Tuesday, May 3, 2022


Liz and Finn make out in The Metro. Cam calls because he's concerned. Liz says don't worry, Finn is there. They talk on the phone to their kids. Finn leaves. Tells her to lock the door. She doesn't bolt it from the inside. A little bit later she walks out in a robe and yells FINN!! Someone was in the room (Or WERE they)?? He comes in..the entire room is trashed. Liz says that she was in the shower and it happened. Um, HER HAIR IS DRY!  Anyway, Rory and another cop comes in and he asks about the inside latch. She says Oh no! She forgot. Finn says it has to be someone with a key card. 

Lucy sees Martin in his room at The Metro. She's naked under her fur coat. They talk about The Deception launch. He still doesn't want to tell Valentin about their relationship. Lucy wonders why. Then he decides he will go public, doesn't care about Valentin's reaction. He can't get another "Lucy". 

Valentin is talking to someone on the phone and will "do the plan no matter what it takes". He sees Lucy and Martin together. Martin says he's dating Miss Lucy and if Val doesn't like it he can take his business elsewhere. He says that he's happy for them and will keep Marty as his lawyer. 

Sonny and Nina at the Savoy (YES! Same night!!) she tells him about Harmony. Says he should go to the hospital. He says NAH..Michael doesn't want him there. He and Nina dance. AND DANCE...and...that's it! 

Harmony opens her eyes and TJ checks her over. He says she's awake but shouldn't be stressed. Willow wants to go in. He says she can go by herself. Carly looks like she's afraid Willow will stress her. 

Willow goes in. Harmony says "I'm sssssssoooooory" ..they talk about stuff. Harmony croaks "I have to tell..."then she starts coding. Willow goes out and begs Carly to JUST TELL HER what her mother is trying to say. Carly won't. All Harmony needs is a sedative. Willow and Michael go sit in the lobby (weird) CARLY goes in to talk to Harmony and says she didn't tell Willow about the whole Not her mother thing. 

Maxie and Austin talk about going out again tomorrow night and she doesn't want to have to get a sitter again. He says that it's kind of like "Med SchooL" and she's trying to get out of going out with him again. He says maybe she's not ready for someone new. Then Maxie grabs and kisses him. Then Georgie comes out and is like "MOMMY WHO IS THAT GUY"?? LOL 

Liz wants to get in touch with a medium. 

Harmony says "Nina" to Carly 


  1. I won't repeat how much I do not like Nina/Sonny - Nina's whispering....I won't repeat how much I dislike them
    SO confusing that yesterday I thought FINN might be the stalker but TODAY I think it's Liz.....right, her hair was dry......whatever JUST GET ON WITH IT! I think Liz's phone shows something/Finn finds it and won't tell Liz....
    GEORGIE is perfect - EXACTLY like a kid would act especially since Maxie has been an absent mom....
    ----also today I thought 'gosh Harmony is gonna die'.....
    ----wasted day again...

    1. "Mufasa says, EXACTLY like a kid would act especially since Maxie has been an absent mom"

      Maxie hasn't been an absent mom. She has been with her kids, we just haven't seen it.

    2. I meant that Spinelli had her lots and most of the time, Maxie says, "Georgie and James are with my parents."

    3. "mufasa says, I meant that Spinelli had her lots and most of the time, "

      Yeah that was when Maxie was with Hiney and then they left Port Chuckles to go to that cabin.

      "Maxie says, "Georgie and James are with my parents."

      Well, when Maxie goes to work, of course her parents have to watch them. Who else will? :)

  2. The Savoy:

    Sona: Oooooo dancing!!! :) Foreplay! :) Time to go to a hotel!!!! If we still had the OG Nina, I don't see her and Sonny having chemistry. Anyway back to the dancing. YOWZA!! Niketa and the other lady who works there just WUV the zex dancing. :) Awwwww no zex? Just foreplay? Oh poo!

    Metrocourt hotel/Liz's room:

    Fiz: Geez they kept getting interrupted! I did love Finchy's phone call with his daughter.

    Finchy: Okay sweetheart I love you. Yeah I love uncle Chase too. Sure you can tell him alright?

    GAH! THAT IS TOO FREAKIN ADORABLE! :) Too bad Finchy has to leave, well at least he has a room next to her. OH COME ON! Flowers all over the floor and pillows ripped up?! And Liz hears nothing?! Cus she was in the shower! Uh Liz you forgot to wash your hair! That damn latch kept being shown.

    Latch: Hello! I'm new! My name is Latch.

    And of course no video to show what happened!!!!

    Mucy's room:

    Mucy: WELCOME BACK HOME TAD THE CAD! :) Marty has Lucy's high heel shoe on his foot! Hahahaha. Come on Marty! Choose Lucy!!!! :) Ol Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: Could we not discuss her while we're naked?


    Marty: I can always find another client. I just don't think I can find another you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) He can write a song about that. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Mucy and V.C.: YAY! YOU CHOSE LUCY! :) V.C. doesn't care anymore? What are you up to V.C.? :)

    Liz and Lucy: Oooo yes yes Liz! Glad you decided to get a medium! Just don't tell Caleb.

    Maxie's home:

    Maxtin: Will they or won't they date? Oh they will!!! :) Oh hi Georgie!!

    Maxtin and Georgie: Georgie is hungry? What the hell time is it? 3 am? How old is she? Maybe next year she will be 13. :) Man Georgie is so rude! She reminds me of Maxie when she was younger hahaha! Well, Mac DID warn you Maxie. :)

    The hospital:

    V.C. on the phone:

    V.C.: I will do what has to be done. No matter what it costs me.

    V.C. are you thinking that you will lose Anna? :(

    TJ and Michael: Yeah you tell him TJ! Michael is so judgemental!!

    Carly and Michael: Michael can't forgive Harmony.com! Tell her about what you said to your dad Michael! :)

    Willow and Harmony.com: Is Harmony.com going to die? :(

    Mildew and Carly: Tell her Carly! Tell her what you found out!

    Mildew: Willow has all these scenarios in her head? Is one of them that maybe her mother isn't her mother?

    Michael: Sometimes it's best not to know, at least in the short term. That way you can focus on what's right in front of you, and that is that Harmony is in critical condition, and that's scary.

    DAMMIT! Michael is right!

    Carly and Harmony.com: Oh! I thought Harmony.com was going to give Carly the finger at first! Hahahaha! She was just waving for Carly to go in her room hahahaha! Nina Nina Nina Nina! Is Nina's ears burning?

    Previews for tomorrow:

    Mac to Robert: What if you do the parenting thing all over again?

    Anna to Felicia: You're not,

    GAHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't take this! Felicia did you get the preggers?!?!?!! :)

    1. Oh ya, really sounds like Felicia is pregnant. Wonder how old she's supposed to be on the show. IRL she is 59 years old.

    2. I think Felicia wants to adopt a kid with Mac.

    3. Yowzer! No preggers for Flea, lol! Loved Martin wearing Lucy's shoe, and he is such a gentleman. I also cracked up at little Georgie being a pill, hahahaha! So true to life.

      So now you're liking Latch? Tribbles been dumped? :)

    4. "Kevin says, I think Felicia wants to adopt a kid with Mac."

      Yeah could be, or have a surrogate!

      "Julie H says, Yowzer! No preggers for Flea, lol!"

      ROFL! Okay then adoption or surrogate. :)

      "Loved Martin wearing Lucy's shoe, and he is such a gentleman."

      Hahaha that was so funny! :) Yes a gentleman!! :)

      "I also cracked up at little Georgie being a pill, hahahaha! So true to life."

      Hahaha. Mac did warn her. :) When Georgie acts up more, let's see how Maxie handles her. :)

      "So now you're liking Latch? Tribbles been dumped? :)"

      ROFL! NO! I will never dump Tribbles! :) My heart is big!! I can love both. The Latch and the Tribbles can be friends! :)

    5. I think that Felicia might be going through menopause but thinks that she's pregnant because she is late.

  3. The actress playing Willow isn't showing much emotion.. Harmony on the other hand was very believable just looking at her eyes she was acting hands down better than Willow

    I didn't mind Sonnyt/Nina although it gets a little odd with her dancing and him just standing there. Still a fan of them, just want them to move forward in some way.

    Very natural with Georgie/Maxie/Austin!

  4. RoHo is being wasted as this ever changing undefined character.
    Harmony not being Willow's bio mom will soon be known but I have a feeling that her real mom's identity will remain a secret for a long time. May is a long month.
    sonya gets line of the day: Latch: Hello! I'm new! My name is Latch.

    1. I completely agree about RoHo. Just brink back Todd Manning already.

  5. Zazu says, Harmony not being Willow's bio mom will soon be known but I have a feeling that her real mom's identity will remain a secret for a long time. May is a long month."

    Yeah I'm sure it will remain a secret for a long time. Will Michael forgive his mama for keeping that secret a long time?

    "RoHo is being wasted as this ever changing undefined character."

    Yeah I'm confused about his character! Does he have autism or not?!

    "sonya gets line of the day: Latch: Hello! I'm new! My name is Latch."

    ROFL! Isn't that Latch adorable? :) It was Latch's debut! :) Great job Latch! :)

  6. we did have love in the afternoon today.. lucy and martin. finn and liz. maxie and austin. and sonny and nina.

  7. Doesn't anyone in Port Charles think that Liz is doing all this stuff herself. Has that even been mentioned?

    1. When the good people of Port Charles finally figure that out, Jeff and Carolyn Webber will be summoned to town.

  8. Thanks for all the recaps and comments the past few days. I was on vacation and missed a ton, lol! Mostly caught up now. I'm so sad NLG wasn't on for the big Harmony to-do, but temp Alexis was ok. I would really like it if it was Finn spooking Liz. Please soap writers?!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...