Thursday, April 28, 2022

Blood on Rt 31

 Thursday SHOW!! 

Harmony is laying in the road. Sasha says she's still alive. The reporter guy pulls up and is like "MAN, what DID YOU DO"?? to Sasha. She gets him to call 911. She rolls Harmony over; gasps. Does CPS. Harmony breathes. The photo guy takes pics. The ambulance comes... guys say Sasha kept her alive. Photog wants his memory card back or he'll sell the photos of the accident. Sasha says no and attacks him. Dante stops her. Reporter leaves. Dante asks what happened. Tells Gladys to take Sasha to the hospital, she may be in shock. 
Sasha freaks out..Gladys says that Harmony ran out but Sasha was speeding. Sasha gets hysterical (good acting)..and they decide to go to GH to get her checked out. 

Carly and Alexis are in the hospital. Sam is there. Carly tells Jordan to go find Harmony NOW! Alexis and Carly tell Jordan and Sam what's happening with Harmony and Willow/Daddy yada yada. Jordan keeps pressing Carly "Why would she do that"?? Why this why that?? LORD. WEIRD Scenes. 

Dante is out to dinner with Millow--he says Sam couldn't be there (Because of being at GH but he doesn't know that yet). Michael and Dante talk about SONNY. Dante says it's Sonny..Michael says he 'affecting' Wiley. ugh. Dante gets called to the scene of the accident. 

Spencer is talking to Cam on the phone and Esme over hears him. He tells her he's going to The Gallery to avoid Ava and Trina (but we know Trina is there). 

Nikolas has a nice romantic dinner out for Ava. She texts she can't come... Esme walks in.  Nikolas is mad and flips the table over. RHONJ style. Esme tries to make Nikolas feel better and touches him and LAURA WALKS IN!! woot!! Says that Sonny is going to leave Esme alone-- and she can move. Esme pleads poverty but goes to tell Spencer. Laura tells Nikolas that  Esme is a scorpion and she'll poison everyone in that house. 

Trina is in the Gallery-- Rory comes in. She grabs her pepper spray. He said she left the door open and the reports might be out. She goes to get him a soda to take to his squad car.  They talk about art and Spencer walks in. He's jelly. Rory leaves. Trina tells Spencer he abandoned her when she needed him most. 

Portia and Curtis are talking about MARSHALL. SO FKINGBORING. UGH's just the entire story about his file and how Curtis got it and...ugh. 


Carly calls Michael and tells him to get here asap..she's going to tell him about Harmony. 

Harmony is wheeled in.. Sam: Gasps. Carly: Gasps...Alexis: Gasps.. Amy "That's Willow's mother"!! Gasp. AHHAHHAA. OMG.  Willow walks in. Talks about seeing her MOTHER..MOM MOM...Carly's like Um...

Harmony goes into the OR

Sasha comes into GH just as Willow asks who could have done this to her mommy

Reporter guy calls Smatlz 


  1. kd says:"Portia and Curtis are talking about MARSHALL. SO FKINGBORING. UGH" OMG. I know. You think they could have given the their screen time some other way. So sick of rehashing things we don't want to hear anyway.

    Sasha was so on point today in her grief and her fear. And don't get me started on so called reporters who have the run of the place nowadays. So much for "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" ....the unalienable rights which the Declaration says have been given to all.

    That being said Gladys is definitely winning me over as the mother in law these days. She's protecting Sasha as if she were her own.

    Cut scene with trina and Rory. lol She thought he was stalking her...hehe I'm glad he explained because I was beginning to wonder myself.

    I guess they'll drag out giving Willow the news till next week- may sweeps and all.

    1. That should be cute

    2. "Di says, That should be cute"

      Hahaha. I was thinking you didn't like the scene and want it cut! ROFL!

  2. This Marshall crap is getting very annoying, not to mention the complete waste of Portia and Curtis.
    Loved Gladys and Sasha today.
    What's with wardrobe on GH. Esme...either a schoolgirl, hooker or old lady(today).
    Today is NLG's birthday and she is back on the set.

    1. "Zazu: What's with wardrobe on GH. Esme...either a schoolgirl, hooker or old lady(today)."

      Hahahahahaha! *Dead*

    2. I was thinking that she was wearing my Nanny's blouse. lol

    3. Forgot to mention what a hard working nurse Willow is. LOL

    4. Ha! yeah forgot about that

  3. There were so many funny one liners today! :)

    The cliff accident:

    Sasha and Gladys: SASHA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! YOU DON'T JUST TURN OVER SOMEONE WHO JUST GOT HIT BY A CAR!!!! WHAT ARE YOU STUPID?! When she screamed that she can't do it anymore, that's some great acting! And her attacking that reporter, She has got to win an emmy!

    Sasha, Gladys, and the reporter: Man I was wondering if this reporter guy was going to take pictures. He did! This reporter guy is disgusting!

    911 guy, Sasha, and Gladys:

    911 guy: Nice job keeping her alive.

    Reporter: Isn't she great?


    Sasha and Dante: SASHA STOP TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean even Dante had to remind her!!

    Sasha, Gladys, Dante, and the reporter. The reporter wins the line of the day.

    Reporter: I'm bleeding, she's insane.


    The Savoy:

    Purtis: Did they really have to talk the whole hour about Mr. Hat guy? COME ON!

    Metrocourt lounge: On my tv info it said it's the metrocourt gardens. Oooooo I like that. :)

    Mildew and Dante: Oh The McJudgesons and Sante were going to have a double date? Oh how nice. Oh yes Dante, you gotta stay out of Michael and Sonny's problem, or Michael might turn on you!

    Michael and Dante: Oh that's nice that Willow left so that Michael and Dante can have a moment. She is a good stepford wife. ROFL!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Cop Rory and Trina: Oh they are a flirten. :) I'm glad Trina still has her pepper spray!

    Cop Rory: You can call me Rory.

    Hahahahaha! Cop Rory was making me laugh and I told him I see you!!!! :) With all the talk about museums, I thought Cop Rory was going to ask her out on a date to a museum. :) All she had to drink for him was water. It's okay. Water is good for him. :) Oh hello Spencer. Spencer is jelly!

    Spencer and Trina: Trina is dragging him again! YEAHHHHH GOOD GIRL! :)

    Wyndemere: When Nik was flipping over the table, was that real anger or was he faking it? Hmmm.

    Vampira and Spence: Spence is so cold to her! :) She is going to need a blanket! Or the Tribbles. :)

    Vampira and Nik: Oooooo Nik was looking at her lips!!!!! :)

    Vampira, Nik, and Laura: Oh yes Vampira you are freeeee now!

    Nik: Well, let's not be too hasty.

    Hahahahaha. Nik don't want Vampira to leave! :) Vampira talking about not having her trust fund yet. Oh please Vampira! Just admit you are 30 years old and already have your trust fund! :)

    Laura and Nik:

    Laura: She is manipulative.

    Oh look at her hand when she says that. She has turned Italian! ROFL!

    Laura: Seems to me you should be consoling your wife.


    Laura: When did you become the optimist?


    The hospital: Utter chaos! I'm surprised that Carly stayed at the hospital! I thought she would have left to go find The Judgersons! I'm glad Carly and TempRecast Alexis are okay! Looks like Willow is about to faint.

    The reporter's room: With that Reporter's facial expressions, he looks like Jim Carrey! If they show him more, I will call him that. He calls Poptart Smalls? Are they besties? Lovas? Do they have Tribbles?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to watch Liz slap people. :) My favorite slap of hers, when she slapped Kung Fo Barbie. :)

    1. I loved how Dante mocked the reporter over his little bobo and the nurse laughed when she handed him a bandaid. I wonder if it was a decorated one for the kiddies. lol

      And if the victim is not breathing and the ambulance is more than 20 minutes away, you have to make a choice: let her die or brace her head while someone turns her over carefully. (Depending how you feel about her living or dying...she did the right thing.)

      As for Rory...hehe I see him too.

    2. "Di says I loved how Dante mocked the reporter over his little bobo and the nurse laughed when she handed him a bandaid."

      Hahaha! Yeah it was great! :)

      "I wonder if it was a decorated one for the kiddies. lol"


      "And if the victim is not breathing and the ambulance is more than 20 minutes away, you have to make a choice: let her die or brace her head while someone turns her over carefully. (Depending how you feel about her living or dying...she did the right thing.)"

      Ohhhh. So it's okay to move the person if the victim is not breathing.. I didn't know that. Well thank you! :)

      "As for Rory...hehe I see him too."

      Hahahaha! We see you Rory! 00 00


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...