Joss about his mother going away. 

Esme wants to go horseback riding and Spencer says they have to pack. He tells her Ava gave him $10K a month allowance! Ol' Es isn't so sure she wants to move because know she's supposed to sleep with Nikolas. He says they can get 2 bedrooms. She says ok. 

Nik is mad at Britt because she won't tell him what the deal with Liz is. She tells him to shove his donation to GH and he raised Spencer to be horrible LOL. She tells him she hopes she doesn't see him unless he's in the hospital injured LOL 

Ava is drinking at The Metro. Victor walks up. Banter. She says that Jennifer Smith killed Luke. 

Amy gives Terry a dirty look at GH . Chet comes in later. He tells Amy someone submitted his info to a VA mental health program to be the director. Oh it was Amy.  I think to get Chet to move. 

TRina and Rory. Rory tells her he wanted to be a cop to right wrongs. "You're the first wrong I want to right" (meaning her case). He asks her out on a date to the Planetarium. She says no, she doesn't want to mess his life up.

Sonny at the Trial ...HE SAYS Nina was responsible for him not coming home but SO WAS HE!! OOOOOOOOO!!!! He says by the time Nina got there he didn't want to know who he was!! Carly's FACE WAS JUSTTTTTTTTT A MESS OF SHOCK ahhahhaa. 


INTERRUPTION AGAIN... update from Texas. 


  1. There are some funny one liners today!

    The hospital:

    Nik and Britch: Nik stop harassing her! Go talk to Liz's family and ask them!!!

    Nik, Britch, and Terry: Britch wins the line of the day.

    Britch: Don't come back here unless you are injured or dying. Hope to see you soon.


    Amy and Chet: Amy is disgusting. I hate when she acts this way. I also hate when she whines! What is she? 12? Grow up Amy!!! Well, at least she didn't know that the job is in Chicago. She forgot.

    Britch and Terry: Oh yes that TONE! That TONE sucks!!! Horrible TONE! Does the Tribbles have that TONE?

    Cherry: I don't want Chet to leave!!!! This sucks! I like them together!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Victor and Ava: Ava called him uncle Victor! Hahahahaha. How long will it take until she sleeps with uncle Victor? ROFL! Oh look a jelly Nik. :)

    Courthouse: The looks on Mildew and Carly's faces! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Willow has got a really bad migraine, Michael is getting ready to hock a loogie at Sonny, and Carly is throwing out death rays in her eyes! Sonny didn't want to know who he was when he was at Nixon Falls! AH HA! I KNEW IT! See?!!?! I was right! :) When Diane talked about Avery, I thought she was going to talk about when she was conceived at first.

    Sonny: Diane! That's enough!


    The Judge: Mr Baldwin call your next witness, but please spare the theatrics.


    Scotty: Could you tell the court what happened between you, and Claudia Zaccara?

    BOOM!!!!!!!!!! Drag it Scotty! Drag it out!!! :)


    Vampira and Spencer: Time to move right Vampira? Wait no she can't Spencer! She has to seduce Nik right now! :) *Evil smile*

    Vampira, Spencer, and Nik: Yes yes Spencer go visit Cam, While Vampira stays there and tries to get closer to Nik.. :) I think Nik is disappointed and angry that Queen Ava gave Spencer his money to move. :) He don't want Vampira to move!!! Vampira smiling after Nik leaves hahahahaha. Priceless. :)

    Vampira: I hope I didn't cause any trouble.


    Vampira: It won't be long now.

    *Evil smile*

    Kelly's: WHAT?! A BICYCLE?!?!! A BICYCLE RACK?!?!! :D It's the little things. :)

    Jam: Poor Cam! How on earth is he going to pay attention to Joss's plan when he is hurting about his mother? :(

    Spencer and Jam: Awwww Spencer is there for Cam!!! :) So sweet! :)

    Ava's gallery:

    Calebrina: Awwwwwwwww! :) Come on Trina! Mr. Invisible wants to go out with you! Don't say no!!!! :) Oh a jelly Spencer walks in.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1998* Tony and Bobbie talk.

    1. I only got to see the first half of GH so thanks for the recap!
      Britt was pretty harsh to Nik but she had me giggling, lol!
      Amy WAS disgusting yesterday and she was acting like a petulant brat. I can't stand her. Here's to Chet finding out and chewing out her sorry butt!

      New Trina needs to speak up. This whispering raspy voice is hard to hear and is just as bad as Mumbles. Apparently I'm old. Hah!

    2. actually she has gotten worse in whispering----you are right

    3. "Julie H says, I only got to see the first half of GH so thanks for the recap!"

      You're welcome! :) I only got to watch the first half too. I saw the rest online.

      "Britt was pretty harsh to Nik but she had me giggling, lol!"

      Yeah she don't like Nik hahahahaha!

      "Amy WAS disgusting yesterday and she was acting like a petulant brat. I can't stand her. Here's to Chet finding out and chewing out her sorry butt!"

      Oh I hope he finds out too. Amy was getting better, but now she is back to being whiny 12 year old.

      "New Trina needs to speak up. This whispering raspy voice is hard to hear and is just as bad as Mumbles. Apparently I'm old. Hah!"

      ROFL! I can hear Trina! :)

  2. I can't believe Amy. I have 6 brothers. Can't imagine thinking I have the right to interfere in their dating lives, not even when we were teenagers; never mind trying to map out the life of a full grown man who has fought and bled for his country. She's like a jealous 6 year old.

    I'm wondering if he'll stay or if Terry'll go with him.

    I'm liking Cam's post surgery voice. Hope he's being careful he doesn't strain it.

    1. again STUPID writing-just read that Chet is already leaving the show! WHY bring him back just to have him leave? Now Terry will hate Amy but we don't care cause they never built up a storyline!

    2. "mufasa says, just read that Chet is already leaving the show! WHY bring him back just to have him leave?"

      WHAT?! He is?!?!! But why?!?!!? Does the actor want to leave? Cus it makes no sense!

      "Now Terry will hate Amy but we don't care cause they never built up a storyline!"

      UGH! I like Chet and Terry together.. They were starting to build up the storyline! GAH I hate this!

    3. Okay I just looked it up. It said "A setside source shared with the magazine that the character's story was cut short due to Van Etten moving out of California with his family." Well okay. :( Maybe they can recast? Maybe they can find a recast who has chemistry with Terry!

  3. It's funny how some things come back full circle
    1981: Tony Cassadine to Victor: Do you take me for a fool?
    Victor: I would never make that mistake.... A bit foolish, at times perhaps, but never a fool
    2022:Ava to Victor: Nikolas was never a fool... I bit foolish, perhaps at times

  4. I just read that Chris Van Etten is leaving GH. Something about him moving out of CA with his family. Chet and Terry's story seemed so promising and different. Too bad he can't take Amy with him.

    1. After what she did why would he. He doesn't need her interfering in his life. At least there he can date whoever he wants.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...