Monday, May 2, 2022


It's still the same day/night that Leo got adopted which was last a week ago LAST Friday. 

 Austin and Maxie are at The Savoy.. Austin wants to pay the bill, Maxie wants to pay it. Spinelli is all dressed up. He's trying to get a date I think? I don't even know. WEIRD. Austin and Spinelli are going Kayaking sometime. 

Sonny's with some guy at the bar..Sonny says "you know what to do right"?? Nina walks in. They talk about Nixon Falls. Sonny's bodyguard (is the guy) takes some other guy to the backroom at The Savoy. Oh, because you know, Selina WU should be doing that but.. GH. 

Spinelli walks up to Sonny. Wants to guy him a drink. Has a platium card. I think he IS making the dating app. THEN Sonny tells him he can tell he can tell he still loves MAXIE lol .  

Nina and Dr O are talking and then Britt comes in. This is after her telling Willow about Harmony. STUPID EDIT lol it's like 2 seconds later.

Michael yells at Britt hat HE WANTS AN UPDATE ON HER CONDITION NOW! He's sorry-- then a doctor walks up to Britt and tells her something about Harmony and she says she has to go find Willow right now. 

Carly starts to explain what her mother did at the cliff and that she knows a secret. They are in the chapel of GH. Just as Carly is going to tell her WHY Harmony was attacking her (the SECRET) Britt rushes in and tells her she's ICU. 

Alexis and Sam appear to still be at the hospital, wandering around. We didn't see them Friday at ALL..but here they are? Shrug. Anyway they want to find out about Harmony. Shouldn't Alexis be talking to the police? 

Sam and Harmony lie to get to Harmony's room. They are outside. Sam says Alexis should get closure. Alexis goes to talk to Harmony...basically goes over their 'friendship' while Harmony lays there on a vent. Willow comes in. Alexis and Sam go home and Willow cries at her mother's bed 

Carly tells Michael about Harmony. BUT won't tell him  the secret until she talks to Willow first 

Felicia and Mac are watching baby Bailey. The other kids are asleep. They talk about him being a dad to Georgie and Maxie. They kiss. Austin and Maxie come in. Banter. They dress Felicia WAY younger than Maxie for sure. GEESH. Austin asks Maxie out for tomorrow, she says no, kids/baking. yada. 

Liz is at The Metro... Finn brings her flowers and booked the room next to her. Which..WHY? I mean.. ???? whatever. They are playing the card game Slap. Then they kiss. 


Harmony's eyes open 


  1. stay with me cause I am gonna vent, vent, vent.........
    ---BEYOND ridiculous that the POLICE aren't talking to Carly, Alexis, outside Harmony's room.....Jordan is THE WORST commissioner ever - she was TOLD Harmony KILLED two people and police aren't around? NOT EVEN Dante telling Carly and Alexis "I need to take your statements?"
    -------LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT - Frank and the writers chose for MAY SWEEPS a Millow story? NOT the vets storyline - but MILLOW???? We don't care....
    -------sorry but I still can't deal with Nina's whispering and batting her not want her with Sonny.
    -------I had a funny feeling today ----- my anger will hit the roof IF FINN is the stalker ----I REALLY got those vibes today----anyone else??? (THIS storyline began January 7th....)
    -------Bradford is shooting more, so I wonder where they are going with this storyline??? Spinelli and Britt? Spinelli and Maxie??
    -------SURELY ya'll are wrong and Mac was NOT talking about them adopting??? I just thought he was going to say 'let's buy a gigantic house and have Maxie and the kids move in.'.......the reason I don't want them to adopt is because-----------well vets + storylines on GH = disappear..
    ------so far it's still a horrible editing 2 weeks - people all over the place....

    1. There are so many regular pre or post Senior Citizen stories for these vets. It's a soap. I don't wish for any of them to Die, but many of our actors could really sink their teeth into a health scare story. I don't mind the private eye type stuff but hate when they include Sam, a convicted felon (or at least several petty crimes). I just don't get it. Cameron Mathison one of the most good looking and likable guys in daytime tv has no love interest. Just stupid. You tested with kemo, things were meh. You tested with Britt, things were hot! You tested with Snarly, most of us didn't want that but it would be way better than just putting him in to filler scenes. At least we could see him with his shirt off. Get with it writers, this is daytime.

    2. "Mufasa says, Bradford is shooting more, so I wonder where they are going with this storyline??? Spinelli and Britt?"

      I was wondering that too with Spinny and Britch! I felt a vibe in that scene!

    3. Not feeling it Sonya.... Britt needs DREW!

    4. Spinelli obviously developed the dating app-- that's where that is. Britt and Austin were pretty good-- but he has NO story. Millow in the chapel were SO unemotional. The acting choices were just--- non-existent. For 2 weeks now the whole editing has seemed so off.. people just milling around. The Savoy today? WHY? NOTHING happened

    5. "Linda says, Not feeling it Sonya.... Britt needs DREW!"

      Maybe Drew has ferrets! :)

    6. I liked willow as a teacher. That's' about it. Maybe she will show us what she has to offer once she finds out about Nina being her mama. It doesn't help that Michael is so boring!

  2. "Sonny tells him he can tell he can tell he still loves Harmony."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry, that's hysterical. I know it was an accident, but that made me laugh. :) You mean Maxie. :)

    The Savoy:

    Spinny, and Maxtin: Spinny does NOT like Pawtucket Holtster hahaha!

    Spinny: I know what common interests are. Quartermaines don't think about you trying to relangish their other company.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! He would have won the lines of the day, but someone else wins it. Awww that is so nice that Pawtucket Holtster wants to go kyaking with Spinny. :) They can bond. :) Hey Pawtucket should ask the Tribbles to go too! :) Dr. O wins the lines of the day.

    Nina and Dr. O: The man threatened my Scott. Sonny Corinthos will feel my wrath.


    Dr. O and Britch:

    Dr. O: I told you not to date the cat man. If you want an attentive person, find someone with a ferret.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead!!!! *Dead*

    Sidenote: I love ferrets! :)

    Sonny and Spinny: Yes Spinny owns that dating site, AND he is still in wuv with Maxie! :)

    Spina: All this talk about Nixon Falls, Nina and Sonny should go back to Nixon Falls! :)

    Maxie's home:

    Felicia and Mac: Okay this whole conversation that Felicia was talking about, about Mac never having a child of his own. How they never had a child together, really freaked me out! I got so excited I was thinking that she wants to adopt! :) Then people on twitter were talking about maybe Felicia is pregnant! Well, I don't care how old she is, if she is pregnant, then FANTASTIC! I have always wanted Mac to have a baby of his own so badly!!!! :) Oh and when she said don't you wish you can go back in time? Sure! Go on youtube! You can go back in time! :)

    Felicia, Mac, Maxie, and Pawtucket Holtster: Mac and Maxie talking about the past, and the camera keeps panning to Felicia.. FELICIA ARE YOU PREGGERS?!? PLEASE SAY YOU ARE! Or that you want to adopt. :)

    The hospital:

    Michael and Britch: Angry Michael shows up today! :)

    Carly and Willow: Willow says she can handle whatever Carly wants to tell her, but I don't believe her. Once Willow learns the truth, she is going to tell her mama, YOU CAN'T BE NEAR WILEY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mildew: Looks like Willow's head is going to implode.

    Sam and TempRecast Alexis: Sam is still in her robe. Is she hiding the Tribbles in there?'s room:

    Alexis and Yeah it's kind of difficult to tell someone off when the other person is not conscious.

    Willow and opens her eyes!


    Metrocourt hotel:

    Caleb and Liz: Caleb's nails are not lavender anymore. He is staying next door? Awwww. :) Liz is SKEERED! Of course Caleb had to bring up Lucy. Oh Caleb you sneaky man you. :) You know the truth! :) Oh they are kissing and are gonna have zex!

    1. I think Kristina Wagner is 58 but it is a soap.

  3. I'm thinking you're right about the ap, kd. Spinelli is trying it out because because it's his invention and he wants to see if it works, and how he can improve it.

    I'm glad Willow knows half the story now. Hopefully she'll be completely filled in by the end of the week.

    So much filler today. I'm sure I missed lots of parts because I had to blink occassionally.

    1. "Di says, So much filler today. I'm sure I missed lots of parts because I had to blink occassionally."

      ROFL! And drink pepto bismol? :)

    2. Chewing a little OVAL 80. lol

      sonya said; "Okay this whole conversation that Felicia was talking about, about Mac never having a child of his own. How they never had a child together, really freaked me out! I got so excited I was thinking that she wants to adopt! :) "

      ***I was thinking maybe they're foreshadowing an unknown child from the past.

      hmmm I was also thinking that Sam looked like she was wearing a robe.

    3. "Di says, Chewing a little OVAL 80. lol"

      I had to look that up. I'm still confused. Is it a heater or a pill? ROFL!

      "I was thinking maybe they're foreshadowing an unknown child from the past."

      Oooooo maybe! :) I can see it now.

      Mac: Felicia! Why didn't you tell me we had a child together?

      Felicia: I didn't know, until the writers told me.


      "hmmm I was also thinking that Sam looked like she was wearing a robe."

      ROFL! She looked like she was ready for bed. :)

    4. Maybe Esme is Felicia and Mac's or Ryan's like someone else thought of (I can't take credit for this brilliant idea)

  4. Probably has a different name there. It's a chewable for fast relief of gas. lol

    " I didn't know, until the writers told me." OMG That's hilarious. I know Felicia seems a little dense at times But I think she'd know.LMAO

    1. "Di says, Probably has a different name there. It's a chewable for fast relief of gas. lol"

      Oh! Hmm gas x? ROFL!

      " I didn't know, until the writers told me." OMG That's hilarious. I know Felicia seems a little dense at times But I think she'd know.LMAO"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! *Dead*

  5. not a fan of felicia but I love the red blouse she had on

  6. I taped today's show. FFing through the crap it took me 20 minutes to watch. Even that was mostly crap except for Britt and Leisel.
    Sad news: Jerry verDorn passed away. 72 years old.

  7. I think the writers all have the attention spans of gnats and are writing these scripts using Mad Libs. Every scene is no more than a minute long and they're all completely disjointed.

  8. I recorded 911 Lone Star last night and just watched it. Our "Helena" was in it. Looking good too.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...