Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Under The Hood

 I can't even remember what today is!! 

Oh! HUMP DAY!! LOL... feels like Friday--or...I don't know. Been a fast week and yet..slow. 

Sonny brings his muscle car in for Brando to take a look at. Brando says Mike worked on cars with him. They hang out and work on the car. Talk about Michael. Spark Plugs. 

Gladys confronts Sasha over the pills. Gladys is more concerned about Sasha's health than Deceptions stock. Says if she doesn't do something she'll tell Brando.  Sasha is still trying to talk  her out of it. Gladys tells her she saw ALL the photos on the guy's camera. Sasha is like: GULP. Sasha is talking about her drug addiction-- and she swears that she didn't  take pills when she hit Harmony. She swears on her son.  Gladys says she HAS to tell Brando. She says she knows the signs. Brando was an addict. so...he might fall off the wagon. Sasha PROMISES she will quit. 

Curtis and Portia hug in her office at GH. She's upset about the PCPU report on Trina. Marshall hugs her. Tells her he's leaving to find Marshall but won't go if she wants him to stay. She tells him to go but what changed? He says he found out that Stella and his mother lied to him and they knew Marshall was alive. Jordan then comes in and tells Curtis where TJ is--and they are looking for Marshall. 

Link, the evil music producer crashes Leo's party. He owns ALL OF BROOK LYNN'S SONGS!! Oh the ones she wrote when he was her producer. He's been shopping them around and people are interested. He wants her to sign with him again.  Anyway, it goes round and round and Chase is almost going to punch him but Brook does first. 

MOLLY is in Brooklyn with TJ!! WOW..they are meeting the music store guy to try to find Marshall. Guy comes in says he told TJ he doesn't know Marshall but will take dinner anyway. He does recognize the clarinet but doesn't know where Marshall is. BUT HE does know Marshall...they catch him in a slip up. He says he'll keep an eye out for him. Orders Cherry Pie LOL 


Marshall walks into the restaurant and sees Molly and TJ

Gladys is moving in with Sasha and Brando (I think that's her stipulation with Sasha promising to stay off drugs)


  1. Brooklyn restaurant:

    Tolly and a stranger guy: Why are you introducing Molly as your life partner? Just say your partner!!!! *Facepalm* That stranger guy wins the line of the day.

    Stranger guy: You're not sure about the man's name?


    Tolly: I didn't recognize Molly at first hahaha. Hmmm they have a sense of humor. :) Sooooo when are they going to have a baby? :) MR. HAT MAN! YAY! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Portia's office:

    Portis: I don't think it's a very good idea to wear a black bra with that shirt. Poor mama bear Portia! Trina will be okay! Charges will be dropped! It has to be! She can't get kicked out of school!!!! :(

    Portis and Jordan: I thought at first that Jordan was going to Brooklyn with Curtis. I'm glad she isn't.

    Jordan and Portia: Come on Jordan! Do you not have a memory of Portia telling you that Trina is Curtis's daughter?

    Brando's gym:

    Brando and Sonny: NICE car! What is it? What year? We get to see Sonny's car! YAY! :) Michael Michael Michael blah blah blah! You two just take off your shirts please!

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Gladys and Sasha: Sasha don't lie!!!! Gladys caught you red handed!!!! Just admit it!

    Deception offices:

    Gladys and Sasha: Man Sasha looks like a junky. Don't believe a word she says Gladys!!! She will lie to keep doing her fix! Oh the drugs are uppers. Yes good idea tell Brando!!! He needs to know! He is so blind and stupid!

    Metrocourt gardens:

    Brase and Linc: Linc is a slimy sneaky snake!!! He owns her songs! I KNEW IT! Go away slimy snake! I love how she hits Linc when Chase was going to! :) Brooky is tough! :)

    Brase: I love how they protect each other!!! Kiss for crying out loud. No don't leave Brooky don't be scared! :) Call your lawyer later!!!

    Brando's garage part 2: Gladys living with Brasha. Yeah I think that is a good idea.

    Sidenote: Is the hospital lab still testing Willow's toothbrush? Did Willow notice her toothbrush is missing? How is she going to brush her teeth? Did she buy a new one? Is she borrowing Michael's toothbrush? Ewwww!

    1. Sonya said "Is the hospital lab still testing Willow's toothbrush? Did Willow notice her toothbrush is missing? How is she going to brush her teeth? Did she buy a new one? Is she borrowing Michael's toothbrush? Ewwww!"

      Sonya, they are swapping "cooties" all the time when they make the luv. I don't think swapping toothbrush cooties is going to be a problem for them. And yes, I'm on my pain meds. 😊

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, they are swapping "cooties" all the time when they make the luv. I don't think swapping toothbrush cooties is going to be a problem for them."

      Hahaha true, but what if she has gingivitis? Then he can get it.. ROFL!

      "And yes, I'm on my pain meds. 😊"


    3. Lordy, I thought the same thing as Gary and I'm NOT on pain meds, lol!!!
      After the restaurant scene I wanted cherry pie. And it was good to see Molly. Really, that life partner thing is getting old.
      I'm tired of Sonny running all over town and telling every Tom, Dick and Harry that Michael knows where to find him to apologize. You're the dad, be a bigger man and you be the one to apologize you cheater that cheats! (Nice car, though)

    4. "Julie H says, Lordy, I thought the same thing as Gary and I'm NOT on pain meds, lol!!!"


      "After the restaurant scene I wanted cherry pie."

      Cream pie for me! :)

      "And it was good to see Molly. "

      Yeah it's always good to see Molly. :)

      "Really, that life partner thing is getting old"

      Yes it is!!!

      "I'm tired of Sonny running all over town and telling every Tom, Dick and Harry that Michael knows where to find him to apologize. You're the dad, be a bigger man and you be the one to apologize"

      YES! Thank you! :)

      "you cheater that cheats!"


      "(Nice car, though)"


  2. HOW LONG can Chase and Brook Lynn do this dance? KISS already----become a couple-SO tired of her running from him - having sleeze-bag return makes NO sense.....go tell Sonny to get rid of him...
    I still have no clue why Sasha, Brando, Gladys, and Marshall are even on the show......I think Gladys wants to keep an eye on Sasha and that was her demand to keep quiet.....WHERE do they live?
    hollow show today......

  3. I likeGladys in small doses.i can live without Sasha and Brabdo but i am proud of their portrayers with the Liam story. Now I'm just bored.

  4. Unless Marshall is a maniacal serial killer, I do not care. The story has made Curtis boring.
    Gladys gets better and better.

  5. Just read our little actor that plays Leo is doing a movie on the big screen with Greg Kinnear.

  6. I loved Gladys in this episode and I love that she's being so protective of Sasha - even knowing she's doing it all
    to protect Brando


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...