Thursday, May 5, 2022

HELLO... It's Thursday


And I watched yesterday's show!! Meatballs!! Carly knows the truth!! Lenny!!! Loved Robert and Anna. Not really into the Mac/Felicia wanting a baby --?? (Maybe??) I mean, she's going to be 60. She looks 50 but.. lordy, no. God knows we have enough babies on the show anyway. Maybe Mac will have a long lost son come back? Anyway, watching on Hulu was a gift. It's like 1/2 the time for sure. 


I think it's the next day!! IT IS!! It's the DAY AFTER LEO'S ADOPTION! 

TJ and Britt talk about Harmony dying. He feels badly. She says he did all he could. Amy runs up wants to leave early (I think she's going to go see Chet). TJ and Britt talk a lot about being doctors. 

Nail Salon: Liz and Terry. Terry wants to know exactly what's happening with Liz and the stuff going on. Then Amy waltzes in in a dress...sees Liz and Terry and turns to go. She and Terry don't get along. They argue about work and Amy's slacking off etc. Amy wants to talk to Terry about her. Oh, this is because of CHET! ahahha. Terry doesn't know she's his sister and Amy doesn't know she's his girlfriend. 

Chet is home from The Middle East charity trip. They are in the gym. Chet asks how his replacement "Dex" did... Sonny said he was good. Chet says he's a fellow vet. Dante comes in and asks Sonny if he heard Carly and Alexis were attacked last night. He had not. HE wants to call Carly but then says Carly should have called HIM! He pouts. Dante leaves

Dex comes out to say goodbye. 

Michael and Carly relieve Brook from watching Wiley. They talk about Harmony. Wiley asks about Grandma Harmony. Carly tells him to color his car blue. LOL they aren't telling him.  Dante comes in to see Willow. She comes downstairs. 

Brook calls Chase "Are we on for the screening"? He says: OH! It' May the 4th...that's right. Oh no, I'm watching Violet today. Sorry. Violet comes out and asks which tiara he wants to wear. She wants a tea party and he's sick of them. She's like TOO BAD, you can't have enough tea parties. Brook comes in with light sabers. 


Liz calls the Medium

TJ takes the day off 

Brook, Chase, Violet and Leo are going to Kelly's for dinner 

Dex breaks up a fight. Dex is probably right up there with the most boring casting ever. GEESUS

Dante tells Willow she wasn't Harmony's biological mother. 


GH people: 
Supporting actress: Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis)  and Kelly Thiebaud (Britt) 

Actress: Cynthia Watros (Nina)  and Laura Wright (Carly) 

Actor: None from GH 

Supporting actor: James Patrick Stewart (Valentin), Jeff Kober (Cyrus) 

Younger Actor/Actress Nicholas Chavez (Spencer) William Lipton (Cameron), Sydney Mikayla (Trina) 


  1. The gym:

    Chet and Sonny: CHET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Chet: It turns out I have a lot to look forward to now that I'm home.

    Oh? :) You mean like Terry? :)

    Chet, Sonny, and Dex: Oh hello Dex. Nice to meet you. :) So handsome.

    Dex and the 2 men in the ring: Uh well okay then! ROFL!

    Dex and Sonny: Dex wins the line of the day.

    Dex: I gave those guys a talking to.

    Oh really? HAHAHAHAHAHA! How old are they? 5 years old? :)

    Chet and Amy: Is that why she went to find Chet? So she could whine about her boss? Wait Chet doesn't know that it's Terry right?

    The hospital:

    TJ and Britch: Poor TJ. :( First patient he lost. :( Oh he can go home! Good! Their scenes went on for a long time. Was this chem testing? It was really odd when Amy interrupted them just to say she isn't feeling well? Huh?!

    Marta and Chloe nail salon:

    Liz and Terry: Great scene between them. Terry should just tell Liz about Chet. :)

    Liz, Terry, and Amy: Oh! Terry and Amy don't get along. I forgot.

    "Karen says Terry doesn't know she's his sister and Amy doesn't know she's his girlfriend."

    Oh really? I thought they did.. Oh boy well, once they find out, oh oh! RUN hahahaha!

    The carriage house:

    Michael, Wiley, and Carly: There is invisible Wiley! :) He even had lines! :)

    Mildew, Carly, and Dante: Here we go!!!! The truth bombs are loud!

    Finchy's house:

    Chase and little V: ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Great scenes!!! Love them!

    Chase, little V, and Brooky: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 5th 1973* There is no video, just audio. You can hear Phil Brewer talking.

    1. Amy gets on my last nerve, just like the original Amy Vining. Ugh!
      Cutest scene for me was when Wiley was hugging both Willow and Carly. I'm thinking that was unscripted and it was adorable.
      Dex was pretty to look at, but like Mufasa said, do we Really need another character?! (said in my best Chandler Bing voice, lol!)
      I was so glad Dante told Willow Harmony wasn't her bio mom. But there's more to tell....let's get to it!

    2. "Julie H says, Amy gets on my last nerve, just like the original Amy Vining. Ugh!"

      Hahaha. Too bad they are not related.

      "Cutest scene for me was when Wiley was hugging both Willow and Carly. I'm thinking that was unscripted and it was adorable."

      Awwww yeah I'm sure it was unscripted! :)

      "Dex was pretty to look at, but like Mufasa said, do we Really need another character?! (said in my best Chandler Bing voice, lol!)"

      ROFL! Yeah probably not, unless he gets a good storyline, but he probably won't get because he will be working for Sonny. Sonny has Brick! What does he need Dex for?

  2. Emmy thoughts: I saw Jeff Kober on an interview and he submitted the scene with Laura when he was holding Portia hostage and I can't remember the other scene.
    I DO love James Reynolds (ABE) on DOOL, but he isn't a lead character - wish he had gone to supporting and submitted. YEAH Nicholas (Spence) nominated.
    it's always the same people nominated, you know?
    So let's play a game - which is worse for Willow:
    (1) Harmony isn't her mother (2) Nina is her mother whom she hates (3) NELLE is twin sister -------- straight up I JUST realized that Willow gotta deal with Nelle as a sis!
    --------------We ALL saw Dex would do something heroic - we don't need a new character....sigh....

    1. well, this all would have been way better when NELLE WAS ALIVE

    2. I liked the GH nominations. Good choices. I surely don't want Nell back, but oooh boy what a story this would have been a couple of years ago!

  3. YEAH also that Brook Lynn didn't have on a blazer!!!!

  4. No nominations for lead actor but Robert Gossett got one(guest actor) for Hatman. First character with no story to be nominated for an Emmy. Seriously.
    Does anyone else think we will see Nelle by the end of sweeps?
    The Harmony story should be Alexis'. She killed her man and turned her life upside down.
    GH got lots of nominations. Including the writing team. LOL

    1. Did they get nominated for worst writing?

    2. All of the soaps were nominated in this category.

    3. Funny, no one knows his name but we all KNOW HAT-MAN!

    4. "kdmask says, Funny, no one knows his name but we all KNOW HAT-MAN!"

      Hahahahaha! TRUE! :)

    5. There is actually only one lead actor on GH if you think about it. All the rest are supporting. If this new guy gets to work for Sonny what are they going to do with Brando? I think Hat Man is a good actor - just crappy storyline.

    6. I know. How can GH have only one lead actor? That in itself tells a story.

  5. I know I'm in the minority, but I love the new sonny. the smiling and the dancing.

    1. Yes!!! I love the new Sonny too!!!! :)

    2. I'm with both of you. I know nina is not popular but seeing him excited and happy in a whole different way is refreshing.

  6. Loved it when Wiley wrapped his little arms around Willow and Carly. So cute. Seems spontaneous. Considering all the bad casting they've done over the years, GH sure knows how to chose great child actors. Those little ones are so cute and talented. Going way back to Robin, Lucky, and Lulu when they were small. Even Charlotte, who was cast as a brat, was a good little actress when she came on. Love little V, Willey, Leo, and even Avery who we seldom see.

  7. I loved the scenes with Brookie, Chase & Violet. they are my only real couple that I enjoy (and they aren't even officially a couple)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...