Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Pills and Chills


MUCH better week for me and I hope for you too? I did miss a few days live and watching Hulu is always good. BUT it seemed tighter and fun dialog.  SO many group scenes. Leo's party and the Savoy were fun and welcome. I wonder when the pool set is going to open? 

Violet ate a giant sundae so I'm going for one of those!! Let's give it a go!! 

PILLS OF THE WEEK:  Oh Sasaha, Gladys is in the know and totally has your number. Not only did she see the photos of you with the pill on the ground, the photog gave her a whole bottle for you! You tried to lie but... Gladys knows an addict when she sees one. (I totally forgot Brando was an addict from way back-- I mean TOTALLY FORGOT). Anyway, upshot is you promised to quit and Gladys moves in with you!!  Kudos to Sofia because she's been so great lately and never EVER phones anything in!

CHILLS OF THE WEEK:  Well, the Elizabeth story is coming to a head! Not only do I think she's telekinetic (yes, I looked it up) she's also in some kind of fugue state half the time. Maybe due to her sleeping pills? She is snotty to Kevin and Laura, sneaks out like a ghost and then is found by Cam cutting up a picture of the family that Violet drew. My bug-a-boo with this isn't the story it's how it was paced (horribly) and ... FINN. Not digging him. I get he's a man of science and not very empathetic but geesh. Just struck me as all sorts of weird and didn't endear me to them as a couple at all.  I wish Kevin would have figured it out. Anyway, Becky is rocking this and I'm glad for that! 

JR DETECTIVE OF THE WEEK:  Who figured this out and turned the light bulb on in Finn's head? VIOLET!! Violet who was up so late with grandpa Greg and ate a giant fudge sundae and a brownie! The sugar must have triggered synapse movement. 

MILLS OF THE WEEK:  MILLOW.  I'm just. I DO NOT GET THEM. Even their sex scene was... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. You can put black underwear on characters but that doesn't make them exciting.  NOTE: Why hasn't Willow had more "episodes" of whatever was  causing her to faint and such? I mean, won't this lead to her needed something...from Mom NINA?? Then Carly has to tell? That's soap 101 so she needs to start passing out all over the place! 

THAT CLARINET OF THE WEEK: SO, TJ and Molly go to Brooklyn to find Dear old Pappy and have a nice convo with an old guy from the music store. Marshall eventually came in and he and TJ got jumped in the alley. Molly saved the clarinet!!! 

BOBBIE FACTOR OF THE WEEK:  SO good to see her. Why isn't she on more? Why not Lucas? Oh I could go on and on. Bobbie was at the Savoy with Carly and pestering Nina about the hearing. Bobbie is OG Loyal and will stand for her daughter no matter what. Nina made the mistake of calling her a PROSTITUTE (OUCH) and calling out every sin Carly ever had; including sleeping with Tony. Bobbie threw a drink on her! Heh. 

CASSADINE FACTOR OF THE WEEK:  One of my favorite things that happened!! Sam and Spencer!! He finally tells someone other than Cam and it's SAM! Oh my.. thank you for bringing up their Cassa-Link and all that jazz. Thank you for Sam helping Spencer with the Esme set up. I so want Sam more into the Cassadines. She and Spencer can go get the crest tattoos together!! 

AVA FACTOR OF THE WEEK: Ol' Esme sure overstepped her boundaries BIG TIME with Ava by bringing up Kiki and Avery. "Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth"!! Nikolas isn't telling her he's scamming Esme which leads me to believe she will find them together somewhere, somehow in a compromising position. I'm here for it! 

PARTY TIME OF THE WEEK: ON the heels of seeing the school scenes we get a party! IT HAD COOL prop balloons!! Even and octopus. I appreciated them, yes I did.  Chase sang one of Brook's songs along with Dad and they sounded awesome. Brook's old producer Linc shows up and tells her he owns her catalog from when she was with him. Brook punches the guy. The BIGGER picture here is that Chase and Brook seem to finally be ready to admit their WUB for each other! ! Photo Thx to @NivFansGH (follow on twitter for all things Niv) 

COCKTAIL TIME OF THE WEEK:  The trio I didn't know we needed!! Epiphany, Stella and Portia go to The Savoy for drinks! Epiphany talks about her MCATS and Marshall. Just good stuff!!! 

SPARK PLUG TALK OF THE WEEK: Ok, so yes, I liked this Sonny and Brando scene. I'm no Brando fan but it was just a slice of 'real life' and just make me feel all nostalgic for my Dad and our '66 Charger. Yes, I changed oil back in the day!  

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Thanks to: @HereForSprina on twitter!! Come on now, hilarity! 


Valentin talks to Marty then Ned about going it together so ELQ and Aurora can't merge

Willow is sad. Michael is sad. They talk about Wiley. Make love

Ava threatens Esme; Nicholas is still trying to get information from her 

Spencer confides his plan to Sam ...Cassadine approved! 

Leo recites his poem at his birthday party; Chase and Ned sing Brook's song 

Carly tries to buy into Aurora/ELQ and Drew/Michael shut her down

Brando and Sonny bond over fixing Sonny's car 

Gladys gets Sonya's pills, Sonny realizes she's trapped and Gladys is moving in with them

Marshall is found in Brooklyn and jumped by thugs in an alley; in hospital and Curtis sits by his bedside. 

Molly finds Marshall's clarinet in the alley. I said this just because: MOLLY! 

Taggert shows back up just in time for Jordan to remember Portia said Trina has a different Dad. 

Epiphany, Portia and Stella go for a night out at the Savoy. So do Bobbie and Carly. 

Nina and Sonny get cozy at the bar; Bobbie eventually throws a drink in Nina's face 

Carly's waiting on Willow/Nina DNA tests 

Elizabeth gets catatonic and Finn (with the help of Violet) figures out it's she that's been causing all the shenanigans' at the house. 

Marshall finally drops the last secret about his past. 

NEWS AND NOTES:  Nothing really to report that I can think of... We know Josh Kelly is coming and nothing official has leaked on his character. I'm of the mind now that there's no way they'd recast Jason. Maybe he's a friend of Dante's from the police academy? June 17th will be the airing of the 15,000 episode of GH. Should be a goodie. 

SPOILERS:   Carly finds out the DNA results (although I think it might be the next week), Cameron is really worried about his mother and isn't sure what to do next, Wiley's hearing is finally here, and Spencer gets jelly when he sees Trina with officer Rory. Oh! And Leo gets a horse! I bet it's equine therapy. 

OK! That's a wrap people. Again, good week with a lot going on. Not really "SWEEPS" Huge but I still had fun. Quite a few characters showed up. If Wu would have been there it would have been icing on the cake!! Next week in another pain in the neck for my schedule but I think I'm slated to be here for most of the shows. The hearing might be like Amber-Depp...everyone looks a lot messy! LOL 


  1. Willow hasn't passed out again but she does keep saying how tired she is, they should definitely do some tests on her. I'm hoping that Josh Kelly is a recast for Lucky maybe Aiden calls him about what's going on with Elizabeth.

    1. A recast Lucky is definitely needed.

    2. I hadn't thought of a Lucky recast Tracy Anne. With Liz's problems right now, it is a good time for Lucky to show up.

  2. Don't F with Bobbie Spencer; if she was on the air enough she'd get revenge on Nina. lol

  3. Genie Francis is the best. Love that pic of her. She should be queen of the show though and not LW and MO. But, maybe Genie doesn't want to work 800 hours a week though

  4. Loved Leo's party, just always funny when he is the only kid there.

    1. Also, the little actor (Easton Rocket???) is going to be on the big screen with Greg Kinear. The movie is called The Present. Not sure when it comes out. Congrats to him

  5. Thanks Karen. Oh and Sam finally has a gorgeous dress on and looks so nice

  6. "Marshall finally drops the last secret about his past. " - Wait, I must have FF through that. What was the secret?

    1. yes, what was the secret? I missed it

    2. I don't think he said anything we didn't know?????

  7. Yeah Lori - must have missed that too - now I am curious

  8. Thanks,kd. That was another great SS.

  9. I still can't figure out why NO ONE thought to get Spinelli to get evidence on Esme and exonerate Trina.

    1. absolutely and WHY isn't Jordan remembering SHE was WITH Trina?

  10. Violet is with Maurice today on his "State of Mind":

  11. someone on Twitter wrote Guza blew up buildings during May sweeps. Frank had a missing clarinet.....
    THAT is funny!!!!! but true - of ALL storylines - MARSHALL is the big storyline and Millow? I don't get it...I read also "Nina deals with the judges decision and disappears" - she must lose her case-----and maybe CW is going on vacation....
    truly the worst sweeps ever.....

    1. The least liked two story lines are the ones up front. Makes no sense. Can you believe that Wiley has been a main story since his birth? So many good actors. So many possibilities. I say get the broom and sweep these boring stories away. Esme and her sex tapes should have been the main show. At least we had Liz.

    2. The last couple of sweeps have been snooze fests.

    3. Add today to that list. This whole Marshall non story is the worst.

  12. Good lord I hope Nina doesn't kidnap Wiley


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...