Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday and Friday....


Well, I didn't post Monday because of the Brittnaee Drexel case -- and I FORGOT TO publish TUESDAY. I DID make it yesterday. BUT!! Today I have an appointment and I may or may not be back for the show. Friday I know I have a kid until 2:00 so won't be back in time. 


So, for Thursday's show use this blog to write please. I forgot to say I liked the show yesterday and I'm not sure why other than it was just nice and 'real' and ... Molly was on!! The car scenes were good and Marshall walking in surprised me. 

Ok, that's that. I'll pop in when I can and offer my "expert" opinions!! WUB YA ALL!! Thanks for reading. 


  1. lol If you manage to find your mind grab mine too please. I thought it was Friday today till I read your post.

  2. I just saw a news article on the fire at Kelly Monaco's house. How sad for her - but fortunately she's safe. Someone threw a lit cigarette butt in the empty lot next door and it ignited the blaze.

    1. Not only too lazy to find an ashtray but they can't even stomp it out. So much destruction still caused by lazy people.

    2. Yeah I also heard about days of our lives actress Krista Allen helped her friend from a house fire and mangled her hand. I wonder if her friend is Kelly Monaco!

    3. Krista Allen is currently on Bold and Beautiful as Taylor.

    4. "Anon says, Krista Allen is currently on Bold and Beautiful as Taylor."

      Oops! I meant Bold and the beautiful! *Facepalm* Thanks. :)

    5. Sonya, we are both right! :) She also played Billie Reed on Days for a stretch when lisa rinna left the role

  3. And I thought you abandoned us! lol
    Nina looked like a nice little "ho" today.
    Lots of talking. Lots of Marshall. Boo.

  4. Am I crazy or is marshall not t.j.s grandpa and Stella not his aunt, and Curtis not his unclr

    1. Biology they aren't since Shawn is his biological father, but he still claims hat man, Stella, and Curtis family.

  5. I could believe that ...but you might still be crazy. LOL

  6. A lot of funny one liners today!


    Brooklyn bar:

    Tolly and Mr. Hat man: Tolly are happy to see Mr. Hat man! He don't want to go back to Port Chuckles! Molly decides to let them talk and that she is going to the jazz club that's around the corner. Molly tells Mr. Hat man that they had plans to go to Miami, but instead TJ wanted to go find him. Off Molly goes to the jazz club.

    Mr. Hat man: Don't you ever, ever give that woman up!

    Yeah he better not!

    TJ and Mr. Hat man: TJ is telling him he won't let him get out of his life. Yeah TJ you tell him!!! Poor TJ. :(

    Near the jazz club:

    2 bad men, TJ, and Mr. Hat man: Oh oh. Hmmm. What's going to happen now? Will Mr. Hat man turn into a superhero and we will see the REAL him? Will he do some superhero moves? Will he fly? Will he blow cold air on these bad men? Is he besties with Superman?

    Port Chuckles:

    Kevlar home:

    Kevlar, Liz, and Caleb: Oh Caleb shut the hell up! You know Chelsea Lamb is the real thing! You just don't want the secret to come out. LOOK! The vase full of flowers fell and broke!! Liz wins the lines of the day.

    Liz: Maybe because I trust the dead more than I trust the living right now. We don't live in earthquake country.

    ROFL! Oh Liz ( Or maybe it's Beth) kicked Caleb out!!!!!

    Kevlar: Laura went to check on Liz, and oh look the door is ajar! Doc is confused. Laura comes down and says Liz is gone. They look all over and she is nowhere!!! Where did she go? And who opened the door Doc? Hmmmm?


    Little V and Gregory: GAH! Little V is so adorable!!! Love her drawings.

    Little V: Grandpa you are holding it upside down.


    Little V, Gregory, and Caleb:

    Little V: Miss Waitress.

    GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! She is so freakin adorable! :) Caleb put head phones on Little V so she can listen to music while he talks to his dad. I wonder if the actress is really listening to music. :) Poor Caleb is afraid she is losing Liz.

    Caleb: Everytime something strange happened no one was ever there.

    Little V: That's not true daddy. Aunt Elizabeth was there.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Hmmm is Little V the key? :)

    The hospital:

    Stella, Portia, and Piffy: Piffy and Portia are off the clock! Time to go to the Savoy and get free drinks! :)

    Carly and nurse: Oh NOW Carly is asking for the results!?! Results still not in. That poor toothbrush. Willow must be wondering where her toothbrush is!!!

    Carly and Bobbie: BOBBIE YAY! :) Bobbie worried and she says be careful what you wish for.. Ain't that the truth!

    The Savoy:

    Nina and the jerk: Nina and her hooker outfit, and this jerk who is very judgemental.

    The jerk: I know you! You are the mafia homewrecker.


    Nina, the Jerk, and Sonny: Sonny talks to the jerk and the jerk becomes a 5 year old mushy mush. Off he goes hahahaha.

    Nina and Sonny: More eye flirty sex. They should stop talking and just go to Sonny's place to have sex. I mean geez they talk to much!

    Piffy, Portia, Stella, Nina and Sonny: Everyone wuvs Sonny. :)

    Piffy, Portia, and Stella table: Sonny sent them drinks.. Cus you know, they wuv Sonny. They talk about Mr. Hat man. Piffy I'm sure misses him. They talk about Trina.

    Liz's home: WHAT THE?!?!!?! Liz shows up and sees that drawing that little V drew and she rips it up!!! It looks like Liz is in a trance!!! Beth? Is that you bitch?!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 4th 1998* Tony reveals his inner torment to Tammy the hooker. Tony was never the same when he lost BJ. :(

    1. My guess - Curtis shows up in time to save them.

    2. "L says, My guess - Curtis shows up in time to save them."

      ROFL! And then we will be still in the dark that Mr. Hat man is a superhero! :)

    3. I think Liz is in a trance. As I said from the get-go, I think she's sleep walking.

    4. "Di says, I think Liz is in a trance. As I said from the get-go, I think she's sleep walking."

      Well, Cam will be there tomorrow! So he can wake her up!!!

    5. He'll need to do it carefully and she won't remember anything. (if I'm right)

    6. Di, I'm thinking you are right. I don't think she will remember anything either.

    7. "Di says, He'll need to do it carefully and she won't remember anything. (if I'm right)"

      Yup! You don't wake up someone who is sleep walking

    8. Dang Miss Sonya, you are on fire! Hat Man being Superman (hahahaha!), the entire toothbrush debacle, Nina's hooker dress, calling Beth a bitch......stop!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

      Liz had an excellent line, but the Mafia homewrecker was my choice. I snorted and choked on my dinner, lol!

      Little Violet is smarter than the average bear, and please let Di's theory be true that Liz is sleep walking!

      I thought the actor that plays TJ was excellent yesterday. He told Hat Man some well deserved truths and did it very well. I was cheering him on.

      And for Karen, I will never desert this blog! :)

    9. "Julie H says, Dang Miss Sonya, you are on fire! Hat Man being Superman (hahahaha!), the entire toothbrush debacle, Nina's hooker dress, calling Beth a bitch......stop!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!"

      HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Well, how is Willow brushing her teeth? With her finger?! :) Oh and Mr. Hat man isn't superman! He is besties with him. :)

      "Liz had an excellent line, but the Mafia homewrecker was my choice. I snorted and choked on my dinner, lol!"

      Hahahaha yeah the Mafia homewrecker was gold, but had to give it to Liz. Her comments was so unexpected. She trusts the dead more than the living hahahahaha!

      "Little Violet is smarter than the average bear, and please let Di's theory be true that Liz is sleep walking!"

      Little V is so smart! It looked like Liz is sleep walking.. Today it looked like Cam is trying to get her attention!

      "I thought the actor that plays TJ was excellent yesterday. He told Hat Man some well deserved truths and did it very well. I was cheering him on."

      YES! He was fantastic!!!! Made me feel bad for TJ!

      "And for Karen, I will never desert this blog! :)"

      ME NEITHER!! :D

  7. So, little V wasn't listening to her music? And pointed out that Aunt Elizabeth was there every time? Smart kid. They might want to start listening to her. LOL

    1. YES! They need to listen to her!!! :) The music she was listening to, was probably over. :)

    2. Or she was just pretending to listen to the music and was paying attention to the adult conversation. That would be a Hayden - and a teen age Liz - thing to do. Pretend to listen to the music all the while finding out what the adults didn't want you to know.

    3. "Gary says, Or she was just pretending to listen to the music and was paying attention to the adult conversation. "

      Hmmm.. Mayyyyyyyyyyybe. :)

      "That would be a Hayden - and a teen age Liz - thing to do."

      ROFL! Yes! :)

      "Pretend to listen to the music all the while finding out what the adults didn't want you to know."

      Hahaha. *Evil smile*

    4. I have my moments. I sometimes let my evil twin outside to play.

    5. "Gary says, I have my moments. I sometimes let my evil twin outside to play."

      Hahahaha. YAY! How fun. :) What is your twin's name? :)

    6. I don't know, she won't tell me. 😊

    7. Sometimes my twin lets me out to play too... and then he hides. muyhaha

    8. "Gary says, I don't know, she won't tell me. 😊"


      "Di says, Sometimes my twin lets me out to play too... and then he hides. muyhaha"


  8. Can Violet apply to be Police Commissioner and solve Trina's case next?????

  9. How sad when a 5 year old on the show is smarter than the police people.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...