Friday, April 8, 2022

Dinner with the Family

Well, it's that time again. The WubQueen needs a day off (relaxing her brain from all that Wordle?) and I am filling in with filler. Today is the blog for Wed March 30th, so do the usual and leave comments below. Also, I am doing a very informal poll. You "might" have to be of a certain age to participate. So, here it goes...

When you were younger, did you:

Now, I am going to try my best to do this without looking up on the internet. We grew up with a Sizzler and a Ground Round in the neighborhood. Although, I have been to a Ponderosa. It seemed like NJ had Sizzlers and PA had Ponderosas. Family would go out on a Saturday night about once a month. I remember Sizzler having one of the first salad bars I ever saw in a restaurant and wanted none of it. I believe there was a big light-up board with photos of the menu and you just picked what picture you wanted and they gave you a cafeteria tray with a plastic table tent with a number corresponding with your meal and it was color coded based on how well-done you wanted your steak. Then they brought your meal to your table. 

I was too young to understand or appreciate a salad bar.
What I wouldn't give to be around one now!

I preferred the Ground Round. Karen remembers there was free peanuts and throwing shells on the floor. Mine had popcorn. Really over-salted popcorn. For those of you too young to remember, there was a time when they didnt have free refills on drinks. (We lived in tragic times). So you went out and had to ration your soda. But the popcorn was super salty to get people to buy more drinks. My mom used to tell me to watch my soda or else get a water, which a 10 yr old in the 70s didn't want.

I always got the Ground Rounder Platter. I cant remember what was on it, but I remember the name. I think it was a hamburger without the bun or something like that and fries. Something basic. 

These restaurants are still around. Few and far between. Was this a family go-to place when you were younger? Do any still exist in your neighborhood?

(Sizzler has 107 locations in 10 states)
(Ponderosa has 75 locations)
(Ground Round has 15 locations)

Karen CHIMING IN!! Yes, I loved Ground Round. My Dad and Mom would take us to Buffalo (100 miles, nearest city to our tiny town) and we'd catch a movie then eat there. LOVED the peanuts. FREE!! I do remember the salad bar at the Ponderosa and the thrill of getting a steak "out".  Almost every place had a giant salad bar if it was 'upscale' -- even local joints. That's where my love of Blue Cheese dressing developed.  PS I have never been to a Sizzler!! Now I must find one. 

I'll mention one more: Howard Johnson's. This was our "vacation" eatery. Seemed wherever you traveled to, there was a HoJo's just off the turnpike or interstate.  Fried Clam Strips. OMG. SO GOOD!! 


  1. This. Is Dave sorry for typo his was orig schedule for last weds this is indeed the blog for Friday April 8 so chat away wubbers

  2. Ponderosa was our regular "splurge" and that was with a coupon. Sirloin tips and all you can eat salad bar= happy me.

  3. Ground Round was all we had in out state. MIGHT have gone once. Not sure. We don't really have salad bar places in NH.

  4. We had Howard Johnson. Never went. We didn't eat out much.

  5. We had Arthur Treachers Fish and Chips. Pretty good fried fish of all kinds.

    1. Did go to Ponderosa and Sizzler in Florida as an adult in the 80s

  6. Ryan's and Golden Corral. Although, my grandmother loved Morrison's

  7. Another one was Shoney's or Jerry's. Great Breakfast Buffet.

  8. at least the words were spoken today----Willow AND Nelle are Nina's twins......sure, they are completing changing history.........
    Willow is now Wiley's aunt...........
    I thought of this last night-----Esme is a great new character and isn't going away, so I bet Trina is found not guilty but Esme will never be found guilty.....otherwise, Esme would have to be found guilty and go to jail---------even if Victor got her off, she would have to spend SOME time in jail...

  9. French Polynesia:

    Anna and Felicia: Anna and Felicia both look great! :)

    Felicia: Well, Luke was my friend.

    Oh I'm so glad that's all Felicia said. Thank you writers.

    Anna and WSB agent: Glad this guy gave in to Anna! He needs all the help he can get!

    Jennifer's room:

    Jennifer and Submarine Capitan: Oh! They kissed!!! :) That was strange why did the camera pan to the water when they kissed? OH ANNA IS THERE!!! :) Submarine Capitan ran out! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jennifer, Anna, and other WSB men: WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD UP! So V.C. stole the ice princess and set Jennifer up?! ROFL! How did he get the ice princess? Unless he gave Jennifer a fake one! Hmmmmmm. Oh she is arrested! HAHAHAHAHA. Shut up Jennifer and get a lawyer!!

    French Polynesia: Felicia sees the Capitan? I guess not. She is very curious!

    Anna and Felicia: While they are talking, V.C. is there hiding! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! While they are talking about the Capitan! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh he took off his fake mustache and ran off! :) Oh V.C. you slay me. :)

    Port Chuckles:

    The Savoy:

    Naketa and Curtis: HI NAKETA!!! :) Oh oh Ms. Wu is here and Curtis wants Naketa to leave.

    Curtis and Ms. Wu: WHOA! LOOK AT ALL THAT MONAY!!! :) They have a deal?!!?! YAY!!! Well just as long as Ms. Wu help him with Mr. Hat man. :)

    *Curtis and Ms. Wu shake on it while Nina sees* RA RO!

    Curtis and Nina: Nina! Don't ruin this for him!!! :) I want a gambling room!!! :) I love their friendship. :) Great scene though.

    Purtis's home:

    Mr. Hat man and Trina: Great scene. :) WAIT NO TRINA! DON'T YOU DARE GO BACK AND SAY YOU ARE GUILTY! NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Mr. Hat man is giving her advice hmmmm. Hi Portia! :) Hi Curtis!! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Hmmmm Willow is tired again!

    Willow and Gee everyone has long flowing summer dresses. :) I like how all the women are dressed. Oh oh Brendan texted!!!

    The pier: and Brendon: OH BRENDON THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Great scene.. Damn I don't want her to be bad.. *Sigh* I guess she will have to kill him. Maybe the Tribbles can help.

    Sonny's fake Italian restaurant:

    Sonny, Sonny's protection guy, and Scotty: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: You go and do some squats!


    Sonny and Scotty: Great scene. :) Sonny you have underestimated Scotty! :) Get what he deserves? What does that mean Sonny?

    Flashback Friday: *Goes to my time machine to go to 1998* Mac talks to Tony at the police station.

    1. "Felicia: Well, Luke was my friend.

      Oh I'm so glad that's all Felicia said. Thank you writers."

      LOL... yes, agree!

    2. "Kevin says, LOL... yes, agree!"

      ROFL! *High five* :)

  10. My dad loved Sizzler in FL. Only went to Ground Round once when a friend passed and his memorial service was oddly held there.
    Twins. Oy. Nelle just has to come back now. Willow is looking different.
    Anna and Felicia do look lovely.

  11. Hmm... was Madeline killed while eharmony was in prison? I don't like this twin rewrite or writing harmony into a corner but Madeline's death was always suspiciously a loose end...

    1. "Flutterby says, Hmm... was Madeline killed while eharmony was in prison?"

      eharmony! ROFL! Great question!!! And hey I know you! ROFL! I have seen you on twitter! :)

      "I don't like this twin rewrite"

      I don't think it's a rewrite. It's just been a secret! I had a feeling that Willow is Nina's daughter. Then thought Nelle and Willow were twins.

      "or writing harmony into a corner"

      Yeah me too. :(

      "but Madeline's death was always suspiciously a loose end..."

      It was!!!!!

  12. Is Valentin protecting Victor? I am confused

    1. What is Valentin up to? And, why is he not working with Anna? I am so confused as to why he's planted the ice princess on Jennifer Smith.

  13. "The WubQueen needs a day off (relaxing her brain from all that Wordle?)"

    ROFL! Do you play Wordle Dave? :) Anyway I remember Ponderosa!!! The ground round sounds so familiar!

    1. i do wordle, the one with 6 letters, and the 4-play quordle.

    2. "david says, i do wordle, the one with 6 letters, and the 4-play quordle."

      Cool!!!! :) I do wordle too. :)

  14. it was very confusing - I think he is trying to get back at Victor but it did look like he's working with him.

  15. my guess is valentin planted a fake ice princess to go against victor frame somehow he found out victor was going to plant evidence and tipped off the WSB not sure why he is doing this behind anna's back

  16. by the way, Nelle's body was never found...

    1. im shocked. omg if only you can see the shocked look on my face right now.....


    2. That way Nelle can survive her fall from the cliff

    3. So Nina had twins when she was in a coma?

    4. yes in the WRITERS minds as they REWRITE history!

    5. Good grief. The woman was in a coma. Her pregnancy would have been carefully monitored, including having ultrasounds. They'd know if she was having twins. And the nurse who worked for her would have been well aware of that fact too. This whole storyline is stupid. ( and lazy)

      It woild have made more sense to be if the other woman who was there at the same time had a baby too and that one was given away to become Nelle. DEAD NELLE. No relation to Willow. Harmony was given Willow.

  17. How long has Charles Shannessey been on GH now. I hope this isn't true but read where he said he's going to be on GH for 6 months. Oh I hope he stays. He's great as Victor.

  18. Where did the Captain hide the diamond before placing it in the safe ?

    1. ...with the rest of the family jewels? hehe

    2. "Di says, with the rest of the family jewels? hehe"

      Hahahahahahaha. Good one. :)

  19. Didn't Harmony kill Neil ? What's happening with that ?

  20. I think Harmony will kill Brendan. She looks desperate.

  21. did victor kill hayden's mother ? or is that forgotten

    1. Oh ya, I think Victor did kill Hayden's mother didn't he?

    2. do you know why he killed her?

    3. There were spoilers and speculation that said they thought he killed her but as far as I know the killer was an unknown man.

    4. I don't know why GH just drops things like that? Why would they have a rando person kill Hayden's mother? Stuff like that gets dropped. Maybe it gets picked up again 2 years later like Neil's death when no one really cares after they don't do anything for 2 YEARS.


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...