Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Loss of Legacy (Wednesday blog)


There are so many children of Legacy characters that have been removed from the show. Many have died, but some have just vanished. These are just a handful of characters with legacy parents we have lost on the show. How would storylines be different today if the children were alive?

Feel free to comment on those listed, maybe name some of your own, and predict what they would be doing now. 

*note: Dave did this wonderful blog to fill in for me while I'm away this week!! 

PS from Dave: As always, with all the drivel from me when Karen is gone, this is complete and utter nonsense and should be taken with a grain of salt. It's just my thoughts, trying to stir up conversation and open a blog for todays show. DO NOT take it seriously.

Logan Hayes (dad: Scott Baldwin)

I had such hope for this one. This was 100% a classic Romeo and Juliet story. He was dating Lulu (both first names began with same letter, so you know this was destiny) and the two fathers absolutely hated each other. Can you imagine Scott and Luke fighting at their wedding? Prediction: I think Logan would have opened the first Cannibis Dispensary in PC and would have laundered money through it. Jail time would be inevitable. Logan would have been in trouble with the law several times, left town and returned as needed for storylines (kinda like Ethan did at times), but Scott would never have given up on him.  

Lucky / Lulu Spencer (parents: duh)

Both characters should be on the show. No excuses. Recast if you have to, but get them back on the canvas. This was painfully obvious when Luke (a-hem) died. Who is paying the electric bill at the Haunted Star anyway? Prediction: Lucky would be bored with the law and no longer be a cop. He would head back to his more care-free days. Maybe work on a caper or two like his dad. I'd want him back fighting with Nikolas because those were some good scenes when they first met. He would always have that chemistry with Liz and love her dearly, but never launching back into a full romance and letting Liz move on. (I know I am getting hell for that) Lulu? Let her get out of that coma and return home. Karen once said it would be soap 101 if Dante and Maxie started dating and Lulu came home and walked in on them in bed. (deja vu re: Valerie?) She would bring back gambling to the Haunted Star along with a jazz club in honor of her (a-hem) late father.

Lucas Jones (mom: Bobbi Jones)

Still alive, but you wouldnt know it. He had a storyline which dragged on for over a year, and then just vanished off canvas. Prediction: I would want Lucas to return as a doctor on staff, on contract and in a lot more scenes full-time. Should be played by the most recent actor (Matt Trudeau) who did a good job for the few scenes he was in. Plus he looks "soap opera-ish" (ok, I don't know what that means either) Also, I would want him to be dating Mike Webber (remember him?) There is another legacy character that would be interesting to bring back and see what he has been up to.  Karen Note: Lucas could be lighting up the gay scene in Port Charles. We have enough night spots, make the PC Grille an after hours hang out. He and Felix? Yes..Brad still wanting him? Yes. 

Serena Baldwin (dad: Scott Baldwin) 

The last we saw Serena was when she came home following Lee's death. There really isn't much said about her adult life other than she was studying in Paris. Prediction: After finishing college in Paris, she returns home to become an executive at her mother's company, Deception. Original actress, of course. She was amazing during the Lee shows. Maybe she crosses romantic paths with Chase? Karen Note: Most certainly a Deception connection!! BUT.. maybe she has a shopping addiction and is deep in debt that only her Dad can get her out of. OR she's running an MLM company online lol. 


Georgie Jones (mom: Felicia / sis: Maxie)

Is anyone else STILL crying over this one? Who greenlit this storyline? She was absolutely the sweetest thing possible and was part of a great trio of actresses (Kristina and Kristen) that is sorely missed. There is so many unfinished storylines with the Jones girls. Prediction: She would be a doctor, no doubt. Maybe a pediatrician? I think she would find herself married once or twice with about 3 children. (Any guess on husband?) As for her sister Maxie, she needs help and Georgie would be the voice of reason, as she was when she was ghost Georgie. Karen's note: Would she have ended up with Spinelli? Maybe... then again I see her as someone that would have ended up on the marriage go-round. She would be weary of 'bailing' out Maxie one too many times. Such sister stories could be told!! 

AJ / Jason / Dawn / Emily (mom: Monica Quartermaine)

How do you kill off ALL of a woman's children? I know it is "only a soap" and stuff like that, but FOUR children? Are you serious? And yes, I am including Dawn even though the show doesn't. With the loss of Alan, Rick, Edward, Lila, Gail, Jason, AJ, Dawn and Emily how much more can Monica take? Prediction: Monica's mansion (the one that Alan gave to her) would be so incredibly over populated that Monica would have to hire Cooks 5, 6 and 7 just to keep up. AJ would still be scheming to get into ELQ and Ned would still be blocking it. Eventually, AJ will go into business with Skye and start a competing company. Jason will be... well... there is no prediction there. We all know what he will be doing. Let's say Dawn got pregnant by Decker, but no marriage. She is living in the mansion with her daughter Destiny (age: 27) and her two grandchildren (twins) Dallas and Dakota. She comes and goes and leaves town frequently but Destiny remains constant. Emily is not in the mansion. She is at Wyndemere living happily ever after....

Karen note: LOVE THE DESTINY and Dallas/Dakota names! SO DYNASTY 80's LOL. 

It's Wednesday. Comment on today's show in this blog.


  1. I don’t see the original actress returning as Serena considering Carly Schroeder is now in the Army. Nice idea, though.

    1. good for her!!! i hope she is doing well and is happy

  2. Robin should be included and back on the show!!!

    1. i agree. total oversight on my part. i think because she has come back so many times as an adult, that i didnt think of her as "gone". but you are right.

    2. Me too. And Emma as noted below.

    3. Robin can show up and push Carly off her bridge lol

  3. Consider my bubble burst. I love Jonathan Jackson and that's the main reason I started watching Nashville. (great show BTW) I so wish he and original Nik would come back to the show.

    I'm with you and still holding a grudge about the death of Georgie and Alan too for that matter. Worst decisions ever by TPTB. And now that you brought it to my attention, Monica losing all of her kids is awful. Drew (by association) should watch his back. Back to Georgie, she would be a doctor and the relationship between her and Maxie could drive all kinds of stories. Such a waste.

    1. I am Jonathan Jackson fan too. I started watching Nashville because him too. Good show

    2. I love Jonathan Jackson, such a good actor as Lucky. I also watched Nashville because of him. He's the only Lucky I liked. He and Elizabeth were divine.

    3. So agree about Liz and Lucky:)
      And I'm glad I wasn't the only one watching Nashville!

  4. Georgie should never have been killed off. I loved her and Dylan together. they could keep up in scenes with luke and tracy. they are my 2 favorite teens. especially comparing them to the teen scene now on GH.

  5. And if lucky comes back let it be greg vaughn. og lucky was a cry baby.

    1. I agree. I adored Greg's Lucky.

    2. Original Lucky and Becky are it for me. I liked Greg too though. Just not the 3rd one (the one that played JR on AMC)

    3. "witch says, og lucky was a cry baby."

      So many bad things were happening to him. (Thanks to the writers) What did you want Lucky to do? Laugh? ROFL! Or grab a knife and stab himself to death? You gotta give it to Jonathan Jackson. He was a great crier. He can teach some people how to cry.

  6. I absolutely loved the blog today. Good job, Dave.

  7. for those of you discussing OG lucky and greg vaughn.... tune in tomorrow!!!

  8. Your observations and suggestions are spot on. I especially like that we agree about the death (a-hem) of Luke.
    I don't even remember Logan.

  9. Lucky and Lulu because at least they are alive (even though no one is gone for sure)

    I miss Emma!

    1. Dave here. I don’t know how old the actress is but Emma can go to port chuck univ and stay with anna

    2. I agree 100%! Push joss around a bit back in her high and mighty place (don;t get me wrong I adore Eden, just gets a little holier than thou).

  10. IS Ava doing this on purpose - leaving Nik, etc. I know he kinda told her about not trusting Esme, but he didn't give details...I want her at Wyndemere being the HEAD of that house barking orders at Esme...
    I will say it again-Nina cannot handle MOB BOSS SONNY-----he is NOT Mike!

  11. A lot of funny one liners today.


    Vampira and Nik: Wow! Vampira is wearing a blue hooker outfit, and is very close to Nik! Nik is drinking. Vampira takes his hand and puts it on her face!!! She is talking about how Spencer is still very immature and that Nik is a very mature guy! :) She is using her feminine wiles on him! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and is trying to get Alexis to have a drink!! Sam and Carly want to help

    Sam and Carly: Carly feels so bad that Sam and Dante are having problems because of her.

    Carly: I'm grateful for your friendship.

    Sam: I'm grateful for your friendship too.

    Awwwwwwwwwww guys! They are in wuv! :) Oh they want to go to the ax throwing club again! Relieve stress. YAY! I hope they show that place again! :)


    Jam, Trina, Spencer, and Cop Rory: Cujo Jr just goes on and on and on and won't shut up. Spencer is about to slip up about Spencer's plan. Spencer shows up! He don't want Cam to tell the girls the truth, soooooooooooo Spencer says this.

    Spencer: What if this is all Josselyn's way of framing Esme?

    Oh boy! Cam doesn't have any other choice, than to punch Spencer! Cop Rory sees this, and arrests Cam! Spencer is all upset and turns into Zsa Zsa Gabor and slaps Cop Rory! But with Spencer it was an accident. Cop Rory arrests Spencer too!!!! Trina doesn't want the boys to go to jail, so she tries to talk to Rory and he wins the line of the day.

    Cop Rory: Hitting a police officer is very illegal.


    Alexis's home: and Alexis: is clutching her big bag like life depends on it! Alexis wants to know what is wrong with her, and Alexis tells her all about the dead body and Jordan was asking her all kinds of questions. stands up and drops her bag.

    Big bag: OUCH! Someone help me! My head!, Alexis, Sam, and Carly: Carly and Sam who are in wuv and besties bring back's car and they want to see how she is doing. lost her balance, but Carly caught her. Are they going to be in wuv too? and Carly:

    Carly: Willow is my family. I wish she was mine.

    DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN! The look on Carly's face, it's like she swallowed a canary and is going to puke it up!

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Ava and Nina: All the Nik talk and Sonny talk. Talking about Sonny wouldn't hurt Vampira the teenager, but just intimidate her. Nik and Ava not going to renew vows. Is Vampira REALLY a teenager? Or is she 26 years old? :) Phyllis calls Nina! Those bad guys who burglarized Charlies, ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sonny and Laura: Laura says if Sonny does anything to those two thieving guys at Charlie's then Laura will not slap his wrist! She will put him in big bad jail. Nina goes up to them to tell Sonny that those bad guys are freeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Sonny and Nina: Nina has questions about what he is going to do with the bad guys. He won't tell her anything. Nina says to him he can tell he anything. She isn't Carly. ROFL!

    Warehouse: Or wherever this place is.

    Sonny, Sonny's bodyguard, and one of the robbers: Oh look. One of the robbers is in a car trunk. V.C. can relate. Did Sonny poke holes in the trunk? :)

    Port Chuckles Grille part 2:

    Sonny and Nina: Sonny is back! :) Nina wants to know, but he isn't telling her anything. They leave and all he is doing is smiling.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Puke up a canary...hahahahahah! Stop! :)
      Very illegal was my line, too. That was so funny. Poor rookie!

      Harmony and that bag are driving me nuts. Too many times it could have spilled open and the cat and the canary would have literally been out of the bag, lol!

      The love story between Snarly and Mumbles was bound to happen because they don't have any other friends. Sheesh.

      Vampira was really pouring it on yesterday to Nik. He better still be playing her, and I wondered too if Ava was in on it about all of this renewing their vows business. Please let it be so! :)

    3. "Julie H says, Puke up a canary...hahahahahah! Stop! :)"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! Did you see the look on Carly's face? ROFL!

      "Very illegal was my line, too. That was so funny. Poor rookie!"

      Yeah poor guy. Are you sure you want to be a cop Rory? :)

      "Harmony and that bag are driving me nuts. Too many times it could have spilled open and the cat and the canary would have literally been out of the bag, lol!"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah she had that bag closed shut really tight when earlier it was so loose! :)

      "The love story between Snarly and Mumbles was bound to happen because they don't have any other friends. Sheesh."

      ROFL! Yeah that's true! :)

      "Vampira was really pouring it on yesterday to Nik. He better still be playing her, and I wondered too if Ava was in on it about all of this renewing their vows business. Please let it be so! :)"

      I don't know.. Vampira just wants to sink her teeth into Nik and I wonder if he is getting drunk!

  12. Sonya, did you see the Twitter post by the actress who plays Esme wanting to know the names fans have for Esme. I immediately thought of you and Vampira.

    So, is Harmony's slip of the lip there how the Nina/Willow connection is going to come out or is Harmony going to talk her way out of it?

    1. "Gary says, Sonya, did you see the Twitter post by the actress who plays Esme wanting to know the names fans have for Esme. I immediately thought of you and Vampira."

      Yeah I saw it. :) I don't know if I mentioned Vampira or not. I don't know where her post is. I'll have to look for it.

      "So, is Harmony's slip of the lip there how the Nina/Willow connection is going to come out or is Harmony going to talk her way out of it?"

      I have no idea. Well, she can't talk her way out of it now. She is plastered.

    2. No I didn't mention Vampira, so I did an hour ago! :D


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...