Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Day of the DEAD

 I swear GMA3 keeps going LONGER AND LONGER... GH starts at 2 dang it!! LOL 

Carly and Drew. He say her take the wine glass Nina used. Wonders why. She says she wishes she could talk to Dead Jason, he'd understand. Drew says he's no Jason. Anyway, she tells him that she knows Nina is Willow's birth mother. 

Nina is talking to Nelle at the graveyard. Boo hoo. Miss you. Boo hoo. No one will let me see Wiley. 

Michael and Willow come to the graveyard to "see" Nelle and find Nina! They are going to see Jonah. Willow and Nina argue. Shocker. Argue.. and.. Sonny comes along. 

Liz all of a sudden says Nikolas invited her to stay at Wyndemere?? HUH? Anyway, she has to drop by home first. Oh! The medium Chelsea comes. (she's the same one that was on in 2019) See the photo. She gives Chelsea Franco's wedding ring. Chelsea senses a dark presence in the house that goes by a 'last name'. Oh could be Finn OR Franco, right ?

Laura and Sonny talk about dead Jason. Nikolas stops by (this is Kelly's ) to say Sonny and Nina were made for each other. Snark. They barb back and forth about Sonny kidnapping Esme and then Nikolas touches Sonny and Sonny grabs him and twists his hand HARD. "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY SHOULDER AGAIN"!  Martin walks up. Spencer says: DID You see that? He attacked me. Laura smooths things over. Sonny leaves. Nikolas is still stupid enough to think Esme didn't film the kids having zex. He leaves. 

Martin tells her that Lucy is like a "Sexual Panther"

Esme and Spencer. She gives him some line about her nanny and I guess the nanny doesn't date her letters because she tells him she wrote them years ago. Esme wants to have zex with Spencer. and...he stops her. 


Spencer texts Britt to help him find out what the pill is. 

Carly and Drew get caught at the Gatehouse by Millow trying to get DNA to test. 


  1. january 7th----Liz storyline started---let's move it, people!!!! Today it seemed like it IS Liz/DID.....don't care - just MOVE it along...
    Nina whispering again to Sonny--------------scream...
    well, Willow, we now know your birthday cause it's on Nelle's grave....I wish the DNA didn't match too and THEN we would have a storyline!!! that fake Paris trip was a long way to go to start the 'no birth certificate = Harmony lied = ain't Willow's mom.....

  2. Elphaba almost sucked Spencer's face off, and she whispers too

    1. "Elphaba almost sucked Spencer's face off,"

      Hahahahaha. I noticed!!! Damn girl! ROFL!

  3. A lot of funny one liners today!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Are Carly and Drew there? I'm not sure.

    Carly and Drew: OH! So Drew DID see what Carly did. Okay well, then it's time to tell him. :)

    Drew: You are going to go for a visit and just hope that Willow doesn't see you stealing her toothbrush?

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Liz's home:

    Liz on the phone with Finchy: I fell for it! I thought she was really going to Wyndemere! :)

    Liz and Chelsea: Oooo great scenes!!!! :) I'm glad Liz lied to Caleb. He won't want to hear about this!

    Chelsea: Oh. No I'm not that good.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. There is a dark presence in this house!!! This person was born out of trauma and pain! Someone abandoned by their family! This someone doesn't want this family in this house!! IT'S BETH IT'S BETH IT'S BETH!!!!!!! :)


    Sonny, Nik, and Laura:

    *Sonny grabs Nik's hand and bends it*

    OW OW OW OW OW! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! Oh and there goes Nik whining to Marty! ROFL!

    Laura and Marty: Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: The woman is a sexual panther.



    Vampira and Spencer: Vampira is trying to hypnotize him with her lies. He is looking at her lips! Like he wants to kiss her! Glad he didn't.. Oh oh she makes the first move! Oh oh they are gonna have the zex! Oh oh I hope the pill isn't going to pop out! Oh wait he stops it. Must be thinking about Trina! Spencer Jr must be thinking about Trina. Oh my! I see a bulge. :) Glad the pill didn't pop out and I'm glad he is texting Britch!

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Nik: Oh of course they see each other and of course Finchy brings up Liz! He is going to go to her house isn't he? :) Then Caleb is going to be angry!


    Nina and Nelle's grave: Awwww! Poor Nina. :(

    Nina and Mildew: Oh! Willow is getting upset! She is freaking out!!! About time! :) Let's see some good ol fashioned fight! :)

    Sonny, Mildew and Nina: So basically,

    Michael: Kick her out!!

    Sonny Jr: No!!

    *Sonny and Nina have sex* Okay that one was in my head! ROFL!

    Sonny and Nina: He is smiling at her!!!!! :D They will have to keep their distance for now, but when it's over, Sonny wants to dance with her!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Mildew home:

    Carly and Drew: I buy the explanation that Drew said about why he turned the lights on. :) He has a good point. Mildew are going to wonder why they are in the dark! :) Come on Carly! Take your high heels off and RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN up the stairs!!! You are taking your sweet time!!! Oh too late. Mildew is here. Hurry Carly put the toothbrush in your purse QUICKLY! I hope you bring it back before night time, or she is going to wonder where her toothbrush went.

    1. "There is a dark presence in this house!!! This person was born out of trauma and pain! Someone abandoned by their family! " hmmm...ever consider it could be Esme?

      This was just posted today. Let the speculation begin....Jason, maybe?

    2. Di says, hmmm...ever consider it could be Esme?

      Hmmm. Okay, but why would she haunt Liz?

      "This was just posted today. Let the speculation begin....Jason, maybe?"

      Hey! I remember him on OLTL! Hmmmm could be Jason.

    3. Maybe it has more to do with Kevin's hatred of Franco.

    4. Di says, Maybe it has more to do with Kevin's hatred of Franco.

      Hmmmmm.. Yeah maybe..

    5. lol I meant Ryan, not Kevin. Darn twins. lol

    6. Line of the day was perfect! I loved Laura's response....TMI!!!!! That Marty, he's a stitch!

      I'm really hoping it's Finn gaslighting Liz. And not "Beth"! :)

    7. Please GH writers put Marty on more.

    8. "Di says, lol I meant Ryan, not Kevin. Darn twins. lol"


      "Julie H says, Line of the day was perfect! I loved Laura's response....TMI!!!!! That Marty, he's a stitch!"

      Hahahahaha. He is!!! :)

      "I'm really hoping it's Finn gaslighting Liz. And not "Beth"! :)"

      I don't know. Liz thinks it's BobTodd! ROFL!

      Linda says, Please GH writers put Marty on more.

      Yes please!!!!

  4. Visiting your dead loved ones at night. Where was Vampira?
    Spence texts Britt to find out about the pill. Can't google it. Details. Same as no internet in Nixon Falls for 9 months.
    They are really making Nikolas a moron.

  5. I was pretty annoyed today by Sonny, Nina, Laura and Nik. Laura always taking Sonny's side is old and predictable even if Nik was being a jerk. Sonny being a freaking bully to Nik and his snarking to Michael about "apologizing" made me sick. Neener just makes me sick period, and thank goodness Willow grew a wee bit of a spine hollering at Neener.

    I was very happy that Liz was on, and I knew that medium looked familiar, thanks for the info!
    Drew is a pretty useless character, which is a shame. Being Cujo's sidekick does nothing for me. And Esme is quite the enthusiastic kisser, yes? Lol!

    1. Julie yes Esme sure is!! Its borderline icky. I think they are just showing how desperate she is to be loved. Other than the kissing she is fun to watch and can act right up there with the vets.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...