Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Woe Is Me


General Hospital's 15,000 episode 

  • Better week for me for sure. I don't know why other than I didn't feel bounced around and confused. Also, good dialog most days and that helps. Nothing huge--and Friday is still not "a FRIDAY" and everything ended on a blah note. 

  • It was the start of the Elementary School Fair which I appreciated. All the extras milling about!! Something new to see!! Grab your cotton candy and soda pop and let's give it a GO...
  • Um, no idea about the bullet points but I can't get rid of them! LOL 

I'M OLD  WOES OF THE WEEK: Ned just struck me as being "out to pasture" about the whole ELQ and Aurora thing. Since we've not seen Drew and Michael strategize that much about the deal (and or WORK at all...) it feels pushed in there. Ned being all nervous about being shoved out is good but I'm waiting for Valentin to swoop in and turn him to the dark side and Alan and Edward can cheer him on!! Drew's too nice. Michael's just dumb. NED and VAL for the win!! 

NO WOES OF THE WEEK: Terry and Chet go out and talk about their own  unique circumstances and they both are glad they met. All is well until Terry finds out that Amy is Chet's sister. We just found out that they are at odds at work (most of which happened off camera) so that we can have a little wrench in the works. Too bad this was Monday. Amy found out, stormed off (I thought she was going to the Metro) and then... nothing for 4 days. So it goes.  Photo thx to @SourceRyan 

DNA TELLS THE WOE OF THE WEEK:  Willow is... sad. Sad sad sad. Her mama isn't her mama and... well DNA Proved it. Poor Dante got to tell her. BUT! She and Sam went to the Fair while Dante told Michael he was being a jerk about his Dad. 

WHOA!!  OF THE WEEK: Spencer finds the magic shoe box!! Finds the pills! The letters and so much more! Then he even stops himself from having sex with Esme. Nah, I wish he had. I don't know but that's just me. Give me old school. AnyHOO-- he's hot on the trail! 

SOCIOPATHS WOES OF THE WEEK: First off, casting was good on this. Esme looks like Ryan imo. Loved their scenes. Jon L is brilliant and plays Ryan to such perfection. So loving and proud one minute, so mean and biting the next. Esme's in trouble because Spencer is on to her. Ryan figures out that Cameron is too. Time to step up the seduction of Prince Nikolas. Esme wants Ava to find them together. Maybe she'll kill them both!! 

WOE????!!! WHOA!!  OF THE WEEK:  Oh holy hello!! Whether it was dialog or editing, the entire "Mother" discussion that Es and Ryan had was attached to Felicia so much one HAD to wonder: IS SHE HER MOTHER?? I mean... Felicia talking about babies out of nowhere--she is talking to Nina about "failing her daughter".... Ryan says Esme's like her mom..."can't turn your back on them" and then a flashback of Felicia stabbing him? What was a girl to think??? Lordy. Numerous people pointed out the age thing and truth be told, it really doesn't work history wise but..but.. don't scare us like that!! 

CARLY WOES OF THE WEEK:  And... here we are. Carly gets the DNA to test on both Willow and Nina. Drew sees her. Now it seems they are the two that will hold the secret in their hands. Will she tell? Only in dramatic fashion when she wants revenge or something, right? I just can't believe how this story went from Alexis to Carly in 3.4 seconds. Yes, I GET the Nina Grandma tie in but... GEEZZZZZE. 

SONNY INSERTION WOES OF THE WEEK: Welp. We couldn't go without Sonny getting into the whole ELQ thing, now could we? Drew, in his Mr. Rogers mode,  tried to convince Sonny to make peace with Michael.  Why? Oh because of the merger stress and Valentin Cassadine. Well, that got ol' Sonny's guff up and he HAD to let Drew know he'd offer protection. I guess to show us he really does still care about Michael? 

HE'S REALLY TRYING  WOE OF THE WEEK: Oh, Michael. You changed your expression at least 2x this week! Sad to Mad!! If you only knew how hard the Qs and Corinthos fought over you "That's MY GREAT-GRANDSON, DAMN IT" you might take a step back and look at this mess and laugh. Anyway, what I find hysterical is that you want to 'restore the good name of Corinthos" and YOU'RE NOT EVEN A CORINTHOS!! Honey, you're a Quartermaine. If you hate the whole Mob/Corinthos thing SO MUCH--change it back.  No one and I mean NO ONE is ever going to mistake you for a real Corinthos. Giggle. 

WILEY WOES OF THE WEEK: Too many to list here but just know that Nina and Carly talked NON-STOP about the kid. NON-FREAKINGGGG-STOP. The hearing is next week so, here's hoping it's over soon. (HA HA HA!! I'm so funny) ...YES those are the twins that play Wiley. He's all of a sudden like FIVE. 

MARSHALL WOES OF THE WEEK: Well, Curtis is certainly getting mileage outta is leaving. Everyone every where from Portia to Jordan to Nina to TJ heard about it. Glad Ms Wu didn't pop in the club or she would have had to suffer through it all! TJ figured out Marshall went to some music store in Brooklyn so he's going there. Will we see it? Will he take Molly? (I kid, I kid) 

FRANCO WOES OF THE WEEK:  Out of all the soapies I know, I'm the one that appreciates a weird semi-campy story. This is not it. While it started out promising, the Elizabeth story is just puzzling and not that exciting. Chelsea The Medium was on again and channeled "Franco" who encouraged and also warned Elizabeth. About what? I took it as warning her about herself and to take care. Meaning, I think something buried in her past is doing all of this when she splits. I have no idea if that's what it is but the parent story popping up coupled with the medium saying there was someone in the house doing this that was born of 'trauma and abandonment' screams Liz to me. She's buried her past and can't move on until she faces it.  I just hope it's written well so I can totally get into "the haunting" and love it!! 

WARDROBE OF THE WEEK: I Loved Kelly's dress. Olivia had on a nice one as well. Felicia in her Free People blouses are on point. I'm old though so they are probably out of fashion!! LOL 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Oh, I LOVED the Spencer-Britt scenes!! Her making him talk in his old speech pattern and taping it. LOL. Her also being VERY concerned about the pill he had. Him trying to piss her off so she wouldn't suspect what he was up to (although that's puzzling, he just should have told her). Anyway, KT and NC are great together and I'm all for any of their stuff together. MORE PLEASE 


Felicia has a friendly talk with Nina over popcorn. 

Curtis and Nina talk about Wiley and Marshall to multiple people--and each other

Joss and Carly get their nails done and bitch about Nina

Ava has advice for Trina about getting Esme off her game

Spencer finds the pills and the letters; Britt tells him the Rx is dangerous

Elizabeth talks to "Franco" via Chelsea; he warns her to be careful 

Valentin talks about Nina, Wiley and ELQ. Is stunned to find out there's a merger a foot. 

The school Fair begins

Willow is sad; Harmony's DNA didn't match her own. Oh where oh where is her mama? 

Michael says he'll bring Sonny down to "restore the good name Corinthos" 

Dante tries to mend the Michael-Sonny fence. Fails

Drew tries to men the Sonny-Michael fence. Fails. 

Terry and Chet talk about dating each other and their unique circumstances. Terry finds out Amy is Chet's sister. 

NEWS AND NOTES:  GH celebrated it's GH 15,000 episode taping and some cute photos came out of it. I think we will see the episode in June?  

You probably saw Josh Kelly  Is coming to GH as....? Someone tied to Britt, Dante and Sam. Unless PR is trying to fool us, that screams Jason recast. Only..would they really recast after they recasted and uncasted with the original cast?? Hm.... maybe he's just someone from Dante's police academy days and will date Britt. Don't forget we also have that other newbie playing "Dex" . Lord help me. 

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK:  Will Chase show up to the fair (crystal ball says yes), TJ tries to find answers with Marshall, the Wiley hearing begins and Esme sets her net on Nikolas.  Based on that PR photo--I GUESS Taggert is back? That whole thing makes me angry so I'll shut up for now. 

So that's it, Folks...! Like I said.. not a ton of movement this week. I did enjoy the Esme story because it's swimming along and Spencer knows now what she did. Ryan is always a welcome thing to see on my screen. Rory is promising with Trina. The Felicia and Nina scene was really nice. Always like Valentin and Marty. Why Val can't be around Anna must have to do with Finola being on a break?? Right?? The "Felicia might be Ez's mother" was a welcome freak out on Twitter. I love the drama. The dialog and editing was way better this week so I felt like it was "my show" again. Not sure about the whole Liz story but Chelsea was fun and Finn's freak out? Loved it. School Fair a good insertion.. and Terry and Chet! Yes please! I feel like my fave couples: Dr. O and Scotty, Terry and Chet, Lucy and Martin are just side notes. *sigh* ... I want them FRONT notes!! And please don't forget about: Epiphany becoming a doctor...Molly on the Trina case.. Stella's fainting episode, Brad running the gambling games and SO MUCH MORE that I really want to see. !!!  It's all about ME you know. Wink.

Take care-- see you during the week. I'm still shook about the whole NEW PERSON coming to GH. ENOUGH already!! 

Last note:  Just despondent over Buffalo news. Horrific. To think someone drove from Broome to Buffalo to hunt. I'm sick. It easily could have been Rochester or anywhere. 


  1. Not much to say at this time. Thank you Karen.

    Genie looks great in black, but must be hot in that coat.

    Esme does look like Ryan.

  2. I do like the liz story needs to move faster. sick of the teen scene. they get too much airtime. rather see the vets more. and why is tj obsessed with hatman makes no sense. TJ father is sean go visit him.

  3. I'm hoping that if Josh Kelly is a recast he is playing Lucky and not Jason. I enjoyed the fair but they could of had Elizabeth there for Aiden and Maxie or Spinelli there for Georgie as well.

  4. My viewing has been sporadic for weeks because I have a parent who is seriously ill. Thank you to Karen, who writes, and to all who summarize, comment and add to this blog. Getting a chance to 'get away' to watch an episode also includes the relaxing minutes I steal from other stresses to read this blog. TY. I agree that the plot lines are not TIGHT and that CONTINUITY is barely given its due respect but I still absolutely enjoy and look forward to my GH time. My pet peeve....actors who have to push their hair out of their faces. I almost died laughing at Carly's Friday hair style.... Finally, no distracting hand movements or head nods to get her hair out of the way....and then that leads to me NINA. Watch. She touches and pushes back her hair every 20-30 seconds.

    1. I notice the Neener hair thing all the time, drives me nuts!! And always putting her fingers up to her mouth like a toddler! Happy thoughts and best wishes to you regarding your parent.

    2. That hair stuff is so annoying. And Carly looked horrible with that style - aged her ten years. She has such beautiful curly hair but they never let it look natural.

  5. An exceptional SS! Thank you.
    It is impressive how they got so many cast members, and there are many, in the same room at one time for the celebration photo.
    It is my opinion that more than one writer writes each attempt at a story. This week may have been a bit better but it is so choppy and all over the place.
    I've been sick of hearing about Wiley for years. Sick of hearing about no story Marshall for months.
    The best thing about GH is this blog!

  6. Great SS as always! And I'm glad "my all about me story lines" match yours, lol! Couldn't have said it better.

    I'm not on Twitter but I was surely freaking out that Flea might be Esme's mom. No way does that fit, but as you always say... it's GH!

    The shooting in Buffalo was horrific. My prayers to the city and state. When will it end?

  7. Another great SS. Agree with everything you said. I'm wondering if GH realized what a find they have with the actress who plays Esme and decided to make Felicia her mother to give her an extra tie to the canvas as a way to keep her.

    Did anyone notice Jeff K in the last row in the photo? I wonder if Cyrus is coming back or if Jeff was just visiting the set?

  8. Thanks for the great SS. I'm glad we're finally going to get a sl with Molly. TJ said he had to tell her that they were going to Brookyn instead of Florida and the spoilers for this week say: "Molly Lansing-Davis (Haley Pullos) will also face danger in Brooklyn"

    Wiley is supposed to be turning 4 in a few months so they haven't aged him too much. ..I think I've lost years. ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿

    And I absolutely love your description of Michael.! lol

  9. Gawd... further proof that I've lost years. They need to bring her back now to stay with "Grandma" for the summer. lol

  10. ----what if MAC is Esme's dad??? and Felicia is her mom? I still think Felicia will think she miscarried or something and Ryan has the baby (WHICH IS STILL A STUPID STORYLINE WRITERS)
    ---- I still don't think Marshall's only secret was mental health??? This has gone on for months - mental health is very important but there must be something more - i.e. Stella is Curtis' mom and WHY does Marshall HATE Sonny when never met him?
    ---WHY is Gregory back? gonna pair up with Alexis maybe?
    ---to repeat - Liz storyline began January 7th.....move along...
    ----not a great week in my opinion.....Amy is annoying/don't care about her

    1. I'm all for pairing Gregory with Alexis if it will give them both a storyline. It would be interesting seeing Finn's reaction to Gregory having a relationship with one of Finn's exes, though wasn't Finn and Alexis romantic relationship a one time thing?

      I know it is a stupid storyline, but if making either Mac or Felicia - or both - Esme's parents I'm up for it. It should put both vets front and center should bring in Robert and Anna in also.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The school fair:

    Sonny and Willow: Awww Willow appreciates the flowers that Sonny sent. Now hug.. :) No? Okay then.

    Sonny, Willow, Michael and Dante: Oh man Willow is acting like she is being abused by Michael. He is upset and she is trying to passify him. Odd scene.

    Mildew: Again! Willow acting like she is an abused woman, and she is passifying him again. Odd scene.

    Chase, Nedlia, Brooky, and little uncle Leo: I love that little uncle Leo can hug people and touch them! :) Some autistic people can't. Little Leo loves Chase awwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Sam, Willow, Sonny, and Drew: So Scout drew a painting and Sam doesn't know anything about what it looks like, but Drew knows? Well okay then. :) Did Scout drew a picture of the Tribbles?

    Little uncle Leo on stage: He was great!!!!!!! I love the little trick he did with only seeing Chase awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) I don't mind seeing only Chase.. ;)

    Drew, Michael, and Ned: I think it's a great deal Drew and Michael want to give Ned! Ned say yes!!!! Don't think about it!

    Little Uncle Leo, Chase, and Brooky: Oh no! Please no! If Chase sings fly me to the moon, I'm going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! First I'll melt and then I die.

    Brase: Oh someone is watching them. I was thinking, Poptart Smalls or slimy Jim Carrey?

    V.C. and Ned: Oh! It was V.C.! :)

    Metrocourt gardens:

    Felicia and Anna: Beautiful dresses! Anna's dress is sexy.

    Anna: He came to my house and we talked, and he kissed me, and I haven't seen him since.

    Oh oh V.C. you are being a jerk! Oh hello V.C.! Jerk! Oh okay you apologized to her, but still! JERK!

    Felicia and V.C.: Felicia is being a good friend. :) She wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: Except I heard you kissed my friend and ghosted her.

    ROFL! You tell him Felicia!!!!! *I look at V.C.* JERK!

    Purtis's home:

    Purtis: Awwwwwwwwww love. :)

    Curtis and Stella: Great scene!!! Breaking my heart! I love how Curtis is trying to be respectful. There is more to the Mr. Hat story isn't it Stella?


    Vampira and Spencer: Oh! She admits that when they have a picnic it will be foreplay! ROFL! Oh hi Nik. Sure you are interrupting, but thank you. :)

    Vampira and Nik: Oh my my! They are getting closer, and he looks at her lips. Are they gonna do some kissin? :)


    Ava and Trina: More talk about the Pam and Tommy sex tape. Trina could get kicked out of school?! Oh no! I hope not! Be strong Trina! Be strong! Hmmm she reminds me of a young Laura. Love that Ava is being there for her.

    Spencer and Portia: Oooo she is telling him off but good! :) Yeah you tell him Portia!!!

    Trina, Ava, and Spencer: Spencer stop talking to Trina!!! Leave her alone! Just listen to Ava!!

    Trina and Portia: Awww I'm glad Trina isn't mad at her. Yes Trina you already said it all before to Spencer, now it's Portia's turn. :)

    1. No to Nikolas and Esme kissing. She looks WAY TOO YOUNG and it's just icky.

    2. "Ladderr says, No to Nikolas and Esme kissing. She looks WAY TOO YOUNG and it's just icky."

      HA! She is probably lying about her age and is really 30! :)

    3. IRL she is 20, but that doesn't meant anything on the show obviously

    4. "lindie says, IRL she is 20, but that doesn't meant anything on the show obviously"

      Hahaha. yeah that doesn't mean anything. :)

    5. Yup, I don't want to see ANY smooching between Esme and Nik, just YUCK!!
      Flea was great in her scenes with Valentin. Good friend indeed.
      Portia was on fire and I loved it. Even if Spence is trying to out Esme, he has been so rotten in this story line. I'm afraid when all is said and done (and I'm kind of delusional that this story will ever end) that all will be forgiven towards Spence. Blech.
      Little Leo was great, and if we don't get to see Chase sing Fly me to the Moon, I'm going to be mightily ticked!!

    6. "Julie H says, Yup, I don't want to see ANY smooching between Esme and Nik, just YUCK!!"

      How about Spencer and Britch? ROFL!

      "Flea was great in her scenes with Valentin. Good friend indeed."

      Yeah!!!!! :)

      "Portia was on fire and I loved it. Even if Spence is trying to out Esme, he has been so rotten in this story line. I'm afraid when all is said and done (and I'm kind of delusional that this story will ever end) that all will be forgiven towards Spence. Blech.

      Yeah I'm sure all will be forgiven.. The story will end hahahaha."

      "if we don't get to see Chase sing Fly me to the Moon, I'm going to be mightily ticked!!"

      GAH! *Melt*

  13. I say NO to Felicia being Esme's mother. It's another Anna and Faison are Peter's parents. So either Felicia would have willingly slept with Ryan or been raped by Ryan. Either is horrible.

  14. What the heck was Esme wearing?
    This thing with Marshall. Anyone else think that the writers have no idea what to do with his story? The dialogue is close to the same in each scene and it seems to just go around in circles.
    Loved Leo, BLQ and Chase today.

    1. I too loved the Leo, BLQ and Chase scenes. Very sweet.

    2. Agree about Hat Man's story line and dialog. Nothing ever changes and round and round we go. :(

  15. Meant to say...I hope everything is okay with Karen.

  16. Wydnemere:

    Nik and Vampira: Man they are so close together! He is looking down her lips again. Come on Vampira! Cry hard so that Nik can hug you and then you two can kiss.. *Evil smile*

    Nava and Vampira: Oooooo! Queen Ava dragging Vampira!!! GO QUEEN AVA GO!!! :) Queen Ava wins the lines of the day!

    Ava: Poor Esme. This is your one and only warning. You keep my daughter's names out of your mouth! Or I'll make you sorry you ever drew breath.

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! Vampira have you ever met Queen Ava Jerome? You just met her! She killed Connie. :) Have you ever heard that? :)

    Nik and Vampira: Vampira is milking this! Moving? Yeah right! :) And of course Nik stops her. :) He is falling for her trap.

    Queen Ava:

    Nava: Now that Ava is not happy with Nik, is Nik going to have sex with Vampira? :)

    Vampira's room: She is REALLY good!!! She did not pack anything except her cartolo box! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Metrocourt hotel/V.C.'s room:

    V.C. and Ned: Great scene, but uh V.C.? GO FIND ANNA YOU JERK!

    V.C. on the phone with Marty: GO FIND ANNA AND APOLOGIZE YOU JERK!


    Spencer and Sam: Oooooo! Spencer tells her that Vampira is a monster and he tells her he has a plan! I mean because he can trust her since she is a Cassadine. :) MORE SCENES WITH THEM! MORE MORE MORE! :)

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Brasha and Gladys: Sasha is so out of it!!! Brando is so blind. He can't see Gladys grab slimy Jim Carry away?! By the way, that was awesome. :)

    Slimy Jim Carrey and Gladys: LOVE IT! Love that she is protecting Sasha! Awwwwww. :)

    Brasha: Sasha is so out of it! Brando can't you see that?! You are so blind!!!

    Gladys and Sasha: Ooooo Jim Carrey gave the drugs to Gladys!!! Will Sasha take the bottle? Will Gladys tell on her? Probably not, since she just lied to Brando about her gambling on the phone hahaha. That was lame. :)

    Metrocourt gardens:

    Chase and Ned: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SINGING!!!! Brooky's song!!!! They are both great!!! Chase didn't sing fly me to the moon, but Chase singing anything is so melt worthy! :)

    Olivia and Brooky: Yes Brooky! Tell Chase how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Carly, Drew, and Michael: Michael doesn't want his mama to use her money for investments. Awwww good boy. Protecting your mama! :)

    Brase: Yes yes yes! Go somewhere quiet and alone so you can tell how you feel!!! :) Oh no!!! That producer guy of Brooky's! Yuck yuck yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering who was watching them. It couldn't have been V.C. He was at the hotel with Ned. So it was that ex producer. What the hell do you want? Are you going to threaten her that if she sells her songs you will sue? Or did she sign a contract that says she can't sell her songs?

    1. I just loved the look on Esme's face when Ava threatened her. Go AVA!

      And I think Gladys just wanted Sasha to know that she knew and I'm hoping she takes her home and dries her out, and then stays glued to her side for a while. Enough with the addiction story. It served its purpose and Gladys has become likeable and accepting of Sasha.

      I was so glad Spencer told Sam and I loved it when she told him he was a good Cassadine too. He needed that.

      I actually chuckled when I saw that Esme had only taken the shoe box. lol

      And I was not happy to see that sleazy music producer at the end. grrrrr

      And did anyone else watch 911 this week. Our "Nell" was in it in a perfect role for those who see her as one of the undead or have envisioned a nasty scenario for her. I'm laughing just thinking about it. It was at the beginning and worth watching. I won't describe it in case people want to check it out.

    2. Just when Chase and Brooky were getting close, in walks sleazy guy

    3. "Di says, I just loved the look on Esme's face when Ava threatened her. Go AVA!"

      I love how close Queen Ava got, and I love that threat! It was wonderful! :)

      "And I think Gladys just wanted Sasha to know that she knew and I'm hoping she takes her home and dries her out, and then stays glued to her side for a while."

      Yes yes!!! Please!!!!

      "Enough with the addiction story. It served its purpose and Gladys has become likeable and accepting of Sasha."

      Yes it served it's purpose, but now Brando is blind and dumb.

      "I was so glad Spencer told Sam and I loved it when she told him he was a good Cassadine too. He needed that."

      IT WAS GREAT YAY! :)

      "I actually chuckled when I saw that Esme had only taken the shoe box. lol"

      I laughed!!! She is no dummy! :)

      "And I was not happy to see that sleazy music producer at the end. grrrrr"


      "And did anyone else watch 911 this week. Our "Nell" was in it in a perfect role for those who see her as one of the undead or have envisioned a nasty scenario for her. I'm laughing just thinking about it. It was at the beginning and worth watching. I won't describe it in case people want to check it out."

      Oh was she? :) Awesome. How was she? :)

    4. If I can find a copy of the scene, sonya I'll message you a link.

    5. Di wrote everything I was going to. :)
      I was swooning right along with you Sonya when Chase was singing. My goodness he's a heartbreaker! Ava was fierce yesterday, and yes, someone needs to clue Vampira in about Connie, lol!

      And from yesterday...absolutely NOT about Spence smooching Britt. Ewwwww!

    6. It reminded me of a sci fi movie. I expected the alien tongue to appear at any moment . Ewwww

    7. Oh Di, double triple ewwwwwww! LOL!

    8. LOL Unfortunately I have a long memory and I gagged at the scene as the movie popped in my head, and even now when I remember it. What were the director and editor thinking! ewwwww

  17. Question: WHY are they ruining Valentin and Anna? One of the only reasons I was watching

    1. I don't know what the writers are doing!!!!!

  18. Oh another thing,; I actually liked Sam's dress

  19. Replies
    1. She was on twitter today doing GH today!!

    2. Maybe she just forgot to hit "post"! I've been known to do that. 😊

    3. Glad that our Wubs was on Twitter. I thought maybe her disgust with GH had her taking a break!

  20. Loved Chase and Ned singing! I thought Sam looked very pretty but Olivia's dress was a little busy. Leo is so cute! Of course Carly has to try to get into investing. Michael is unlikable - wish he was gone. Chase and BLQ need to step it up.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...