Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Going Away Away


I swear this week is going so crazy it feels like it's Friday LOL 

Marshall wakes up... thanks Curtis.  Curtis just wants him home; no strings attached. TJ comes in and then Aunt Stella walks in .  They are going to take Marshall for more tests and he sees Curtis  holding his pills. He says it's time to tell the truth. 

The hearing: Carly waits on the DNA tests. Diane and Scotty come into the courtroom. The hearing is starting.  Nina gets to go first. Carly rolls her eyes. She lists things they did together. Then Scott asks about his other grandparents. Nina says Sonny and Carly. He's like OH! SONNY CORINTHOS! Then they talk about killer Harmony. Then Diane gets to question Nina and she goes ballistic LOL. Brings up Nixon Falls..Nina's past. You name it. They talk about lying and Diane does a good job. Michael says "Well that's over".. but! Sonny wants to get on the stand. Scott decides to call him up. 

*NOTE: Carly's faces are what to watch on today's show LOL 

Brook and Chase talk about her songs. He tells her to just write more. She says it's not that easy. She has an idea and wants him to help her. It's shady, I'm not even sure what it is about. Sorry. 

Cam and Laura talk about Elizabeth. Laura goes into the room. Elizabeth says she has to leave PC and get away from everyone.  Laura hugs Liz. Tells her it will be ok. If GH doesn't have the adequate resources, they'll send her where they do. Liz agrees and she says goodbye to Cameron. Finn jumps in, says he's not happy. She wants Finn to be happy. This scene is really WEIRD and feels so rushed. ANYWAY, the make arrangements for Liz to go to Shadybrook THAT DAY (ahahahaha..no waiting list)? And Cam says goodbye. Violet says goodbye. No Aiden. No Jake. Liz gets into the elevator with some really sad music. I swear it's like Becky is leaving the show LOL GEESH!! 

Violet and Gregory are in the park. He hit Alexis with a Frisbee (on accident).  They talk. He's not a fan of her paper. He says she wants her 'journalism both ways"... they banter a bit. Violet tells him to be nice. Alexis invites him to write an op ed for the paper. He says nope. Finn texts and Violet and he leave. 


Liz goes to Shadybrook

Marshall gets tests

Sonny takes the stand

TOMORROW: Look !! Victor is back! 


  1. What in the world happened to Austin? Is Roger still on the show? Just curious.

  2. Exactly - May sweeps _ NO AUSTIN----
    okay, so Jan 7 began Liz's issue and you are right Karen, it's like 'wrap it up to-day----we don't know what is wrong but get her outta here"
    so WHO is at Shadybrook that Liz will see? Help me - really - WHO is there?
    I think Marshall killed someone while taking meds or something - it is NOT normal to leave your family because of those pills----plus remember he called someone and said "I am not through yet with my -----" what was the word?
    I WILL say I love Donnell Turner so glad he has a storyline but a STUPID storyline ----especially May sweeps...
    I think Nina loses........don't care ----just a guess
    Diane should be on the show LOTS MORE

  3. Liz story is ridiculous and CARLY STFU

  4. NYC hospital:

    Curtis, TJ, Mr. Hat man, and Stella: Dammit Curtis! You are making me cry with your scenes with your daddy!

    Mr. Hat man: Oh Lord!

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Stella: Three strangers to three amigos!

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Stella: It's time Marshall. Time to let go of the past.

    Oh damn. I thought she was going to say it's time to tell the truth! Dammit! Oh he is going to tell the truth? Oh dammit he isn't! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Port Chuckles:

    The REAL park:

    Grandpa Gregory and Little V: He is letting her play Frisbee all by herself? ROFL! Come on Grandpa!!! Play with her! :)

    Grandpa, Gregory, Little V. and Alexis: Hmmm Alexis and Gregory chem testing. :) I'll ship them!!! I'll call them Alexigory! :) Oooo I think an Op ed is a great idea! :) Little V wins the line of the day.

    Little V: Grandpa! I don't think you are playing nice!

    ROFL! You tell him!!! :)

    Near the tables:

    Brase: I don't know where they are! Chase is right Brooky! This is also about Louise!!! You lost her, and now you don't want to lose anything else! You want to take control!

    The hospital:

    Liz, Finchy, Cam, Laura, and Doc: These are weird scenes! That's it for Liz's storyline?!!?!?! THAT'S IT?! She goes to Shadybrook and it's over? She will come back all better?!?!?! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so disappointed about this storyline..

    Courtroom: Carly's faces! Hahahahaha! Cujo is in that courthouse today! :) Scotty vs Diane! LOVE IT! :)

    Michael: Well, that's the end of that.

    HA! That's what YOU think jackass. :) Your daddy is going up on that stand! HA! :)

    1. So good to see Alexis back, I love NLG! I could get behind an Alexis/Gregory romance.
      I'm disappointed in Liz's story too, especially if her Shady Brook stay is on off screen GH. Grrrrr!
      I liked Marshall today, that was a first, lol!
      Sorry, but my hate for Nina is strong. Very strong. I will be one of the few that is pro Millow and Cujo. God help me. HAHAHAHAH! Diane was Queen of the show today. :)

    2. "Julie H says, So good to see Alexis back, I love NLG! I could get behind an Alexis/Gregory romance."

      Yes I'm glad to see her back!! I could get behind the romance too. Hey! Where have you been? Are you okay?!

      "I'm disappointed in Liz's story too, especially if her Shady Brook stay is on off screen GH. Grrrrr!"


      "I liked Marshall today, that was a first, lol!"


      "Sorry, but my hate for Nina is strong. Very strong."

      ROFL! I understand completely. :) My hate for Kung Foo Barbie and Emily is very strong still. :)

      "I will be one of the few that is pro Millow and Cujo. God help me. HAHAHAHAH!"


      "Diane was Queen of the show today. :)"

      YES! She is just doing her job ma'am! ROFL!

  5. And again I fast forwarded through marshall/curtis

  6. All those months of chaos in Elizabeth's life and then...slow fizzle. Typical.
    Marshall...blahblahblah. It would be so much better if he was a "psycho killer"...also a great song.
    The show is just dragging along but it was nice to see NLG back. Forgot Finn's dad's name, Gregory?, but he's too much of a nice guy for Alexis. Unless they're planning to needlessly kill him.

  7. Regarding Texas, Ted Cruz says we should arm teachers! I'm sure more guns are the answer. Brilliant!

    1. Well, if you don't want that, then what can people do? The little kids can wear bullet proof vets? 4 or 5 security guards with guns there walking around? Have strong locks on all doors?

    2. More guns are not the solution. Most of these shooters are under the age of 20. When will the parents be held accountable?

    3. "zazu says, Most of these shooters are under the age of 20. When will the parents be held accountable?"

      Great question. I have no idea! :(

  8. PS I live in Pa where they live guns too. I have an 8 year of grandson. This is all I could think of all night


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  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...