Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday Surgery: The Short Goodbye


Unfortunately for the audience and the show, GH was just an interrupted mess this week. Everything was a mess this week. Heavy hearts and minds. GH was my escape. Or tried to be. 

Let's go...

photo tx to @SoapsSpoilers 

GOOD THINGS that happened on GH this week: (as posted on Twitter) 1. Pool 2. Parapet mention 3. Michael looking like a idiot on the stand 4. Scotty BADABING Baldwin 5. Trina/Rory 6. Terry/Chet 7. Carly seeing Sonny touch Nina's hair 8. Ava basically calling Nikolas a moron

THAT WAS QUICK OF THE WEEK:  The Elizabeth Story. I'm flabbergasted. I .. just don't know what to say and watching it was even more baffling. A story building for months turned on a psychic, and finding out it was probably sleep meds? Um, Ok? I honestly wondered if Becky all of a sudden took a vacation and or was in negotiations and they had to wrap it up. While I appreciated Kevin in the mix, it was just head-scratching.  Elizabeth tells FINN to say goodbye to Aiden and Jake!! Um...but Violet is there?? I can't. 

PS. Another promising story ending at Shadybrook. Give that place a bigger budget. 

PHOTO credit: BrittBabi28 

FINN FACTOR OF THE WEEK: Um..yet another WTF. Finn is insufferable. I have an idea: Finn and Austin can have an affair. (at least it would make them more interesting). Then, go off somewhere like Holland to live together in blissful harmony. By saving 2 salaries, you can get Hayden back to raise Violet. We want her here. Make it so. 

DEPARTURE OF THE WEEK: Another promising story probably cut short!! Yes, the actor that plays Chet is moving from LA. So, his character is  going to take a job in Chicago. Damn it. Terry and he were so cute and it was a rom-com waiting to happen. Sad horn. 

HEARING OF THE WEEK: All I have to say is: ALL HAIL SCOTTY BALDWIN!! Yes, Diane was amazing too but since I hate Michael so much, Team Scott all the way! We had so many things brought up from the past, it was delicious!! I had forgotten about the Avery custody thing. Sonny admitting that he was part of the problem of Nixon Falls and his identity? Icing on the cake or what!!?? The writers heard us!! My one beef? Phyllis should have testified. 

CUTE OF THE WEEK: Aww, Rory and Trina talking about art!! Laying by the pool!! Trina checking him out. Very fun stuff. 

CHEM TEST OF THE WEEK:  Return of the Nature Park that looks so Southern California it cracks me up!! Here Greg tries to be angry with Alexis for printing a story that has nothing to do with him so we can gauge the whole "will they or won't they" question. What say you, Wubbers? I liked. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I can't say enough about Nicholas Chavez. WOW... his scenes with Ezme on Friday were fire. He was pissed..and fuming. THEN turns on that Cassadine charm when asking if she wants to go for a ride. Such perfection. His face then falls back to the rage darkness we know is inside him because he's jealous about Trina and Rory. More please. 

Oh where oh where can Robert and Anna Be? Oh Where oh Where can they be ?? Now that Victor is back do you think we'll get back into the whole Ice Princess thing or?? 

Photos thx to @soapspoilers, @sourceryan and others noted above.


Greg and Alexis spar over the Intruder article

The hearing goes forward, everyone's dirty laundry is exposed 

Willow grabs Nina ...hard

Elizabeth leaves for Shadybrook after her mystery is 'solved'

Ava and Nikolas fight; Esme pounces

Victor is back in town

Spencer is super jealous of Rory and Trina 

The pool is open; Rory saves a seat for Trina

Brook Lynn enlists the help of Chase for her music catalog

Ned's just angry..and the ONLY one working at ELQ!

Bobbie was around

Chet is moving to Chicago after Amy puts up his name for a job

Other stuff but.. meh

NEWS and NOTES: Another Temporary recast at GH !! This time: BRANDO ~~ No reason given. There have been SO many temp-recasts. I do not remember anything like this in 50 years of soap watching. Weird. 

NOTE: No New Show on Monday due to Memorial Day 

SPOILERS:  Portia and Taggert spy Rory and Trina, Anna and Valentin have a conversation, and there will be a FUN in the SUN Singles event at the pool. Look for someone to get very drunk and well, hilarity. Carly gets the DNA test back. 

That's a wrap! Sorry but I didn't catch up on some parts of the show as I was so busy this week. Let's hope next week is more calm in the world. I don't have high hopes. 

See you Tuesday! 


  1. If it was just sleep meds then WHY would you go to a "psych" place?

    1. They're probably equipped to do sleep studies there.

  2. Thanks Karen,

    I miss Robert, VAnna, Victor etc. :(

  3. Thanks karen. Great SS once again. We'll all focus on the bright spots and hopefor the best.

  4. You said it all in another great SS!
    Happy to have NLG back but if they pair her with Greg he probably won't be on GH too long.
    The Liz story wrap was just nothing. This is becoming a habit with GH, like temporary recasts.

  5. I didn't think it was a great week, BUT Laura Wright's facial expressions TO ME are Emmy kinda scenes----not screaming or crying----just facial expressions!
    I screamed all week THIS is the ending for Liz?????? NO tests or anything? Just Shadybrook? I keep researching to see if Becky H was going on vacation......

  6. Forgot one thing----SO Rory said he grew up in PC----he talked about police officers coming to recruit, etc........SOOOOOOOOOO down the road, WILL HE be related to someone in PC that we don't know yet????? How old is he?

    1. It sounds like they're playing the character as a new recruit so maybe 21. However the actor is 32, which is why I don't want them pairing him with a 19 year old. . I definitely don't want them doing love scenes together

    2. Most of the actors are not the age they portray. What's the's acting.

    3. Ya except I probably wouldn't want my 19 year old kissing a 32 year old even if acting. JMHO

    4. Thank you, Lindie. I agree and I bet her mom would too.

    5. I only asked trying to figure out who was in school with - or the year he graduated-that we might know later in PC since he said he was in school at PC.

    6. I know mufasa. I was trying to figure out who would be around his age too. I guess I'm not the only one who goes google hunting for such things. lolThe conversation took a turn after that. Maybe he didn't go to school in town but went away like Spencer. Or he was in a different area of town and our "teens" didn't know him. ( I'm actually hoping he's not related to anyone.

  7. "GOOD THINGS that happened on GH this week: (as posted on Twitter)
    1. Pool
    2. Parapet mention"


    "3. Michael looking like a idiot on the stand"


    "4. Scotty BADABING Baldwin"

    He was great!!!! :)

    "5. Trina/Rory
    6. Terry/Chet "

    Cabrina is starting, while Cherry is dead in the water. :(

    "8. Ava basically calling Nikolas a moron"


    "CHEM TEST OF THE WEEK: Return of the Nature Park that looks so Southern California it cracks me up!! Here Greg tries to be angry with Alexis for printing a story that has nothing to do with him so we can gauge the whole "will they or won't they" question. What say you, Wubbers? I liked."

    I liked too!!!! :) I'm calling them Alexigory! :)

    "Oh where oh where can Robert and Anna Be? Oh Where oh Where can they be ?? Now that Victor is back do you think we'll get back into the whole Ice Princess thing or??"

    I have no idea where they are or when we will get back to the whole ice princess thing and how the weather was changing!!

    1. hmmmm Why not just Alegory as we're definitely looking for them to reveal a hidden meaning

    2. "Di says, hmmmm Why not just Alegory as we're definitely looking for them to reveal a hidden meaning"

      Hahahahahahaha! Oh Di!!! :)

  8. Alexis needs a bad boy to sparkle. Greg & Victor are older gray haired men but Victor is a bad guy and Greg is vanilla. Greg could be selling shoes at K-mart.Neil was a good pairing for Alexis, too bad Harmony did him in.Please finish the sex tape story and if this is how Elizabeth's arc ends - it sucks.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...