Wednesday, May 11, 2022



Welp, hot on the heels of new character, "DEX"... looks like Josh Kelly from One Life to Live fame is joining General Hospital. (He played Cutter Wentworth)

Deadline reports that although his character has no name as of yet, he'll be connected to "Sam, Dante and Britt". He'll be a "series regular" at the end of the month. 

Is it me or is there a casting type lately? Here I was confused about the Dex hire looking like everyone else and...WELP!! 

You think he's a recast Jason? If he is, Wubsy may be retiring. I feel like I'm starting to watch 14 shows at once. 


  1. ALRIGHT!!! I used to watch him on OLTL!!! :)

    "You think he's a recast Jason?"

    *Shrug* If he is, then why doesn't it say he is also connected to Sonny and Carly?

    "Wubsy may be retiring. I feel like I'm starting to watch 14 shows at once."


    1. Dear Lord, they don't even use the characters they have. This show is going down the tubes. Sorry, but true

    2. And who is who? They do all look alike.

    3. "lindie says, And who is who? They do all look alike."

      It used to be that a lot of the women were blonde and look alike.. Now it's the men's turn to all look alike! :)

  2. I don't like them expanding the cast, but... if he is a recast Lucky Spencer, I will like it.

    1. Hopefully it's a recast of somebody and not ANOTHER new character. Being Lucky Spencer would be ok by me!

    2. That's a good guess, Kevin. I'd go for that too.

    3. Yes please!! We need Lucky more than Jason right now. I love the new Sonny. I also am not sure I am 100% in with Liz & Finn. Lucky would bring good material for Liz, Laura, Nickolas, All 3 boys of Liz's, and possibly even Sam.

  3. don't think he's a new Jason-----Dante, Sam and Britt mentioned but no CARLY mention? He's not nu-Jason.. we don't NEED a new character....I guess GH uses dry erase boards for the the names on the door.....

  4. I can hardly type her name without being irritated

  5. I took a break from GH because I hate the Sonny/Nina storyline but I came back and I cannot believe that it is still going! Who actually likes this? I do not understand...Nina deceived Sonny AND his family. It is so unwatchable.

    1. I am actually a fan of Nina & Sonny as a couple. Everyone on the show has deceived and made horrible choices. Hey I figure if they can redeem Luke for raping Laura, this is nothing.

    2. Well said Linda. I wouldn't be able to watch the show at all if I watched every character dragging a ship load of baggage every time they came on the screen. More time is spent on dragging that history than on watching for improvements. (which must be ignored by the "teams" as it conflicts with the baggage.) Even when the writers try to change the characters because of parts we didn't like about them, some viewers can't enjoy the change because the baggage is in their faces all the time.

      I also like the change in Sonny and I'm willing to see where they go with it. I'm also looking forward to the sl with Willow and Nina when they find out the truth. I hope it's well written.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...