Monday, April 25, 2022

Is It Monday?

 ALREADY!!?  THE weekend FLEW BY

Harmony almost burning the papers, Carly stops her. NO wait,'s a nothing burger. Harmony sets it on fire anyway. :eyeroll:  Carly bugs her to tell her what he problem is with Nina. Carly is INSUFFERABLE. Yes, Carly finds out about Willow because when Harmony leaves she goes through the file and finds an old note of Neil's that Harmony missed. FKING CARLY OMG. Unbelieveable. THEN she goes in the fire and finds the first part. Harmony catches her and tries to stab her with the needle and they tussle!!! OOOH!!! 

Curtis and Marshall. Curtis says that his arrest wasn't even that much of a deal; why did he leave his family? THEY TALK FOR A LONG TIME AND ...and.. he was protesting and sent to a mental institution. Curtis doesn't understand why he had to leave the family. 

Diane is with Alexis in Alexis' office. SHE wants the story to run and Alexis says Harmony begged her not to. Diane tells ALexis to just kick Harmony out of her house. They argue. Yada yada. 

Brook Lynn and Chase almost kiss and then.. MICHAEL walks in to talk about the companies merging. He wants her to talk to Ned. Brook and Chase get close and... get interrupted by LEO. "WHy weren't you at my party"?? Do you like them better? OMG so true to life LOL 

Sonny talks to Willow at the Gate House trying to get her to have Michael know he cares and all that jazz. Michael walks in..of course. He tells his dad to bug off. Sonny wants them to heal their relationship. Michael tells him he's cutting him out of his life. 

Liz's house. Jordan is checking IT and hard drive to get files. They are talking about who it could be. Jordan says that the person messed up the tapes by using some blocker. Jordan leaves. Aiden comes in. He thinks it's Franco doing this. Finn says Franco wouldn't want to scare them. Aiden wants to "ask Franco" 


Sonny says he loves Michael but he will have to beg him for forgiveness. Michael says 'don't hold your breath" 

Alexis gets home. OMG, Harmony has CARLY'S CAR and Carly is in the trunk and Harmony is on the edge of a cliff!


  1. I have to admit I would have had a look at those papers too.

    I love Chase's interactons with Leo but I don't understand why the writers decided not to have Chase say he was helping his friends and got hurt so he had to go get checked out by the doctor and that's why he was late.

  2. Gatehouse:

    Mildew and Sonny:

    Michael: I don't want to see you anymore. From this point on, I want nothing to do with you. I'm done!

    Oooooo!!! FANTASTIC! :) Yes Michael! Protect your mama like a son should!!! :) TEAM MICHAEL! Oh shut up Sonny don't bring Carly cheating on you with Jax! That was a million years ago! Oh and Michael would NEVER beg you Sonny!


    Sonny: Goodbye son.

    Oh great line and great scene! Team Sonny on that one. :)

    Alexis's office:

    Diane and Alexis: Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: I'll just stand in the back and look pretty.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm glad Alexis isn't going to kill the story. :)

    Liz's home:

    Liz, Jordan, Finchy, and Aidan: Corrupted! Liz must have corrupted the video! Oh hi Aidan. No Aidan it's not ghosty BobTodd!

    The pier:

    Mr. Hat man and Curtis: So Mr. Hat man protested and then when to a mental facility?! HUH?! There has to be more to it then that! It makes no sense! Unless he had a break down while protesting. Or while he was being arrested. I NEED MORE INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!! What about that phone call at his hotel room?!!?! He was talking to someone!

    Q mansion:

    Brase: OH THEY ARE GONNA KISS!!!!!!!! :D

    Brase and Michael: DAMMIT MICHAEL! Who cares about the merger! Brase was going to kiss and you interrupted them!

    Brase and Uncle Leo: Awwww uncle Leo is breaking my heart! :( I just want to hug him! Awww I'm glad he was able to say the poem in front of Brase. :) Oh and there is a picture of Edward and Lila awwwwwwwwww. :)

    Alexis's home: and Carly: OH! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! A FIGHT!!! Stick Carly with that needle!!!! :) WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :)

    Alexis: Hello Alexis! :) OH WHAT HAPPENED?! Where did and Carly go?!

    The cliff: OH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Is going to drive off a cliff?!?!!? :O

    "Karen says, Carly is in the trunk"

    Is she?! I thought she was in the back seat!!

    1. Love Alexis and Diane.....they're great!
      Sorry, but Michael is an idiot...holier than thou, and Sonny didn't keep going, how about Carly hiding the truth from Nina about Nelle...
      Michael will run back to Sonny, and Carly can't wait to get into bed with Drew.
      Willow is more like a Stepford Wife everyday. She had such chemistry with Chase.
      Agree hat man is a waste

    2. I too loved seeing Diane and Alexis and reminding us they were bffs

    3. Sonny should have reminded Michael about when he slept with Starr while she was dating Morgan.

    4. I like angry Michael and he may be holier than thou, but Sonny is acting delusional about the entire Neener situation, so call me Team Mikey, lol!

      Seriously, I was just hollering at the TV for Harmony to drive that car off the cliff. Hahahah! I could care less about Marshall and his entire attitude towards Curtis is a big turn off for me. Alexis and Diane were the best, and "stand in the back and look pretty" was hilarious! Here's to more scenes with those BFFs.

    5. "sammy says, Michael will run back to Sonny,"

      Yeah I'm sure he will.

      "and Carly can't wait to get into bed with Drew."


      "Willow is more like a Stepford Wife everyday."

      YES SHE IS!!! It's so weird!!!

      "She had such chemistry with Chase."

      I miss my Chillow. :( Whoa! The comment session looks different!

    6. "Julie H says, I like angry Michael "

      Me too!!! :) I love when he yells at his dad! :)

      "Seriously, I was just hollering at the TV for Harmony to drive that car off the cliff. Hahahah!"

      Petal to the metal!!!!! :)

      "I could care less about Marshall and his entire attitude towards Curtis is a big turn off for me."

      Yeah the secret is going on wayyyyy too long! We should have been told about it along time ago, and have Curtis be in the dark until the truth comes out! Which should have been yesterday!

      "Alexis and Diane were the best, and "stand in the back and look pretty" was hilarious!"

      Hahahaha yes! Diane is hysterical! :)

  3. I was rooting today for Harmony to snuff out Snarly. Hatman story is pointless. does he have mental health issues or is he faking it. just don't care about him.

  4. If only Carly would floor that baby....

  5. Dang it! I meant harmony! I got so excited lol

    1. Hahahaha floor it!!! FLOOR IT! :)

    2. I want her to floor it, too! Carly is so annoying.

  6. During the weekend I watched the incredible hulk series finale. Nancy Lee Grahn was in it! :)

  7. There HAS to be something else besides Hat Man had a mental breakdown! I suffered for MONTHS for this?????
    I think Carly is involved with Harmony cause she won't tell Willow the truth and Nina can throw it in her face...............

    1. "Mufasa says I think Carly is involved with Harmony"

      What do you mean?

    2. the Harmony story - everyone was complaining that she is intertwined but I think it has an end story------not telling Willow=Nina's ammunition....

    3. Yeah I'm sure Carly will keep her mouth shut!!!!

    4. Judging by the meds he had on him I'm assuming Marshall was perhaps diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was having trouble getting it under control.

  8. Will General Hospital’s Harmony Kill Again in Hopes of Preventing the Inevitable? Her ‘Secret Is About to Be Exposed,’ Headwriters Promise

    "And we already know that she’s more than willing to fight to the death. Her secret, notes the scribe, is “one that she has been willing to take to her grave — and other people’s graves as well.”

    Over people's graves as well! Hahahahahaha. Yes! Literally!!! I can't wait to see tomorrow!!!! :)

    1. You don't really think they'll resolve this tomorrow, do you? lol

    2. "Di says, You don't really think they'll resolve this tomorrow, do you? lol"

      Hahahahaha! Smart ass! :D Probably not! I still can't wait for tomorrow! :)

    3. Me too. So many possibilities for that car on the cliff. I'm just wonering how they'll mess it up.😂

      And I'm so disappointed that we didn't see the end of that wrestling match. lol Where did the syringe go? Why didn't someone use it?

      And how fast will Sonny run to the hospital if Carly is hurt? 😂

    4. "Di says, Me too. So many possibilities for that car on the cliff. I'm just wonering how they'll mess it up.😂"

      Hahaha maybe they won't mess it up. I hope they don't! Yes so many possibilities!!!

      "And I'm so disappointed that we didn't see the end of that wrestling match. lol"

      Me too!!! What the hell? That was such a great fight!!!

      "Where did the syringe go?"

      Yeah I don't know. Maybe grabbed it and threw it somewhere!

      "Why didn't someone use it?"

      Maybe she used it on Carly! Hahahaha!

      "And how fast will Sonny run to the hospital if Carly is hurt? 😂"

      Yeah before you can say throwing barware he will be by Carly's side!!

  9. Leo is so adorable! Michael is not! Glad to see Brooklynn opening up to Chase finally. Sick of the hat storyline.

  10. I found it weird that Sonny said he would make Michael beg. Kinda of icky.. although I am team Sonny all the way at least the past year


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