Thursday, May 12, 2022

A Key To The Castle


I tell you what. 

Here's hoping I last the next TWO DAYS! 

Finn is trying to find Liz. Laura is trying to find Liz. They figure out that she's meeting with the medium. They go out of the hospital together. 

Liz and Chelsea. Chelsea's all upset..shaking..Liz is telling Franco to "contact" her... Finn's trying to call. . we are looking "in the window" (not sure it's us or someone out there) and in the end, the window blows open and blows out the candles. Sorry, it was the door. Chelsea becomes someone else. Franco. He basically tells Liz to believe in herself and yada yada. I think he's trying to tell her She's doing these things to herself. Then, of course, Finn and Laura walk in. Liz sounds a bit cray talking about Franco and such. Liz goes to stay at Laura's. Finn lays into the medium. Tells her to stay away. Chelsea says that Liz needs help dealing with whatever she's going through. 

Spencer goes to see Britt about the pill. She makes him talk in his little kid voice and tapes him. Pretty funny. He shows her the pill. She gets serious: WHO'S IS THIS? He says Esme's. It's an opioid and has big side effects too. He asks about mixing it with alcohol. She wants to know exactly what's going on. He won't tell her. Then he gets all snarky to throw her off suspicion I think?? He's mean. Tells her she never had a real realtionship so she can't tell him what to do about Esme. 

Esme is at the spa jail with Ryan. HE's still pretending to be non-mobile. She sends out the orderly. Ryan pops up HELLO! Daughter!! HE says no surprise communication: what is wrong? She says Spencer won't have ex with her, found the letters and pills. Ryan is mad. He realizes Cam must have been in on it all if he covered for Spencer.  She says he can't get mad or she'll out him. He says "You are just like your mother, I couldn't turn my back on her".. THEN he has a flashback to Felicia stabbing him. Is FELICIA HER MOTHER? I mean, it sure looked that way. The timing doesn't work but..whew!! Hmm I need to think about that. Ryan tells Esme she'd better sleep with Nikolas soon. She says she can't wait for Spencer to find them together. Then he says they'll take down their other enemies ONE by ONE. 

Felicia is at Maxie's...Nina is at the door. Fe says Maxie is at Deception, working late and she's with the kids. Invites her in for popcorn. Nina finds out Felicia knows about the story on her because Bobbie is one of Fe's BFFs. She's appalled, but how can you be nice to me? Felicia says that James makes her family.  She says she thinks Nina is a strong kick ass woman. 

Carly and Drew get caught at Millo's house. They make up an excuse and Willow and Michael buy it. They say they were at the cemetery and saw Sonny and Nina. They talk about Nelle and Wiley and Drew points out that Wiley is half Nelle's so nuture/nature might not be the case. Anyway they leave. Willow gives Carly a key. 

Carly now has Willow and Nina's DNA. She and Drew go to GH. She asks Britt about getting a test done. 


  1. Anvils ahead. The scene from Felicia segued right into Ryan and Esme. And Ryan flashbacked to Felicia. So she’s Esme’s mother? Very interesting. Glad they’re finding ways to keep Kristina Wagner front burner.

    1. I agree felicia is esme's mother. why else would they bring kristina wagner. GH said she would be in a major storyline

  2. I am in if her mom is Felicia! Just don't kill Esme off... the actress is so good.

    1. So Felicia gave birth and doesn't remember it? How is that possible, even on a soap?

    2. Yeah put it up there with Anna thinking Peter was hers. I don't mind as long as the characters are good like Esme's portrayer. This would be Juicier if she was Carly's! Joss would flat out die.

    3. On OLTL Vicki gave birth with no memories of the event.

    4. Was that her alter ego lol? Nicki Smith

    5. I think so but my memory isn't so great. It was Megan she 'unknowingly' birthed. Google is everything! lol

  3. Lest we forget the writers took Nina having a stillborn child------to Nelle-----to twins-------so the writers have NO problem COMPLETELY changing history....
    We thought this a couple of months ago - Felicia is gonna be Esme's mom----I think she thought she lost the baby and never told anyone that Ryan got her pregnant.....Ryan took the baby-----I can't figure out though WHO raised ESME? and how old is Maggie gonna be? We know Trina is gonna be found innocent and yet Esme can't leave the show cause she's a great actress, so I guess they can't prove it or Felicia protects her........
    I HONESTLY think the writers just sit around either drinking or saying, "How can we screw up GH history today, people?"

    1. So another "protecting my psycho child" like the Anna/Peter sl.? Can they do nothing original?

    2. It would make MUCH more sense if Felicia actually did get pregnant by Frisco when she was off the show at the time (helping Frisco) and decided to give it up for adoption. Ryan could have found out and convinced Esme she was his father.

    3. Sorry - could have convinced Esme he (not she) was his father lol...

    4. It could also explain why Felicia wasn't around for her other daughters at that time and since Mac and Felicia are super happy now, would cause some friction between them, and well as Felicia and Maxie.

    5. Frisco and Felicia are blonde, Esme certainly doesn't look like Felicia, but she could be Ryan's.

      Port Charles is the town where everyone comes back from the dead, and has a long-lost child, sibling, father, mother, etc. Almost everyone new on the show who just happens to come to town ends up being a first-degree relative of someone already there.

    6. I don't think hair color (Felicia's was never this blonde when she was younger) should dictate storyline and Frisco wasn't ultra blonde either. I think it's much easier to believe she could be Frisco's than Ryan's considering she was offscreen and reconnected with Frisco sometime between June 2005-Dec 2007 right before Georgie died and not offscreen with Ryan (as far as we know). I don't understand why it's so difficult for writers to actual use history to create storyline.

    7. Because that would involve some research.

    8. LiamAZ, I like your theory and absolutely agree about wondering why the writers can't use actual history. Sigh...but as Di said...that would involve research. Pretty sure Esme is Flea's daughter, and it would keep both actresses front and center. I like them both and want to see more of them. Now I'm wondering how they'll insert Snarly into this mess, lol!

  4. So many funny one liners today!

    Ryan's cell:

    Ryan, The orderly, and Vampira: Vampira is very impressed with her daddy! Oh so the mess is really REAL! :) I thought she lied to the orderly.

    Daddy and daughter: Awwww Daddy and daughter. :) Great scenes. Ryan wins the line of the day.

    Ryan: Kevin is a wart.


    Oh wait! Ryan can't trust Vampira's mother?! You can't have your back turned?! Then the flashaback!!! FELICIA IS VAMPIRA'S MOTHER?!?!!?! WHAT A PLOT TWIST! :)

    Maxie's home:

    Felicia and Nina: Hmmmm.. Well I want more scenes of them!! :) Parmesan garlic?!?!?! Pass that one over to me! :) Felicia is talking about her mistakes. Felicia is Vampira one of them? Hey where is Mac? He must be home sleeping.

    Mildew's home:

    Mildew, Carly, and Drew: Willow gives Carly a key hahaha. What?! Willow no no no!

    Michael: Call first.



    The hospital:

    Caleb and Laura: Caleb is NOT happy hearing about that medium! Well too bad Caleb!

    Spencer and Britch:

    Spencer: Pwetty pwease Bwit!

    Hahahahahaha! Adorable! :) I remember when he was little and said that. :) Yeah he is saying mean things, but yes he is protecting Britch from Vampira. Vampira IS dangerous.

    Carly and Drew: You ask very good questions Drew. Carly's right thing is going to be the wrong thing I bet.

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Chelsea: OH MY OH MY OH MY! BOBTODD! He knows what is going on with her!!!!

    Liz, Chelsea, Caleb and Laura: BobTodd gone and Caleb wants to kill Chelsea!

    Chelsea and Caleb: Oh Caleb just stop pretending! You know this is all real! Stop trying to snow Liz and Chelsea! Chelsea knows the score!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 2000* It's the nurses ball. Juan, Emily, and Liz performing.

    1. Sonya, your recaps always make me smile, especially when I'm irritated with GH. You're always looking on the bright side! :)

      Line of the day...hahahahaha! It was good to see Ryan. Spence was awful to Brit, but hoping you're right and he's protecting her from Ez.

      I have a headache from getting clubbed by that anvil of Flea/Ez. Ouch! :)

    2. "Julie H says Sonya, your recaps always make me smile, especially when I'm irritated with GH. You're always looking on the bright side! :)"

      Awww I'm glad. :) Well, there is always a bright side.. Now where is Poptart Smalls and slimy Jim Carrey! :)

      "Line of the day...hahahahaha!"


      "It was good to see Ryan.

      Yes it was!!! :)

      "Spence was awful to Brit, but hoping you're right and he's protecting her from Ez."

      Didn't you see the end of that conversation as she was leaving? He was really concerned. Also, he did the same thing with Trina!

      "I have a headache from getting clubbed by that anvil of Flea/Ez. Ouch! :)"

      ROFL! Yeah me too! OUCH! :)

  5. If Felicia had a baby that she doesn't remember with Ryan (that would be really horrible) the baby would be like 27 to 30 years old. Esme in only like what early 20's?

    1. yes, but you know it's GH writers #timelinesmeannothingtothem

  6. The medium played pat Donohue the neighbor on the middle

    1. I knew I knew her from somewhere more recent! :)

  7. Jeff Kober is returning to GH soon (by June). He was pictured today in the cast photo for the show's 15,000 Episode

    1. Interesting that the article says it revolves around Laura. And that every character is on the show. June 17.

    2. Interesting too that Esme Joss and Trina aren’t in the pic.

    3. Thanks for that matthew that is something to look forward to esp if it's with Martin and Laura

  8. Question,; Britt still thinks she has Huntington disease correct? They sure dropped that. No tremors anymore. She is a doctor. She would be following a specialist who does more tests so stupid.

    1. She hinted at it with Spencer while they were being testy with each other in her office.

  9. Did Finola and JPS have a falling out IRL? They are never on together anymore.

  10. We never did get that Stuart Damon episode. Shame on TPTB

    1. Yeah and it's going to be a year next month since he has been gone!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...