Wednesday, April 13, 2022

NYPD interruptus

yesterday it was fun to see everyone's hair..some shorter, some longer lol. Wes got a residual check! 

Brasha looking for a house since she made so much money on Deception stock. Sonny comes into Charlies, says hello and congrats Sasha on being in the family. He introduces them to Phyllis. She says congrats, sorry about their baby. 

AND...NEWS BREAK.... the Brooklyn Shooter was interruption. At least its' GOOD news. He was found in the East Village?!! Thank goodness he dropped his credit card. 


Sonny asks Phyllis for a favor. He wants her to buy Charlie's but... for VERY cheap. Oh, $100 for taking him in no questions asked. Nina walks in. 

SPRINA: Arguing at the Gallery ...he says he's sorry. She says he's not. 

Nikolas and Esme talking about how sad she is with no parents. And he never had a mother growing up..yada yada. She's trying to get CLOSE to him. She tells him her adoptive bros and sis don't like her. Her Nanny, Maggie is the only one that did. 

Scotty and Ava. She wants Spencer away from The Gallery..maybe picking up garbage. 

Dr. O and Sasha are drinking and talking about dating.  Dr. O is waiting for Scott. He finally comes after talking to Ava. 

Sam and Dante at the bar...she asks him about new evidence. He says "let's get a table" . Ava comes by, says Trina is innocent, arrest Esme. 

Joss and Cam are making out on his couch at Liz'. She hears someone. 

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 2:30--- NYC Police briefing ergo...I guess I'll watch it later on HULU!! *sigh* 



  1. My screen said they're replaying it tonight at 8PM. Guess that would be EST. You can check your telly then maybe.

    I watched on City TV since they don't cancel unless the whole show is cancelled.

  2. This is the only place I can rant without sounding petty. Why 2:00 for everything? Showing the same videos over and over. There could have been a crawl on the screen with the same info. Thankfully no one was killed. This was just one crazy dude.
    I don't have Hulu so it'll be ABC after 8:00 for me.

    1. Actually I believe he was arrested about 20 minutes before GH started there (1:40) and they went live when they got to the police station, so I can see why. It was a news crew that went live.(It ended as soon as Ellen started)

      Actually I think this is the last year for the Ellen show so I think we should all start lobbying ABC to replace her time slot with Gh and put any new show on in GH's time slot.

    2. I agree that in this day of 500 news station, they interrupt too much. NBC doesn't----not sure if David Muir wants to be on camera, etc. but in my mind there are too many interruptions and so the one day there WILL be a big deal, we won't pay attention.
      would be VERY interesting to see the ratings of all news sources.....

    3. Different networks carry GH at different times. My local affiliate airs it at 2:00 followed by Dr. Phil.

  3. one thing and I cannot believe I am saying this - I think Nicholas IS playing Esme......
    he can't be that stupid.......and with Esme telling more about her parents and step-siblings SPINELLI could find out all about her background.....

    1. update - I JUST read the recap of today (cause the news interrupted) and he IS playing Esme!!!!!!!WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I read that too but I didn't post because that's a spoiler for those who haven't watched.

    3. oops - sorry!!! I forgot- I just got so excited!


    5. I thought the same thing mufasa! So exciting!

    6. I am thrilled I tell ya! I don't want Nik being stupid! Yay!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ava's gallery:

    Trina and Spencer:

    Trina: Without any sign of a break in? Or maybe it was a Sasquash.

    ROFL! Trina would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. OH MY! SPENCER IS IN WUV WITH TRINA YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! AND HE IS TRYING TO SET VAMPIRA UP TO SLIP UP! I KNEW IT! :) When Flutterby said that a Cassadine found their brains, I knew it was Spencer! Now tell her Spencer! TELL HER!!!! Don't make her think you think she did the Tommy and Pam sex tape, and that you don't love her! TELL HER DAMMIT! Oh damn! He is going to not tell her, then her and Cop Rory will be together. Slow ass burn for Sprina! :) And they do have chemistry!


    Vampira and Nik: Vampira boo hooing about her childhood. Oh Nik don't get too close to her. She might bite you and you may like it. :)

    Nava: Ava wins the lines of the day.

    Ava: This isn't foreplay. You are going to need a lot of blankets because your bed is going to be very cold.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHA! Oh don't worry. Vampira will keep his bed warm.. *Evil smile*

    Vampira's room: Oooooo letters!!!! From her nanny! She still talks to her nanny!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! :)

    Liz's home:

    Jam: Damn Cam can't work at Lila's kids camp because of the stupid Tommy and Pam sex tape. And of course Joss is going to feel so vulnerable being close to him. Yeah make sure there are no cameras around before you have sex again.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Dr. O, Britch, Nina, and Scotty: Awwww family togetherness. :)

    Dr. O: You are part of the family Scott.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :) And Scotty is her soulmate awwwwwwwww! Soooooo when are they gonna get married? :)

    Dr. O and Britch: Yes yes Britch has 6 offers from that singles website. Oh love that Dr. O is going to help and look through them! :)

    Ava and Scotty: Tommy and Pam sex tape talk. :)

    Ava and Dante: Tommy and Pam sex tape talk. :)

    Sante: OH! Rory sent Dante the info! NO SAM NO! Oh oh busted. :)

    Lenny's pub:

    Brasha: Oh oh Sasha, do you need some more drugs? Is the drugs in your system wearing off?

    Phyllis and Sonny: Come on Phyllis buy Charlie's!!! Then you can rename the bar Lenny's pub! :) Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! :) It's only 100 dollars to buy it!!! :)

    Phyllis, Sonny, and Nina: YAY! Glad you said yes Phyllis! :) Oh yes go to the bank. Awww Sonny don't want Phyllis to walk to the bank alone! Sonny you are so sweet!!!! :)

    Nina and Sonny: Sonny showing off his dimples!! :) His dimples are always welcome. :)

    1. Tommy and Pam sex tape.....ahahahaha! Thanks for that! :)

      I'm waiting for someone in the Weber household to buy a clue and set up a nanny cam, then Joss and Cam do the deed, and yup (!) taped again. Muhahahahah!

      And if it's true, yippy-skippy to Spence and Nik both playing Vampira. I really don't need the Cassadine men being stupid.

    2. "Julie H says Tommy and Pam sex tape.....ahahahaha! Thanks for that! :)"

      Hahaha you're welcome. :)

      "I'm waiting for someone in the Weber household to buy a clue and set up a nanny cam, then Joss and Cam do the deed, and yup (!) taped again. Muhahahahah!"

      Hahaha oh no!!! Then Joss won't want to have sex with Cam ever again! :)

      "And if it's true, yippy-skippy to Spence and Nik both playing Vampira. I really don't need the Cassadine men being stupid."

      Nik says he is playing her, so they both aren't stupid! :) WOOO HOOOO! :)


    GH didn't show the episode yesterday because of gun violence at Charlie's bar. Too soon right after real gun violence I guess. But today is ok. Hmmmm

    1. Oops! I forgot to mention that!!! I don't blame them for not showing that episode yesterday!

  7. While I LOVE Phyllis - I'm NO happy that Sonny has bent over backwards to have her run Charlie's and buy Charlie's for $1.00. etc. etc. WHAT ABOUT KRISTINA!!!!!!! Sonny/Mike is too detached from his family....(AND - Kristina needs a storyline!! Lexi is so talented!).

    1. at least mention you asked Kristina ------- and rename it Lenny's....

    2. I agree with you both. I would much rather have maybe a joint venture! I love Lexi too.. So under used.

    3. A bar is what Sonny and Phyllis have in common so it makes sense. Just because Kristina tended bar a few times does not make her a bar owner.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...